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Everything posted by Alfonse

  1. I will be there.
  2. I am going to do the autocross at Evergreen Speedway the 23rd of this month with my S3. Will be at the Cascade Sports Car Club track day in Portland on June 19th too. Love to see other 7s at these things.
  3. It was postponed until August. There are lots of options for track days. I am not difficult to convince to go.
  4. There are a couple of seven owners who participate in the Team Continental track events at ORP. When I go down, that makes 3. If you go, that would make 4. The next event is https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/team-continental-track-time-trials-hpde-oregon-raceway-park-tc-321952 The other guys are out of Oregon. It doesn't take much longer to get to Oregon Raceway Park than the other nearest tracks for me. It is a fun track and they are a safe, low-key group.
  5. For anyone who might need them, the boots Tom recommended, and that worked great on both sides (they are different) are the [h=2]Steering - Rack and Pinion Bellows | 03670 - Dorman Products[/h]
  6. I replaced the boots on mine this winter. Tom Carlin found a universal set that fits great. Let me, or probably Tom, know if you need the part number.
  7. I already changed the motor oil. I'll pull the aero off the back and change the diff fluid, then the tranny fluid. I bleed the brakes every spring before the first track day. So, just the diff and tranny fluid aren't annual items. My T9 has both a drain and fill provision, so pretty easy.
  8. I run DT 40, which is a 5w 40 synthetic. I have a catch can and the Birkin wet sump. Oil pressure runs over 60 psi on track. I have redline set at 7500 rpm and the shift light comes on at 7250. I don't collect much in the catch can on a track day.
  9. If I go below 18 psi, the rears wear only on the outside and the outer edges of the rear tires get chewed up on the track. I started at 20, and 18 seems to be the lowest that works for me on 15 inch rims. I have a Birkin without IRS. The tires get plenty of heat into them.
  10. I find mileage depends on how you drive it. I have a 2 liter Zetec, ITBs, Emerald ECU, stage 3 cam,and I can go through half the tank in 20 minutes at a track day, or about 5 gallons. If I drive it in a less spirited manner, I might get 20 MPG, but what is the point of driving it if I just putt around? So, the 20 mpg is more theoretical than something I've verified.
  11. I have zippers. They work fine and make entry and egress much easier.
  12. I had seen those, but didn't know they had a retrofit kit for existing trailers. Thanks for sharing.
  13. If it is from the 1980s, it isn't a Duratec. I would assume a SOHC Pinto type engine?
  14. I was sort of taken with the look of the cast valve cover for the Zetec. But, when I priced it out, the cost exceeded how much the look is worth to me. Yeah, nice looking Seven.
  15. I would be up for that.
  16. I've been told that billet oil pump gears are important for Zetecs that are used at high rpm. Mine has them and seems to hold oil pressure well.
  17. I don't know that they want higher oil temperatures than anything else. With the oil cooler, I did find my oil temperatures weren't getting high enough to drive out the moisture on the cooler spring and fall drives. So, that's why I put in a thermostat. It also helps the oil warm up more quickly so I can play harder with it sooner.
  18. Mine is in front of the radiator. I use a thermostat type of feed for it from the oil filter. The oil warms up about as quickly as the coolant. It seems to keep the temperatures under control even at track days in the nineties. I can check on the cooler size and see if it has markings, but it looks like this in the car: http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=14686&stc=1
  19. I jack the car up and put it on jack stands to change the oil before winter. I just leave it that way until spring. That keeps the tires from getting flat spots. My garage is heated, so the tires don't get near freezing, which Toyo says is a bad thing for the R888s.
  20. I use a K&N (HP 1002 is the part number) because it has a nut like thing welded on the bottom that makes it easier to change.
  21. I put a zipper in, on both sides, to make getting in with the half hood pretty easy. It is something like this photo from softbits for sevens that shows it on one side: http://www.softbitsforsevens.co.uk/CIMG1239.JPG
  22. I'd buy one. I looked at them years ago, visited the shop in Texas where they were made. I like the Ultralites and the few parts that aren't standard wouldn't be that difficult to fabricate. The internet is your friend on figuring out what most of the parts are. I just wear helmets when out on the highway or track. For cruising into town for coffee, a hat, ear plugs and sunglasses are fine.
  23. I can't answer the WCM questions, but will say wearing a helmet in a Seven can be a good idea.
  24. That is a great looking 7! Great color combination and love the instruments. That tach with shift lights is cool.
  25. That is a great looking Ultralite and your photography is exceptional as well. GLWS.
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