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Everything posted by xflow7

  1. I have a pair of the SPA Saloon sized mirrors (flat lens) that are surplus to requirements. These are not the really small Formula mirrors (I have those on my car), so they are a little larger, but some people prefer the extra visibility. They are not carbon, but are black plastic. PM me if interested. Dave
  2. I don't have any ideas on location, but thought I'd mention one other thing. You may well already be aware, but given that your car is largely for street use, you will almost definitely also want to fit a thermostatic bypass in the feed to the oil cooler so that the oil will come up to temperature properly in cold weather / plodding around.
  3. My car branded! http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/2012774501_Branded 003_crop.jpg
  4. Hardly believable, is it? While I occasionally thought he badgered guests a tad more than necessary, he was clearly very insightful, very bright, and willing to ask real questions and expect real answers. A real loss, I think.
  5. Thanks for all the congrats, fellas! Looking forward to a blatastic summer. :7fume:
  6. Well, first of all a brief celebration: After a 9 month ordeal my car is now, FINALLY, fully legally registered in NY as of Thursday! :cheers: :cheers: Appropriately, I broke 10,000 miles yesterday after driving up to The Glen on Friday and then over to Ithaca, and back yesterday afternoon. Yay!
  7. You should thank UPS, not me. Anyway, glad you received it okay and that it works out for you. Cheers! Dave
  8. That does sound low to me too, Robert. However, as Steve notes, senders (at least on Caterhams) are notorious. I had a standard lobe pump on my engine originally and would have similar pressure to what Steve quotes from Wallage. I ended up fitting a high pressure pump and now have ~2.5-3 bar warm and at speed. I think I still have the original pump on my shelf. It seemed to work fine when I removed it. I'd have to make sure it hasn't gotten any crud in it while sitting for the last couple of years, but if you're interested you can have it for postage. Dave
  9. You're correct about Michigan. I lived in Ohio when I built the car, then in Michigan (during the deer encounter), and now in Binghamton. :ack:
  10. We xflow-ers can brag, too. It just tends not to be about speed. More about sound, smell, and ability to support the Motor Oil industry. :ack:
  11. Hi Jack, I missed Indy 2004, but I was at the gathering in 2005, which I think was actually the first year at Young's house. I remember because that was the gathering I was driving back to the hotel from when I had my deer encounter on I-69 (followed by Michelin fiasco the next day. Bad Memories!). Anyway, I also hope to catch you again at some event or other. Indy's a bit trickier with my car now since I live in Binghamton, but you never know. I'd love to make it to LOG, but it's a busy summer, so not sure. Dave
  12. Robert, Out of curiosity, what kind of oil pressure are you seeing? Dave
  13. I remember that night! The car on the end next to Cherik's is mine. That was a fun evening! Brent also had a lovely 11 tucked away in that garage. I remember meeting you, Jack, but I guess I had forgotten that John V. was also there that evening. Thanks for posting that picture (was my desktop background for a couple of years); good memories. Dave
  14. :hurray: What a pleasure to meet everyone on Saturday! I think the only person I'd met before was Al, so it was great to put so many more names/nicknames/avatars with faces. That's not to mention all the great looking Sevens! Nice turnout from the bare ali/green fender brigade! :jester: Though not optimal, the weather really didn't turn out to be a problem for me. Cold and foggy on the way down (but not wet) mild rain while camping Saturday night and only light showers on the way back up. Kept thinking about putting the top back down on Sunday, but figured as soon as I did it would start dumping. Anyway, thanks to the club organizers for putting together a great event and building the club. Over 700 forum members now is astonishing. Looking forward to seeing many of you again and events in the future. Dave
  15. FYI to anyone arriving late tonight. I just got off the phone with Carlisle and the indication I got was that you must be there prior to 7pm in order to get into the fairground/campgrounds. I won't make that, so I think I'm going to drive down tomorrow instead (and because I just got home from London an hour ago!) I PM's Robert. Hope he gets it before he's on his way and doesn't have a nasty surprise.
  16. You absolutely can! In fact, you can drive it in the rain when it's 40 degrees out and you have the flu...from Indianapolis to Ann Arbor. Ask me how I know. (Okay, true that *particular* drive was really unpleasant, but I've driven loads of times in rainy weather with no top and short of torrential rain it's really not unbearable)
  17. Someone has to vote for local fare. But I'll be happy anywhere there are other Seveners. I'll most likely be 1.
  18. That's a tricky one on early Caterhams. It's pretty much under the dashboard (you can see the shift boot stuck up under there in a couple of the shots). I believe this placed the shifter directly over the end of the tail-shaft on the old 4-speed gearboxes. Later Caterhams with the Type 9 have the shifter in a amore sane location with that 'box's longer tail shaft. In the later chassis, 4-spd fitments got a linkage between the shifter and the tailshaft. Edit: It's also possible this car has an even goofier arrangement given the somewhat non-standard drivetrain.
  19. It's not that the information is wrong; just incomplete. By the sounds of it, the seller is not a Seven expert and just kind of "came into" this car.
  20. xflow7


    Glad she got canned. This kind of thing pisses me off so much. I have seen some of the *worst* driving behavior by officers in marked cars.
  21. Yeah, but there's also clearly a front A-arm pick up just above and outboard of the anti-roll bar block. As far as I am aware, Caterham did not introduce a top A-arm until several years into the DeDion chassis production. And the details of this installation look somewhat different from the version Caterham ultimately introduced, so I don't think it's a Caterham retrofit.
  22. Also looks to me like the front suspension is modified with some kind of forward link for the upper control arm. Hard to see the details, but I'm not aware of Caterham offering anything other than the traditional top-link arrangement until sometime in the late 80's/early 90's. Not necessarily a bad thing, but would be interesting to know the details of the modification.
  23. Congrats Morgan! I've seen Orange and she is beautiful; don't think you'll be disappointed.
  24. xflow7

    Clever plates

    Another one was a friend of mine's (oddly enough on an Eagle Talon; clone of Mitsu Eclipse) which was KRALLE = German for TALON
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