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Everything posted by rotus8guy

  1. 70 is optimistic for the total of Roti. Dennis Hedges (last shop foreman at Rotus) estimated 40 something for their 12? year production run. jb
  2. Carl, I don't have the plastic yet, but it'll be 3/16" acrylic or polycarbonate. McMaster is on Fulton Industrial south of I-20, easy access for me, more of a trip from north Fulton.
  3. Carl, You know McMaster-Carr, they have a selection of hinges. [/url]http://www.mcmaster.com/#catalog/120/2960/=t8w2zv I picked up these,15195A47 for side wind wind deflectors (still work in progress). Since you're in Atlanta, did you know about their will call window? Place an order online and you can pick it up 2 hours later. HTH, John
  4. I wondered what Mazda has been up to
  5. Here's an idea from the LocostUSA forum http://www.locostusa.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=16214&hilit=dead+pedal
  6. Great speech. UT has a transcript up if you don't care to watch the video http://www.utexas.edu/news/2014/05/16/admiral-mcraven-commencement-speech/
  7. Found it! Was in a thread here last year. He makes a variety of shapes sizes and colors in delrin. Reasonable prices too. [/url]http://shop.productinnovationsonline.com/
  8. I don't have any good pics of my dash in its original glory but these taken during the current rebuild show the basic layout. Big speedo and tach, small oil pressure, water temp, voltage, and fuel. Switches are plain stainless toggles, 4 above, 4 below, with the starter a spring loaded toggle with a red guard And a work pic :jester:
  9. To get back to bigdogs original complaint, remember in all Lotus Sevens in Spirit (and the spirit runs very strong in Caterhams) the ghost of Lucas is never far away. All hail the Prince of Darkness!
  10. Yeah, my bad. The pic was supposed to be a Lotus 33, but you are right, Climax. This is better, http://www.speed-industries.ch/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/CosworthDFVo4-www.ruiamaraljr.blogspot.com_.jpg Now what kind of tranny would fit behind that in a Seven? Hmmm :drool:
  11. What kind of V8 belongs in a Seven? Why a Cosworth DFV of course http://www.pbase.com/sarrana/image/129136939.jpg A Caterham CSR chassis with a Cossie DFV wedged in, ah the stuff dreams are made of. Well that, Amy Adams, Scarlett Johansson, and a gallon of Wesson oil.
  12. Here you go, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgapmq8yKsNj7Boz-1I27HQ
  13. You're right, you folks are easily amused That is quite a hedge trimmer
  14. He's asking $12,500 in his listing over at LocostUSA
  15. John, love the info on your suspension redesign project. To continue the thread hijack the Isle of Man (Manx is what the natives are) TT is alive and well. Scheduled for 26 May to 6 June this year. It is surprising that in this PC, safety first, age it is allowed, but the Island still has some autonomy from the UK, and the Tourist Trophy is important to them. Check out videos online of it, absolutely nuts. Triple digit speeds through village streets lined with stone cottages. And now back to your regularly scheduled thread. Cheers, John
  16. Storker... heh :jester:
  17. Alan, Yes that's a PCV valve, and my understanding (I'm not in CA) is that they must be hooked up in California. Your best bet is to talk to someone in CA with a crossflow, but the hookup is simple. A hose from that valve runs to the intake manifold (vacuum source). Connecting it to the rocker cover would be the same as just capping it, connecting crankcase pressure to crankcase pressure. The purpose of the valve is to keep the mixture from being too lean, they are calibrated to the specific application. Don't take my word, Google is your friend HTH, John
  18. Skip, for a lightweight trailer like that, what others have done is attach to the spare tire carrier. Either clamp to the tubes close to the back sheet metal, or modify the spare carrier with vertical sleeves set in the tubing to run bolts thru. Not super strong, but oughta work for what you're contemplating. HTH, John
  19. Yes, I would say the etymology is from the sound of an (relatively) unmuffled roadster engine. The common usage in the Seven community is a pleasure drive. Whether spirited or leisurely, a drive for fun. Now, it's cool in the garage (finally), back to work. Cheers, John
  20. Steve,

    I don't know if you ever look at this site anymore, but in case, Who did you sell Killerbee to? I haven't seen anything on the forum about the yellow Rotus. Can you share contact info, or let him know other Rotus owners would like to be in touch.



  21. The bed liner looks good, very creative solution. John
  22. Sounds like they're talking about Tenax fasteners. I had an old MG Midget with them. They're secure, authentically British, but yeah, the stud could be a problem depending on the placement. Cheers, John
  23. Certainly not cheap but cheaper, smaller, lighter than 5 speed apps from Jerico or Richmond, and the Quaife T-9 while a tidy fit leaves the factory for 3600 quid or so and isn't made for V8 torque. Always compromises John
  24. G Force T-5, rated to 600 HP, smaller and lighter than TKO or T-56 and available with dog ring shifting. You could sound like a crazy Brit, with 500HP V8 ARRRRRR
  25. Yeah, agree while it would be interesting to have these jigs and molds (and the space to set them up) the idea of making a business of it is not practical. As a hobby business, or an add on for someone already with a race shop, it could work. I also agree that if I where to build my own seven I would a lot of things different. Full DOM cage as part of the frame, lighter in general, something different for the suspension (front and rear). Oh, and design from the get-go to drop in a breathed on LS-7 One can always dream. John
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