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Brooklands Screens - Who Has Them on thier Se7en?

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I'm getting close with mine and I'm looking for rear view mirrors. I'd like to see some pictures of what mirrors people are using with the Brooklands Screens.

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Caterham sells a SPA carbon fiber mirror like the one in the first picture above but with a custom shorter stem. I tried the one pictured and it blocked my vision too much. I went with the mount from the SPA normally used for their side view mirrors and it is much better although I'd like it to be an inch or two higher.

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I have the set-up sold by Caterham, as tweaked by Chris T at Sevens and Elans-you can sort of see them in my avatar photo. The mirrors look great, small, sleek, but are hard to adjust much. Major adjustments involve removing the entire structure from the car-not a big deal-fiddling, putting back, repeat, etc.-royal PITA. Once they are right, you are good to go (just don't adjust the seat back/forth).


The Centerpost mirror is also a pain tho much less so. Again, once it's right, it's right. And rearward vision is excellent.


Cost? Too much to mention in such a public forum:)., so let's just say: not cheap.

Edited by Kitcat
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I run with Brookies. I change back and forth between the Brooklands and full wind screen depending upon my mood or event. I use a center mount convex SPA mirror that I purchased from Pegasus Racing.




I did modify the stalk to set it lower on the cowl. It is not mounted to the Brooklands aluminum mount. This way I can use it with both wind screen set ups.

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I did modify the stalk to set it lower on the cowl. It is not mounted to the Brooklands aluminum mount. This way I can use it with both wind screen set ups.


Do you also use side mirrors or is the convex mirror in the middle sufficient?


I'm also planning on being able to switch back and forth with the windscreen, four screws and two defroster wires and its off. I have the Mirrors for Sevens mirror mounted on the windscreen with no side mirrors.

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FWIW- On my official Caterham set-up, the side mirrors, and center mirror, are all attached to the Brooklands screen frame. As you say, swapping it out is a coupla screws (I leave the small inside panels covering access to the screws off).


Even if I take my time, I can do it in 15'. As noted in a post last year, put some tape or foam on the underside of the frame or it will rub off the paint there.



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I installed the Caterham windscreen brackets which eliminates dealing with the nuts and washers on the inside of the cowl. It also makes the windscreen much stronger. They were even reasonably priced for a Caterham part.


I had to take a standard width frame and section in the extra four inches to make it fit the SV cowl. This resulted in the frame not following the contours of the cowling closely as it does on the standard car so I have some clearance between the frame and the cowl. The complete car is clearbra'd including the cowl which provides a bit more protection. Once I get everything settled I plan on filling the gap with soft rubber.


Which mirrors are you using?

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Do you also use side mirrors or is the convex mirror in the middle sufficient?


I'm also planning on being able to switch back and forth with the windscreen, four screws and two defroster wires and its off. I have the Mirrors for Sevens mirror mounted on the windscreen with no side mirrors.


Yes, I have Multivlex lenses side mirrors in SPA style housings except they were custom made by Prototype Development here in Indy. I don't think Mark offers them anymore.

It took me a long time to finally come up with a mirror arrangement that I was comfortable with. I can almost get away with the Center mirror only.


Side mirrors shown here



Center modified SPA mirror shown here




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I got whatever mirrors Chris T sells at Sevens and Elans. They are carbon fiber, or faux carbon fiber. They look better than they they work but once adjusted they are fine.


Before my Caterham, I always took mirrors for granted. However the mirrors on my Caterham are often very entertaining.


What's this bracket you speak of? Photo?



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What's this bracket you speak of? Photo?






I posted pictures of them here: http://www.usa7s.com/vb/showpost.php?p=35485&postcount=18


Since they were already posted vBulletin wouldn't let me post them again.




How do the Multivex mirrors work? It looks like there are two mirrors on different planes with a sort of diagonal division between them. What is the overall size of the mirror?


I had a pair of SPA mirrors awhile back but they were so small as to be totally worthless.

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I posted pictures of them here: http://www.usa7s.com/vb/showpost.php?p=35485&postcount=18


Since they were already posted vBulletin wouldn't let me post them again.




How do the Multivex mirrors work? It looks like there are two mirrors on different planes with a sort of diagonal division between them. What is the overall size of the mirror?


I had a pair of SPA mirrors awhile back but they were so small as to be totally worthless.


Skip, Here is their web site. You can purchase various sizes.




They are not convex mirrors that often make things distorted. They are flat with a slight vertical bend at the last 30% towards the outside of the mirror. This gives you great peripheral vision without that annoying distortion. These lenses can be stuck on top of an existing lens if you wish. Very popular in motor sports applications.


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Here is my car with Brooklands, I mounted mine to the dash. The center mirror is a stainless Cobra replica mirror from ebay. I couldn't imagine my car with out them.



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Forgive me guys but I'm a total newbie. Where can I buy a set of these windows? I think they look great. Also, how functional are they? Do they really do a decent job of directing air aover your head or are they much worse than the standard windshield for keeping bugs away from your face?

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Brooklands Screens can be bought from most British car supply houses. Caterham USA sells them. They are not specific to Caterham and have been used on British sports cars since there have been British sports cars. There are other brands out there as well, probably cheaper than the Brooklands brand.


AFAIK, Caterham is the only company selling the mounting frame designed to use the same mounting holes for the windscreen. Many people mount the Brooklands screens directly to the cowl. Rod in the pictures above has mounted his to the dash panel.


Besides looking great, they do provide less buffeting to the ears but they will not prevent all bugs and rocks from hitting your head. Goggles, helmets with face shields or other eye protection are highly recommended.

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I have a set of brooklands on my car. I have a makeshift center mirror, but will be upgrading to either a spa or one of the Racetech mirrors, which are similar but narrower.


The exterior mirrors are slightly convex GT style mirrors mounted on tripods.





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