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Oh well, I find it only moderately funny. The guy may have some flaws and is surely not telling the truth about being able to deliver on a lot of promises. But, being an honest loser doesn't get you anywhere nowadays. In the current line-up he appears to me to be the least sleazy and the most intelligent guy.


I despise the whole pied piper argumentation about reducing taxes from both camps. Talking about "tax relief" no matter 95% or 100% of population when we are 11 trillion in the hole is a joke. That is like switching to a part time job when you are up to your ears in credit card debt. How the fuck are we going to pay this off? Obviously we can keep piling it up until all the collateral is gone.


As for spreading the wealth (he did not say spreading your money)....over the last decades the wealth has been un-spreading or piling up tremendously on the very tip of the economy pyramid (did somebody say greedy?). Reversing this trend and that way "spreading the wealth" does not sound like a totally bad idea to me. Without a solid middle class this country is going to lose.


Now I 've done it.....let's rather talk about cars. I will feel better when that whole election madness is over.






I thought it was very funny. I heard 70% of Americans would like to remove everyone in Congress at one time it they could.




As for spreading the wealth (he did not say spreading your money)....over the last decades the wealth has been un-spreading or piling up tremendously on the very tip of the economy pyramid (did somebody say greedy?). Reversing this trend and that way "spreading the wealth" does not sound like a totally bad idea to me. Without a solid middle class this country is going to lose.


I don't know if what you say is true historically, maybe it is. Do the top 5% own a higher percentage of assets than they did in the 1800's, 1900's, etc?


The point is that it doesn't matter. What matters is whether there is opportunity for someone who is not rich to work hard, be smart, and make it there. THAT's what's becoming more difficult, and taxing people who are making 250K, 200K, or 150K (keeps dropping) at a higher rate, does not help that situation... nor does the current state of healthcare, etc...


All that aside, would anyone vote for a guy who said this, to defend the constitution?



The the the victories and failures of the civil rights movement. And, it's litigation strategy in the court I think where succeeded was too. S formal rights. In. Previously, dispossessed people so that that I would now have the right to vote I would now be able to sit as lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it I'd be Okay. But, the supreme court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth.:eek: And, certain more basic issues of political and and and economic justice in the society and, at the that extend as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren court. It wasn't that radical. It it didn't break free from the essential constraints were placed, by the founding fathers in the constitution at least the way it has been interpreted, and more important for visits in the same way that, generally the constitution is a charter of negative liberties, that is what the states can't do to you, says the federal government can't do to you but it doesn't say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf.


I, for one, happen to like the constitution the way it is.


If raising taxes actually reduced the deficit, that'd be great. Actually it doesn't - not while spending is out of control. Furthermore, taxes are supposed to be a way for the .gov to meet its expenditure needs, not social engineering.


The above quote has some minor transcription flaws in it, because I ran it through a transcription engine. I'll be happy to post it up if you find it hard to believe a presidential candidate would actually say those words in that order. :nonod:


Do not post about politics!!!!!!!!!




Another forum I am on has gone crazy with political threads and now everyone hates on each other, it is terrible


Here's one thing that I just don't get........... all candidates like to talk about reducing our taxes. What's not to love with that? But they seem to feel that there is a disconnect with the fact that taxes are used to pay for the services that we need to keep our world working. I know that is the most basic thing but it seems that both the candidates and the populace don't get the connection between the tax we pay and the quality of the public services we have.


I personally have no issue with the amount of tax that I pay and I'd willingly pay a good bit more IF the money was used properly and efficiently. I would love to see roads with wider shoulders so I could ride my bike without taking my life in my hands when the soccer mom in the Escalade buzzes by on her cell phone. I'd love to hear that school teachers are getting rich and that the pay was high enough to attract the best there is into the teaching profession. I'd love to know that the folk out there who need medical care who can't afford it wouldn't have to show up at the ER to get routine care and then not being able to pay the bill. And most of all I'd LOVE to hear that EVERY single military vet would have the very best medical (physical and mental) health care that money can buy and that they would be able to attend the best schools that money can buy when it comes time for them to rejoin civilian society.


How anyone could disagree with the basic premise above I don't know and the only way we can achieve these noble goals is to spend money raised by taxes. So whenever I hear that folks will get huge tax cuts all I hear is that the teacher will be underpaid and the Vet will continue to get shitty health care. So until the conversation switches over to how we can waste less tax money on crap all I hear is more "someone should pay for that and it shouldn't me" entitled it's all about me BS.


We ALL need to pay....... if that's socialism I'm cool with that. I think of it as money well spent as it's invested in our future and as a basic humanitarian obligation.



I thought it was very funny. I heard 70% of Americans would like to remove everyone in Congress at one time it they could.




NOW THAT IS FUNNY.....Would I be ticketed for mowing them down...just woundering.:D :d :rofl: :rofl: opps the 7 would not make it very far due to ground clearance but my F-350 sure would.



NOW THAT IS FUNNY.....Would I be ticketed for mowing them down...just woundering.:D :d :rofl: :rofl: opps the 7 would not make it very far due to ground clearance but my F-350 sure would.


actually you need a Camry it seams.


Camry owns police car




I believe the government should guard the shores and deliver the mail, and get the hell out of my life. It's not the government's money, it's OUR money, and I want to keep it.


I suggest the way to a balanced budget is to lower the taxes on people and businesses, and to eliminate many government programs.


As to previous comments:


The Constitution and particularly the Bill of Rights is specifically a RESTRAINT of government, to prevent it's abuse of the citizens, so I too, find it very scary that a candidate feels the government needs more power or direction.


The direction is stated in the Preamble "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." The tenth amendment limits the powers with " The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people", so it is very clear that the government has all the power and direction it needs.


As to the Supreme Court not addressing the redistribution of wealth, it is not the Court's job.



Roads are financed in general by local gas taxes and local taxes, and are built by the states, and are not a Federal item unless an Interstate, so the president doesn't get involved. The Fed tax on gas is 18.4 cents per gallon. State taxes range from 8 cents in Alaska (few roads) to 44.5 cents in New York.


Teachers salaries are set by neighborhood school districts, which in the US are traditionally funded by local property taxes, so it is a LOCAL issue not a Federal issue, so the President isn't involved. If your local teachers are not doing OK, elect a school board who will give them more money, but please don't ask me for money to fix your local problem.


I can't argue with the vets getting the best care they can get. I suggest you vote for the Representative, Senator and President that are truly in sync with the veterans needs.


I also feel no resentment to those at the top of the pyramid, they either earned it or inherited it, and they pay the majority of taxes. I would love to earn or inherit a lot of money. I know I cannot inherit it, but there is opportunity to earn it.


The top 1% pay 34.3% (adjusted gross income of about $300,000 or higher)

The top 5% pay 54.4% ( AGI $150,000 or higher)

The top 10% pay 65.8% (adjusted gross income of about $95,000 or higher)

The top 25% pay 83.88% of federal income taxes (AGI $65,000 or higher)

The top 50% of income earners pay 96.5% of federal income taxes,

while the lower 50% pay just 3.5%. ( AGI $32,00 & higher)


I propose that those who make over $95,000 do NOT consume or receive 65.8% of the federal "benefits".


As to not discussing politics, while I may disagree with some of the ideas previously presented in this thread, I respect and understand that those proposing and believing in them have every right to do so. There is no reason to make an enemy of a person with an opposing view. Differences in the philosopy of government are opportunities for reasoned discussion, not for arguments or personal attacks.

As to not discussing politics, while I may disagree with some of the ideas previously presented in this thread, I respect and understand that those proposing and believing in them have every right to do so. There is no reason to make an enemy of a person with an opposing view. Differences in the philosopy of government are opportunities for reasoned discussion, not for arguments or personal attacks.


Very well put and I have to agree with your statement.:)


That is what makes this country great....individual beliefs and views.:)


1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong

3. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.

4. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

5. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.

6. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.

7. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.

9. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.

10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.


:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod:


Bob Drye wrote:

1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong

3. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.

4. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

5. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.

6. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.

7. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.

9. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.

10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.




:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :thumbs::flag:


I'd love to participate in this discussion but I'm a little right of Rush and my wife said that I'm not allowed to speak to anyone until after the election. Although it seems that those not living in Kalifornia have a good conservative bent. (although Dave's statement about socialism has me worried about Montana. :D :cheers:


God Bless America. :flag: :flag: :flag:




As a casual observer of Americans from the other side of a border, and a former California resident, I think many Americans don't like to pay taxes (seems to be this weird idiological thing with them), but still like to drive on roads etc etc. This puts them into the category of most people around the world, who feel that manna falls from heaven, and they don't actually need to worry about actually PAYING for things they use. The big, bad guverment will do that for them. Somehow. With somebody else's money.

I fear your country has been in one war too many, and somebody had better pay the piper one of these days or we're all going down with you.


That said, I like most of Bob Drye's comments. There are just different ways of arriving at that ideal.


VOTE. Doesn't matter who for.


Here's a second "foreign" observation.

I too enjoyed living for several years in a number of states in the last decade.

Learned early and often that the old saying "avoid politics and religion" is WAY TRUE down there.

Freedom of speech is wonderful and must be retained and respected, but oh my, some of you do get your knickers in a twist reacting to the postings of people who are obviously baiting...


Web forums should be fun :jester:


I personally have no issue with the amount of tax that I pay and I'd willingly pay a good bit more IF the money was used properly and efficiently. I would love to see roads with wider shoulders so I could ride my bike without taking my life in my hands when the soccer mom in the Escalade buzzes by on her cell phone. I'd love to hear that school teachers are getting rich and that the pay was high enough to attract the best there is into the teaching profession. I'd love to know that the folk out there who need medical care who can't afford it wouldn't have to show up at the ER to get routine care and then not being able to pay the bill. And most of all I'd LOVE to hear that EVERY single military vet would have the very best medical (physical and mental) health care that money can buy and that they would be able to attend the best schools that money can buy when it comes time for them to rejoin civilian society.


How anyone could disagree with the basic premise above I don't know and the only way we can achieve these noble goals is to spend money raised by taxes. So whenever I hear that folks will get huge tax cuts all I hear is that the teacher will be underpaid and the Vet will continue to get shitty health care. So until the conversation switches over to how we can waste less tax money on crap all I hear is more "someone should pay for that and it shouldn't me" entitled it's all about me BS.


We ALL need to pay....... if that's socialism I'm cool with that. I think of it as money well spent as it's invested in our future and as a basic humanitarian obligation.




Dave, As Jerry pointed out, almost all of those are local problems, and need to be funded and controlled locally. If people in Montana want, and are willing to pay extra wide roads, who am I to have a say in the issue?


Where I live, our local county school budget is 2.1 Billion dollars... or over 15,000 per student. WELL above the national average, and almost all of it based on county taxes. People in our county choose to make it a priority, and out of the 26 schools in our county, 6 are ranked in the national top 100 list. On the other hand, our hospitals are horrible. I think Maryland leads the nation in longest wait times in the ER waiting room. Again, locals get to make a choice of priorities.


The thing about taxes is that the more local it is, the more people will take ownership of the issue. If funding for everything can be realized by people in Washington, it becomes the free-for-all that we see... Grab as much as you can for the people who vote you in - if you don't, someone else will. It's human nature.


The federal government has several basic functions, including defense and interstate commerce issues. I submit that the way to balancing the budget is reducing the role of the federal government, and the federal taxes to go with it. Let the states and local governments raise taxes as needed to govern themselves. When the ownership of your issues are a local level, your voice will be heard loud and clear by your government.


So, the issue is not how much net taxes are paid... it's about accountability and ownership of the issues and challenges facing our country.



Jerry and Bob I share your thoughts.


I think that it is odd that people who say they have such concern for the poor and down troden donate so little to charity. O Biden donated 3600.00 out of a 1.4M dollar income. For crying out loud I donated more than that I assure you it will take me over a decade to make that much money. Obama had donated only 1% of his income until he started to run for president then he donated 7% of a 4.2 millon dollar income. Yet they seem to be willing to take away from others and spread it around.


I amazes me that so many people see and hear the same thing and come to such different conclusions. That is what makes this country great.





......I amazes me that so many people see and hear the same thing and come to such different conclusions. That is what makes this country great......


Yes, amazing, but that perception filter must be a cultural thing....but at least we appear to be a rather civilized bunch. Some decent argumentation (I may not agree with everything) and no name calling.


Now, can we please slag one of the Se7ens brands to get the juices flowing? :D



at least we appear to be a rather civilized bunch. Some decent argumentation (I may not agree with everything) and no name calling.






I've met alot of the posters, at least on the east coast, from both political sides, religious, or not. Believe me, it doesn't make me respect them any less. The fact that we can discuss this without degenerating into name calling, etc... is another testament to the quality of seven owners on the board :cheers:

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