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I'm using AutoTransport, the same company that brings in all the Caterhams to the US. It is coming by air freight. The CBU is big but quite light.

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DaveD: I had shoulder impingement surgery abt 10 years ago: I was a one armed bandit for 1-2 months. Took way longer to regain function than I expected, but has been wonderful since then.


Karl: Wh/was more $, the new frame or the air freight:)?

Posted (edited)

Given the heroic measures (cubic $'s) Karl and I are taking to get to this event again, people will need pretty good excuses for not being there:). It is less than 6 weeks off.







Who else? I understand BBall, and probably others, holding off to see if we reach critical mass so now is a good time to sign up.

Edited by Kitcat

Sabbot (Stewart) is trying to clear a work conflct and a BDA conversion. My money is on him having the best sounding car other than possibly Dermot's Hayabusa screamer.


Message sent to Dermot (Ottocycle) and in a moment MichaelD. Dont have contact details for Scott L - is he on this forum?


Nup...no one with that profile name. Just tried the other Scott's and they are not active for years. Calling MichaelD! :flag:




I sent you a PM but I am not sure if it went through (it has not come up in my "sent messages" file. I have no contact info for Scott, Michael D probably does. I will attend NJMP in June.


Does anyone want to share a room in the Marriot?




Partay! Maybe I will buy my X-flow back, at least it ran:).


Beware, everyone who attended last year's event w/an X-flow, is coming back w/more power. Tho as has been previously posted, many times, the X-flows were no slouches. And based on our one track event together, yours was certainly more peppy than mine.


Looking forward to meeting up w/everyone. Hopefully, the rain gods will smile.

Posted (edited)

Attending/confirmed as of May 21st.


Yellowss7 Tom G. Caterham Superlight

Croc Mike J. Caterham CSR

Blubarisax Karl J. (fingers crossed) Caterham SV R 400++++

Kitcat Mike M. Birkin

Redgoose Ron Caterham R500

Jim (Not on this site, SV Caterham Roadsport)

BBall7754 Steve Caterham xflow

Ottocycle Dermot Fisher Fury Bike engine.


Others expressing interest??? But not yet registered:


Sabbot Stuart

Michael D Michael

RacerLRP Robert

Jvbtte Jack


Scott Lentz

Anyone else????


May attend but not track Photo/video, Pit Humor

S1Steve Steve Superformance S1

Crewst Tim Superformance S1

Dave D Superformance S1

Len Clark, Caterham SV (not on this site)



8 registered so far, 3 or 4 more possible in the paddock, and still at least 6 additional participants listed, 3 of who ran last year. Hope you all can make it. 10+ on track will give us a strong presence on track and lots of video opportunities. I know that Croc alone has 2 or more cameras mounted. Alot of Sevens on the track is an impressive sight and a alot of fun.


Edited by yellowss7

As my repair saga drags on (and on and on) w/little/no progress I am examining other race car options. It looks like SCDA has Spec Miatas for rent. That is quickly becoming my plan B for the ever increasing chance that my worthless mechanic will be working on excuses rather than repairs over the next 4 weeks.


Decisions, decisions. I'd love to rent the Caterham but @ $1,300 a day, $2,600 for 2 days it's pretty steep.


Their spec racers are less but still expensive. They are fun to drive though and I'll be in one on Monday at Lime Rock (getting back on the horse). I bet your VW would do well on the track! Just lock in the hubs and follow Croc!


My car just might make it. The Chassis Body Unit is on a plane from England to Newark tomorrow with a crate of new parts.


I'll ck w/SCDA, I think my Touareg wld be awesome-it's just a Porsche Cayenne w/VW badge. And, I'd own the corner entrances-who is going to challenge that towering beast? I cld run right over a se7en and not even notice:).


Mike, just work in a few more billable hours, and negotiate a multiple day rate for the Caterham. Just think of the money you'll save on gas by not towing.:iagree:



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