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Skip, sorry to hear about the health problems :(




Thanks slngsht.




It is mostly under control and as long as I have the supplemental oxygen, I am pretty much back to normal.




I have even driven on the track in the Miata with my portable liquid oxygen tank strapped in the passenger seat. Another track day coming up this weekend at Pueblo. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/hurray.gif







I have even driven on the track in the Miata with my portable liquid oxygen tank strapped in the passenger seat. Another track day coming up this weekend at Pueblo. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/hurray.gif








http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/rofl.gif THAT's dedication http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/thumbsup.gif


Skip-Great to see you here. Since I'm one of Rex's customers too, I think we're officially related or something. Best of luck with your health. Looking forward to meeting you.-Al Navarro


I think you already know that I am a respiratory therapist by trade and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I guess if I don't know by now I never will. I never saw a seven before until the hubby brought one home one day http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/willy_nilly.gif . As you can tell, I am a really understanding wife and he should be really appreciative. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/rofl.gif


I think you already know that I am a respiratory therapist by trade and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I guess if I don't know by now I never will. I never saw a seven before until the hubby brought one home one day http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/willy_nilly.gif . As you can tell, I am a really understanding wife and he should be really appreciative. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/rofl.gif




Mrs. Slngsht has joined the party http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/hurray.gif


Just joined the list today. Enjoyed reading the member profiles. I am from Texas I have been a firefighter/paramedic for the last 11 years and run a few small business on the side. I was in the Air Force for 4 years. Then went to work for Ford Aerospace later bought out by Loral Aeropsace for 6 years. I enjoy building cars of all kinds mostly hot rods until I found the 7. Since then, sold all my hot rods and built an Ultrlite S2K. Just started driving on road coarse events in January of 06. Since have competed in Cannonball Run 1 Lap of America, numerous DE weekends, and Run and Gun 2006. We are preparing for 2007 Cannonball, Dragon 7/7/07, Fireball Run from Florida to California.


WT2K-Welcome! You joined at a great time (IMHO), there really seems to be momentum here and for our little cars in general. Or maybe I still feel the momentum from my ride by guest driver Mazda. I would highly encourage everyone to check out the TotD Recon thread as well as the TotD thread in the Events section.




There are so many new folks here now...would be great to know a little more about everyone. We don't bite (just ask Marcy and Bill P.)!

I think you already know that I am a respiratory therapist by trade ...




Welcome GailE! Well you know that us ER physicians have the greatest respect for RTs! The magic that you do to bring patients with Asthma and COPD back from the brink is amazing!




Rob Mitchell






Welcome to the USA7s forum. It was great being with you at Run & Gun 2006, you should tell these guys how many trophies you won http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/hurray.gif




I will see you at 7/7/07. What the heck is Fireball Run from Florida to California?? Is that another 4,000 mile run in a week? http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/ack2.gif


Follow the link and check it out. It is more about having a good time with a bunch of nuts than winning.   It is like a scavenger hunt on a large scale with race tracks thrown in for bonus points. 4000 miles in 9 days. Not as grueling as the Cannonball. The Cannonball will be 5080 miles with 18 racing events in 7 days for 2007. I am tired just thinking about it.








Edit: Fixed the linkslngsht2006-11-05 21:26:17


  That introduced me to therapists who introduced me to my current field (for the last 30 years or so).  I am a clinical Prosthetist Orthotist (artificial limbs and braces), and still love it every day.  I've got people falling all over themselves to see me, even though some of 'em don't have a leg to stand on


http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/coolgleamA.gif Maybe you know my brother, Ivan Long?


Del Long




I work in the tech sector on the business development/marketing side of the house. Not very thrilling stuff, but it pays for my blatting addiction.




I’ve been a fan of the Seven since I was a little kid and kind of fell into my Westfield ownership. The consulting firm where I worked had just hired a new Exec VP to start our California office. During an introductory, get-to-know-ya e-mail thread between us, I discovered that he had recently bought the Westfield that had appeared in the March ’96 issue of Road & Track. I was impressed that he owned such a unique car and he was impressed that I actually knew what it was, so a friendship was born. I began managing some of his projects and drove/thrashed the Westfield whenever I was in town for meetings. When it finally came time for him to part ways with the car, he made me an offer I couldn't refuse.




After I had the Westfield for about 2 years, someone backed into it in a parking lot which shattered the nosecone. That shouldn’t have been a big deal, but the color formula had changed since my car was manufactured (Cadmium, a key component, had subsequently been deemed a hazardous substance) and so a replacement nose cone would not match. I fought the insurance company for a full rebody and eventually won. I then spent the next 18 months radically transforming the car.   Virtually every component was replaced with lighter, more performance oriented components. The result was a weight reduction of 165lb. and a power increase of more than 50% (and soon to go up by another 30hp http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/smile5.gif ). Although technically I have only owned one se7en, the difference between the car today and when I first bought it is so dramatic, that I feel that I have been fortunate enough to own two examples of the breed.   




Last year my wife and I joined about 50-60 other se7en owners on the USA 2005 tour of the Western US. 4000 miles in 2 weeks. What a blast!




For the masochists and truly bored among you, I have a very outdated website >here.






JohnCh2006-11-14 19:52:44


Tons of new forum members but no recent updates to this thread?




Also, a reminder that technically (assuming every registered enthusiast comes to the event) there are only 4 LSiS slots left for the 7-7-7 event next July at Tail of the Dragon (75-1 Elise=74...with a cap at 77.7 cars, rounded up) http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/wink5.gif


Recently joined the group due to encouragement from Al N et al from se7ens.net.


After deciding I needed a Se7en in 1973 I finally got to the point in life I could; so I purchased an S3 kit from Chris at Sevens & Elans a year ago (11/05), picked it up in a U-Haul in Boston and hauled it back to Minnesota. Construction began New Year's Day, engine was started and car was driven for the first time on Memorial Day. My first drive (or ride)in a se7en (to that point I had only seen them as race cars and sat in one Chris had in a trailer).


Having been crew chief for Paul Brand's EP National Champ MGB in the early 80's, a lifelong serious motorhead and as an R&D Engineer working on everything from M1 tanks to semiconductor processing equipmnent and plastic disposable medical devices the build was pretty straight forward.


After driving the car around the block 3 times on Memorial Day it was put into a trailer and hauled out to Lime Rock Park for a drivers school. What a surprise to my ride along instructor Gary after encouraging me to take it to 110 on the front straight when afterwards he saw the odometer showed all of 22 miles. First thing out of his mouth was "the car was rock solid".


As soon as I can figure out how to post a picture to share I will pass on a photo of "cool blue" (71 Vega Mediteranian Blue).


Tons of new forum members but no recent updates to this thread?




Also, a reminder that technically (assuming every registered enthusiast comes to the event) there are only 4 LSiS slots left for the 7-7-7 event next July at Tail of the Dragon (75-1 Elise=74...with a cap at 77.7 cars, rounded up) http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/images/emoticons/wink5.gif




But now we are working on seven hundred seventy seven, a nice round number.locostv82006-11-14 21:17:12


I'm a new member, and live in Anchorage, Alaska, which has been home since Uncle Sam sent me up here from Colorado in 1967. I am probably one of the very few pre-baby boomer members (born 1943). I've subscribed to Road & Track magazine since August 1958 (and I still have every issue since then!).   I first noticed the Lotus Seven when R&T tested the Seven America in September 1962 (subtitled, "What is it, daddy? It's a kit car, son"). I've wanted one ever since (going on 45 years now) -- but apparently not badly enough to actually do something about it, except to collect nearly every photo and scrap of info on the Seven that I could lay hands on, over the last four decades. I did visit the original Caterham "factory" (if it could be called that) in Caterham-on-the-Hill, UK, in 1985, just before they moved to their current location.




That's all changed, as a result of a year ago September, when my Colorado friends Jeff and Bob (and Bob's Caterham Seven VX Evo) and I joined up with the Brits' "How the West was Driven 2005 Tour," for three days of touring in the high Rockies in the fall colors. (My brief write-up and some of my photos appeared in the May 2006 Low Flying). This week I hope to finalize my order for a Caterham Classic/Duratc 2.3 with Ben at Rocky Mountain in Denver. My plans are to have it assembled and shaken down in time to join the West Coast 2007 Tour. I'm presently coordinating with my two adult sons (who live in Charlottesville, VA and Los Angeles) to join me for parts of the 2007 Tour.




When one gets to be of a certain age, and goes through a number of life experiences (and faces the prospect of mortality through the unexpected departure of friends and relatives who had a lot more living to do), one realizes that if there is something one always wanted to do but just never got around to it, then time's a-wastin'!




The "car culture" in Alaska has never been large, but there are some neat, classic, and well-loved rides up here. Only one other Seven in Anchorage (that I know of), and one outside Fairbanks, Alaska -- both Caterhams.




In real life I've been a natural resources and land use attorney since 1971, and am still working for a living. My daily driver is a 2004 Audi S4 Avant (4-wheel-drive, of course!). My summer driver (stored winters) is a low-mileage 1986 Porsche 944 Turbo. My "Alaskossie" handle comes from my 1995 Ford Escort RS Cosworth 4WD rally car, which I had modified before importing it new in 1998 (through Sun International in California). It is one of about 15 street-registered examples in the US. It was enlarged to 2.4 liters and tuned to 378 hp and 435 lb/ft. of torque by Eggenberger in Switzerland, before it came over here. With studded tires, it is the perfect winter performance car for Alaska!




Sorry for the length of this post -- my turn to sit down, shut up, and listen....


Alaskossie2006-11-18 23:27:19


I'm presently coordinating with my two adult sons (who live in Charlottesville, VA and Los Angeles) to join me for parts of the 2007 Tour.





Great writeup!




If you ever drop by the east cost, look us up. I'm about 2.5 hrs from Charlottesville, and several other members are closer to, or live there.




Welcome aboard.

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