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Locost 5.0

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Everything posted by Locost 5.0

  1. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/IMG_20110625_135541.jpg Small Block Ford is a relatively light, smaller than a SBC, easy to build to a reliable 450 Hp. SBF parts are cheaper than Chevy parts thanks to the Mustang community. Rod
  2. Thanks for all the information, I'll be up there with my Dad and my seven. Mondo, are you taking your car? Rod
  3. Anybody planning on going this year? I think I'm going to make it! Any suggestions on what tickets to buy, etc.? Rod
  4. I'll check that one out, there are some good roads in that area. Thanks, Rod
  5. Gert, I think its somewhere between Brookings and Gold Beach. Your car is CLEAN! Nice pic. Rod
  6. Southern Oregon coast a couple of weeks ago! http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/P1030728.jpg Rod
  7. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/2010-05-26133519.jpg My new favorite! Rod
  8. I'll keep my eye out for your next trip! Hopefully the weather will be better. Rod
  9. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/DSCF8002.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/2010-05-26134207.jpg Here is my car with Brooklands, I mounted mine to the dash. The center mirror is a stainless Cobra replica mirror from ebay. I couldn't imagine my car with out them. Rod
  10. I can't believe I missed that! I would have driven down. Guess I should check in more often. Thanks for posting the pics. Rod
  11. Locost 5.0

    CA vs. AZ

    There should be at least one, maybe two environmental impact studies and a new tax too! Rod, In the center of California
  12. The Lokar cable is nice. I'm using it on my car, very happy with it. Rod
  13. I forgot to update this thread! The car is running pretty well, still working on the tune. Power is up a fair amount. It sounds better too. EFI tuning is cool but frustrating! Here is a video I posted on YouTube. Driven about 500 miles so far. Gas mileage is WAY down due to the sound of the ITB's! Rod
  14. I didn't have to do one, that sucks! Rod
  15. You are pretty much describing my car, exact same tires up front. I haven't auto crossed it yet, but I do drive hard in the mountains. Manual steering is perfect, I wouldn't change it. I love these NT05's! Sticky. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/DSCF7988.jpg Rod
  16. Nothing wrong with Hobart, I have a Thermal Dynamics thats served me well for 5 years. I would buy another one. Rod
  17. Wind proof gloves, thermals, a good windproof coat, wind proof beanie with built in balaclava (you can pull it under your chin when going into 7/11), good heater and the best thing are those disposable hand warmers. They come in various sizes, you can sit on the ones that are made to go into shoes and they are cheap. I put extras under the passanger seat. I've driven for hours in freezing weather with this setup. I have brooklands, no doors or tunnel cover. High quality snow board pants work well too, might get too hot if you use the heater though. Rod
  18. Wish I could have gone, knee deep in EFI wiring! Hopefully next time. Rod
  19. Thanks guys, its been a good year. Almost 7100 miles so far. Thanks for keeping me in mind Mondo. I'm doing an EFI upgrade pretty soon using Megasquirt with Weber IDF throttle bodies. I hope the car isn't off the road for very long! http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/DSCF7844.jpg Soon as I finish the fuel rails, idle air control and the vacuum chamber, its getting bolted on! Rod
  20. Drove over Tioga Pass in Yosemite this weekend, over 9,900 ft. elevation. If you ever get a chance its a beautiful drive. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/DSCF7800.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/DSCF7764.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/DSCF7818.jpg Rod
  21. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/RodsLocost50081-1.jpg They do wonders for your hair! Rod
  22. Ford has some great yellows. My Chevy Nova is painted a Ford yellow! I believe Ford Focus' have a nice bright yellow. Rod
  23. Wow, scary stuff. Thanks for posting. Rod
  24. I had my nose cone and rear fenders done with chip protection on the front of the fenders and underneath the fenders for $500. That was about 9 months ago. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p3/beergodrod/RodsLocost50005-1.jpg Rod
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