300 miles a day in my Birkin made my back sore just reading about it. We do have some fun roads in the Lake Chelan area, with some twisty roads without much traffic.
I sometimes go from Chelan to Ephrata, going up McNeil Canyon and following the twisties to Ephrata for lunch. Then, I can come back through Waterville and Orondo for a loop that is about an hour longer than is really fun in my little car. There is another loop through Twisp through Loup Loup pass and back down highway 97. Back roads can be taken to Leavenworth, Plain and the like as well. The weather is also pretty reliable in the summer, although it can get a bit warm later in the day.
Anyway, I would be happy to host and organize one base at Lake Chelan.
I would find a way to get to a track day somewhere in the NW with others as well.