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Everything posted by Marek

  1. There is still time. This afternoon was a chance to take a long route to the local orchard to restock on fresh cider.
  2. In my first year of winter Seven ownership I am trying to apply my winter philosophy from cycling and camping - it is not a weather problem, but a wardrobe problem. So far, so good. Here we are in early December in Massachusetts and I am still maintaining at least one drive a week and two have been under 40F. This is without any cockpit cover or wind deflectors. The limitations will be either the first salt or a snap of below freezing weather. The Toyo R888s are the real limitation. I have too much respect for stray spots of patch ice to test the R888s below 32F. The first salt will be my signal to start the winter updates (front harness restoration, clutch plumbing, engine cooling updates).
  3. For Sevens, should we be comparing miles or trips? My former seems a disappointment, but I am quite pleased with my later.
  4. The comment on having to learn the car is a good one which made me stop to think. I rotate daily drivers from different eras and have made a habit of deliberately switching and dialing in techniques to suit the car of the moment. But mostly this means selecting between a car you can drive on the nose which rewards momentum, or short wheelbase, peppy, and darty, or modern over-competence which can't be really exercised within the the extended limits of the law. But tall with modest power and even more modest grip would be an all new experience. I think I would start by dusting off Piero Taruffi's The Technique of Motor Racing for a refresher.
  5. Getaway....In a Reborn Legend.
  6. So much good advice in this thread! I've been on the seller side 7 times but never as a buyer. I'd do it again, but selectively. The car, the condition, and the timing all matter. As does your engagement as a seller. Over-communicate and be positive and supportive of commenters. For us, most auctions had a vibe. If we did our work preparing and presenting the car and telling its honest story, that vibe was positive and paid off. But once a vibe goes sour it becomes tough to turn around. And then sometimes an auction has no energy at all. Our sample of experiences with both BaT staff and buyers were all positive. BaT is also a victim of their own success and decisions they have made on what level of buyer protection to provide. In doing so, they left room for Cars & Bids (where we have also sold) to fill a different niche; which they are also doing successfully (your patience with Doug's persona aside). My advice (on either platform) is do your research - understand the history on all platforms you follow of cars like yours. If you are a seller, thoroughly prepare and commit to being engaged in the auction. If a buyer, get answers to your questions and be prepared to walk away. My own minor peeve with both BaT and C&Bs is photography. Please, please, sellers, don't take pictures with your phone fully zoomed out. Step back, zoom in, and give us pictures with realistic perspective. Proportions and lines matter with cars - take the time to show us how great your car looks.
  7. Say the decibels are what limit the length of the jaunts in your Seven.... Do I want a side or rear exit exhaust? Should I point the tip to the side, down, or to the rear? Anyone have experience with https://spintechmufflers.com ? Either results or with fitment. Currently I have a single 3" pipe (correctly sized for the 13b rotary) exiting the side of the car. My experiment with a Supertrapp provided amusement, but failed as a solution.
  8. Regardless of weather, I regret this year is not an option for me. I'll continue to live vicariously through this thread. Maybe I'll map a NJMP-shaped loop from local roads that I can take my Seven on this weekend. Looking forward to reports and pictures.....
  9. On that point, does anyone know of shops willing to take on apprentices in the northeast or mid-atlantic? I've come to be friends with a mechanic who graduated from the High Performance program at New England Tech, was scooped up by the BMW STEP program and spent the obligatory two years at a BMW/Aston Martin shop before joining an independent. He now has his own shop and is doing well. But I find, and by his own admission, the current training paths have their limitations when it comes to classic and specialty cars. At the same time, a nephew has just graduated from aircraft mechanic school. His entire class had solid offers from airlines three months before graduation. Talking with an acquaintance who owns an aircraft maintenance business in NE, he will gladly take these graduates on as apprentices - though he struggles to entice them with the same glamour the airlines spin. I don't see that willingness in the automotive industry. I know another talented young mechanic working on classic and sports cars - entirely self and mentor taught and with the discipline and curiosity to succeed - who is hesitant to take the certification route as he doesn't see that it helps him become part of the next generation of master classic car mechanics. Of recent he has talked of buying a ticket to the UK and seeing if he can find a shop that will take him on. Like so much of the rest of the economy, the specialty auto industry is in a major transition none of us can predict what the outcome will look like. I can only be certain there will be people whom, through some combination of luck or foresight, will see the opportunity in change, take some risks, and become the industry winners the rest of us will talk about in the future. God-Speed to them and send me their contact information.
  10. My car arrived sans-battery. Based on the collective wisdom of these forums I reconfigured for a PC680 and have been pleased with it. Aside from being compact, the chemistry suits the infrequent use. Shown is the prototype V1 mount. V2 uses an aluminum top cover which fully encases the battery and bolts to the baseplate.
  11. A 1993 Rotus-BMW on BaT.... https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1993-rotus-seven/
  12. Exactly. I didn't really know what Seven I wanted. As someone commented, all Sevens are the same except every one is different. Then I found one that tickled me and now I have a Seven I like. It might not be the Seven I really want - but the car I have will help me figure that out much better than watching them come and go for sale.
  13. I have a brand new MBE 967 ECU plus a new connector kit if interested. This is the serial-based predecessor to the 9A4.
  14. How was the turnout? Pictures? I had a prior engagement, but I look forward to the next one.
  15. This car was previously local to me and I had the opportunity to admire it up close. When it went up for sale I very seriously considered it. It is a great looking car and the mechanicals were to a generally high level. But the complexity.... My thought was to go the same Less Is More route as the new owner. Nice to hear it has turned out well and in the hands of a good owner. In the end I bought a different Seven with a personal connection and a drivetrain on my engine bucket list.
  16. The local forecast for the next week is rain - and the promise of the beginning of a season with salt-free roads. My winter project work is in the home stretch and the car may be roadworthy as soon as this weekend. At that point only a delayed delivery of fresh harnesses stand in the way of a first drive. How are everyones else's winter projects faring?
  17. Put me on the list.
  18. Oh, the appliances we pass on the road each day. I've seen nothing close to an appliance on these pages! If not original, then certainly fresh to my eye - especially in the current century with only one exception coming to mind. The Fisker Karma is its own statement of the same long-nose coupe and just as difficult to capture in a photograph. This formula is one of my favorites; with, as you point out, the 1960s being a rich source of great examples. Most of my own time with long-nose coupes is with Porsche 944s. But I'll save that for its own post.
  19. Now my turn to be jealous. The Z4 Coupe has been taunting me for years. The lines, proportions, and scale are all just right - and together in an original way that isn't trying to be a better version of something else. These are one of those cars which are more striking in person than pictures can seem to capture. On the street, to me they are art among appliances. By comparison, the convertible does nothing for me. And the blue is perfect.
  20. 2013 BMW 128i M-Sport Manual Using the classic small chassis-big engine formula, the E82 is the last of an era of rear drive, normally-aspirated, non-electronic steering, pre-driver-assist cars. The 3L straight six is a joy; with a quick throttle response and plenty of torque at all times. The 1-series is an honest hot hatch alternative with comfort and quality a cut above the alternatives. This car came to me after a six month search starting in late 2018. I always try to find the Most Special Variant of a car. In the case of a 1-series: a six-speed manual with the full set of M-Sport packages, sunroof, a light interior and not black or silver. I never considered the more powerful 135i as the extra power adds nothing to the experience for me but the extra complexity would certainly take away. After months of looking and few close matches I found this car with 48k miles and I gave in on the color. A flight to SC and drive back to Boston convinced me the wait was worth it. 35k miles later, maintenance has been very minimal (and cheap and easy to do myself). The timing also turned out well. We've taken a number of extended trips with the car and it has added to the enjoyment of every one; including a trip to southern WV, multiple drives through the Finger Lakes, and a Boston to St. Paul run for my son's start of college and the solo return trip across the Upper Peninsula with stops at each of the Great Lakes. The car has been a good companion during the many changes of the past few years. The front bumper is the only modification. The previous owner added this 1M Tribute nose. I really like the look. But I really dislike the ground clearance. That the car is otherwise stock is notable as this is the first car I've owned since the early 80s which hasn't received a full suspension. It doesn't need it. In M-Sport configuration I am not convinced I can improve the character of the car. I could improve the handling performance - but not in any way which is usable on the street. A footnote: The Saab 9-3 Sportwagen Manual (LRH or Long-Roof Hatch in our family parlance) is a former family car. I'd sing its praises as well - but one car per thread and current stock only! More to come.
  21. @slowdude, what a great idea! My own 7 winter project is moving along well; though I do have some upcoming decisions to make on new harnesses and headrest for which consultation would be a help. I'd also benefit from some 13b turbo expertise in diagnosing a problem. And I would definitely be willing to lend a hand. I might even have a bit of shop space available for short projects.
  22. Thanks for sending your friends by today, @TMRL7. Out of the blue we had a fastback Mustang, XKE convertible, P1800S wagon, and MGB pull up and we had some great conversations. Hope to see you next time.
  23. A couple of us will be around the shop from at least 9:30 - 12:30 on Saturday. As you come around the back you will see a red M100 Elan and a pair of Spec Miatas parked by the door and a 'Yolo Moto Co' sign on the building.
  24. Late Saturday morning or sometime Sunday afternoon are options. We have the space on the back side of 92 Great Road; behind 'Car Lot Express'. I'll check schedules and update this thread. Yes, this was Dan's car...
  25. My apologies for teasing a gathering and not making it happen. Instead of following through on the get together, I bought a Seven. Last weekend I picked it up in PA and it is now in Stow and halfway through the work needed before a first drive. The Seven is a 13B-powered 1989 Rotus. Though in generally good condition, I still need to refit the cleaned and re-sealed fuel tank. If anyone is looking for an excuse for a cool, late-season drive and curious what I have gotten myself into, I'd be glad to host something informal at our shop. It is quite close to Nan's Rustic Kitchen if good coffee and breakfast is important.
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