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Everything posted by jlumba81

  1. jlumba81

    Mice suck

    Suprised they didn't just replace the heaterbox and the contaminated ducting.
  2. Ah I'm fine w/ the sarcasm. It just seems like a headache to find a speciality shop or have the dealership fix it and possiblily wait for a new chassis to be shipped from austria.
  3. I was mainly thinking of the minor fender benders that others on this forum have experienced. Mainly trucks or SUVs backing/driving into them. Its easy enough to have a 7 reskinned and replace the damaged tubes, but not to find someone to repair carbon fiber. Ah, if the monocoque gets cracked wouldn't you have to replace it rather than repair it? I'm not too familar w moncoque cars.
  4. Just curious, since the x-bow is to be a street car where would you go to get collision repair if ever involved in an accident? The website says it has a carbon fibre monocoque with crash box.
  5. It looks like he dislocated some joints on his left arm when he first held them out. His left forearm/elbow looked a bit odd.
  6. I don't understand the driver's tendancy to take the left turn tights but turn wide/apex late on right turns. I was suprised that Belgium was left handed roads/car. I thought most of europe was right handed.
  7. Weird that that the lower 48 is colder than up here in Alaska. Its in the high 30s and raining right now.
  8. I was waiting for footage of an ambulance arriving to scrape him off the road w a spatula.
  9. Looks like you used stick welding. How thick is the steel in the skid plate?
  10. I liked the part where he played a super mario bros song.
  11. Just curious what's the cost of switching from a crossflow to a carbureted zetec?
  12. They use the Garage Pak air piping system on those PowerBlock automotive shows. The easy to use couplers make it look like a good buy.
  13. Is the fuel line large enough? If its too small it might be causing a restriction at higher rpms.
  14. What thickness concrete is recommended for that lift? I plan on getting a MaxJax when I get around to finish building my garage, only a 12ft ceiling.
  15. Its not the exhaust scraping the ground?
  16. Just googled Rapid 7 Technologies and got this site. The basic kit including a tubular space frame chassis, front and rear suspension arms and linkages, fiberglass nose cone, hood,dash panel scuttle, front and rear fenders for Php 50,000.00 or $1,130.00.
  17. Just the idea of a 7 in phillippines traffic gives me the shivers. Bumper to bumper and using the horn instead of turn signals with motorcycles and pedistrians weaving in and out of it all. Also the area where my parents have a house has 20 ft slabs of concrete instead of asphalt. The traffic speed usually doesn't go much faster than 35-40 mph. Usually 20 mph cause of the motorcycles w/ 5+ people on them or a couple bushels of produce. On the other hand very cool to see a 7 in PI must be real cheap to get a turn key.
  18. +1 for the hella supertone. If you go that route make sure you get the german made ones not the india made ones. Apparently there's a difference in tone and dbs.
  19. Can you share any details about that new caterham exhaust?
  20. I was thinking of using this site to get a salvaged engine whenever I get the funds to get a caterham kit.
  21. How much pad life is left? Squeeling is usually a sign that they are low. Try spraying some silicon lube under the caliper pistion seal.
  22. Cool. Thanks for sharing that tip. Haven't heard of doing that before..
  23. My aunt and uncle w/ my cousin and his new wife just drove from Haines, Alaska to Anchorage, Alaska. If my aunt complained about potholes in a toyota corolla then they're probably big enough to swallow a 7. Apparently the canadian side of the alcan highway is in need of maintance while the US side is in good shape. Last time I drove to Anchorage a few years back the frost heaves were pretty bad on the canada side. Enough to lift you out of your seats when the driver doesn't see them and hits them at 80mph.
  24. Your local auto parts store should have the tools you need for purchase or for loan. Or you could take the part to a local shop to have the race removed for you.
  25. Sounds like an ignition problem. Check to to see if the plugs are sparking. Pull out a plug, connect it to a plug wire, ground the plug against the engine block and have someone crank over the engine. If its working you should see a spark. Oh were the plugs wet w/ fuel? No air inlet obstruction? I had a jeep cherokee w/ an airbox full of nuts before.
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