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Everything posted by HOTTTCAR

  1. Can you imagine what another 100ft/lbs of torque would do to that incredible little car. My God!! The Porsche would be in his mirror on the first straight and gone. Jeez my knuckles are white and i better take another blood pressure pill.
  2. Ken, Ken I am on your side. I was agreeing with you. A Stalker is not a good daily driver for me either. I was listing the things that we are doing to our car to make it an acceptable daily driver just for us. Like you my daily driver is a Vett but would prefer to drive a Stalker more often when the weather is not perfect. I love the violent acceleration and handling of a race car but don't like getting drenched on a blat....Must b getting old. O you can now buy a factory kit that accepts LS engine. Thanks to customer requests. Gale
  3. It was "quick" up to about 70 mph, where the aerodynamics (or lack of) kicked in. On the downside, they are cramped, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, wet in the rain, and windy all the time. I installed an intercom system so I could talk to my passengers, that's how loud they are at any speed. Daily driver... I think it would be nuts!!! Ken Edney Chandler, AZ Stalker as a daily driver? A Stalker is race car. How do you make the fastest/ best handling car you have ever driven into a daily driver without losing the qualities that you love about it . Or how do you turn your favorite TOY into your daily driver and still b comfortable in all weather. This may b the way.. at least it’s my idea of a good time. Buy a Stalker kit … Reliable… Simple… Proven fast… uses Cheap easy to find American Parts Now to satisfy daily driver requirements EASE OF ENTRY/ EGRES Change the full roll bar setup so you don’t have to climb thru the bars…but without doors you will still have to step over the side to get in. OVER 80 PERFORMANCE ------ Install an LS7/TKO600 ( fits easily) AERODYNAMIC IMPROVEMENT---- Build a removable hard top/ T top with windows NOISE------ Buy or build a muffler system to quiet the exhaust down…add sound dampening on the back of all aluminum panels. WEATHER COMFORT---- Install heat and AC STORAGE SPACE------ Build a trunk and a glove box LONG DISTANCE DRIVING ---- Install very comfortable padded seats THAT SHOULD GET YOU MOST OF THE WAY THERE. Jeez the weight went up by 200 lbs. Now I won’t be able to bring a passenger or maybe it will still handle like it did with a passenger which is definitely ok. Gale
  4. "Build it" ....workin on it....... but a 7 is difficult to make aerodynamic.
  5. Lana and I are in. Sounds like a blast. We should have our car finished by then.
  6. Toyo r888s just put 235-18s on the front and 305-19s on the back but had to build new fenders.
  7. Did an "Atom experience" at the Cresson track a while ago. Love your car.
  8. Eddie Do you have the new V8 car? Gale
  9. Trade them all in for a c6 zo6. Best bargin available. Faster than most cars on the road + 30 mpg at 55 if u can keep your foot out of it. Great daily driver. Disadvantage....you can't get in a convertible.
  10. Got used to Ra1s...... then tried a set Nittos......scary... tire spin in 4th gear. Once you get used to Ra1 traction, going to a harder tire really changes the way you can drive. Went back to Ra1s. Have been told by two friends that are on 888s that they are as good as Ra1s so will try them next time.
  11. The cost had not been determined as of yesterday but one of the organizers George said the costs would be similar to last year.....looked up the cost for last year: This is what i found from last year, 2010. Fri May 7 Track Day $35 for each 30-min session (ex: 4 x 35 = $140) Sat May 8 Track Day 6 20-min sessions, probably $175 Sun May 9 Tour Day 1 overnight Mon May 10 Tour Day 2 return to Cresson The "overhead" ($50) will pay for box lunches Fri & Sat; group photo; bottled water at the track; color tour route maps
  12. John and Denise are coming also...talked to him a couple of days ago. Don't know if our car will be ready in time. The fiberglass work is taking longer than i expected. We may get it to the point we can bring it but it won't be finished. If not we will bring Joe's car again. It will b great to get Kevin and John on the track togather again. That should b a race. Gale
  13. OK. So did i. Sorry the "Southwest Atoms festival" lost me..... thought it was like the annual one at Hallet. See you there! John's bringing his V-8 7 Yours ready? Gale
  14. Loren I couldn't find it on their calander. Do you know which weekend it is scheduled for. Gale
  15. That is why i decided to put an LS7 in my Stalker. Last year I drove Johns car and found that stomping it at 60 mph did not appear to cause any wheel spin but instead it just hooks up and launches you. The car feels very solid and smooth and the tork is astounding, but it definitly could handle more hp. I don't think i have ever driven a car with enough Hp. I would like to have that experience once. The Stalker we built for my son is an amazingly fast machine. Joe turned in the third fastest time (road course) at run n gun last year. At first it is exciting and fun but after a few days on the track you get used to driving it like any thing else. Don't get me wrong it's still fun but you are comfortable with it. But when the first race prepared Viper passes you on the straight ......you need more HP. Hope to have the Ls7 Stalker version done in a couple of months. Will let you know if it has enough HP. Curious http://www471.pair.com/stalkerv/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=17282
  16. Lana and I will be there. But the stalker is not allowed on the plane. Sorry Gale
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