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Everything posted by manik

  1. Not many details just yet, but the company is working with Westfield for a customized product. http://www.aieuk.com/650cs-120bhp-wankel-rotary-engine/
  2. For all of you who couldn't make it to the Westfield factory open day this past weekend. Some interesting engine options in the new year including a 120BHP rotary which will be mated to the Mazda gearboxes. and the new Honda S2000 throttle body kit: tom
  3. Here is a Honda S2000-powered MegaS2000 that a customer has built for (mostly) track work. Utilizes the FIA half cage and side impact bars. Very impressive build.
  4. Some more. Apparently ready to take out for inspection. http://manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_10.jpg http://manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_11.jpg http://manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_12.jpg http://manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_13.jpg
  5. http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_09.jpg
  6. http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_05.jpg http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_06.jpg http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_07.jpg http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_08.jpg
  7. A customer of ours just sent some nice photos of his build. Looks to be done in a few weeks time I think. Honda S2000 engine and gearbox. Should prove interesting! http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_01.jpg http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_02.jpg http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_03.jpg http://www.manikllc.com/megas2000_2015-02/megas2000_build_04.jpg
  8. Didn't happen without pictures.
  9. J, what happened to your other Westfield? In the market for a new one? tom
  10. Not a Westfield at all, but they *did* rip off the bodywork from Westfield.
  11. I know people that know people... I think Loren knows where the mould for the body is? Perhaps he will chime in. I know the plug that made the mould no longer exists. Original body was a patented kit car from the 1970s! https://www.google.com/patents/USD243595
  12. Try some Team Dynamics Pro Race 1.2 13" wheels: http://www.rimstock.co.uk/wheeldetail.php?ProRace1.2 8.8 lbs per wheel (in the narrowest configuration). I think JohnCH had a comparative spreadsheet at one point?
  13. I was wondering where that car went. Pretty neat. Here is a photo of the original body, and the final version that Brian made.
  14. I'd be happy to chime in an indicate that we have a large number of Westfield 'clubman' customers who do not participate in internet forums whatsoever. An interesting look at the Westfield demographics I think? I believe Superformance will need to revisit their sales forecasts once they reach Q3 of this year. I'm just sayin'. tom
  15. There are no members on this forum who own the Westfield MegaS2000 kit/car, although there are a few under construction here in the U.S. at present. The Complete Kit Car magazine article on the MegaS2000 is a good reference point: http://manikllc.com/reference.html tom
  16. I'll jump on this thread late, but I have also used Thomas Sunday on several occasions for car transport and have nothing but good things to say about them. I seem to recall another thread about shipping where this came up, and in every case, you get what you pay for. Period.
  17. Rolite when you are done. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/cspages/rolitealum.php
  18. No, none have been in the U.S. or Canada, although a Canadian import would be getting close to legal in terms of age. I believe there were less than 20 produced, so finding one that a seller will relinquish is the difficult bit. Although I realize I'm tending off-topic, the FW400 brochure can be seen here: http://www.manikllc.com/brochures/FW400_brochure.pdf Here's a little something to get back on topic.
  19. Yeah, who do I pay to make that come up more often? As the North American importer and dealer for Westfield, and an advertiser on this forum, I generally stay out of the comments, as I'm perhaps a bit biased. What I will comment on is the Westfield engineering and design aspect of their cars. Westfield invested over £500,000 to develop the Sport Turbo car, which is sold primarily to EU clients as a turnkey vehicle. Westfield completed extensive design testing (putting more than 20,000 miles on their test vehicle prior to being awarded the EU certification). The FW bodywork (which is optional depending on the kit) was originally designed as part of the FW400 car. The FW400 was designed by Martin Ogilvie (google is your friend) and was WAY advanced for it's time. Likely too far advanced, but that is topic for another thread. http://www.manikllc.com/images/Westfield_Aerodynamic_Testing.jpg I can comment on the Westfield SEiGHT - developed to use a Rover V8 engine way back in 1991. Zetecs, Duratecs (I4 and V6 mind you), Volvo, Honda, Mazda and Suzuki to name but a few. The Honda S2000 is yet another incarnation - one I will agree is long overdue! While Westfield did initially produce a duplicate of a Lotus Seven Series 3 car (much to Caterham's dismay), Westfield have consistently produced more and more advanced vehicles than another other component manufacturer. Period. Have you taken a look at their iRacer or the street version of their electric vehicle (e-Sport for those keeping track)? Tom McClintock p.s. John, your check is in the mail.
  20. Interesting. I wonder when they decided to start shipping to the U.S.? Perhaps it is just certain items they wont ship, eh John? tm
  21. What do the auction notes say? And did it sell? http://okotokscarauction.com/detail-page.php?1969-Lotus-7-12
  22. So, what now exactly, is Caterham? "Caterham Group’s motorsport activities (F1 and GP2), Caterham Cars, Caterham Composites and Caterham Technology & Innovation."
  23. I've used a number of shipping companies, and without promoting one company over another, I will just say you ABSOLUTELY get what you pay for when shipping a car. Do not use a broker, but go directly to the shipper. Ship only enclosed, and only with a company that has a DOT number. Horseless Carriage and Thomas Sunday are always good options. Pretty much anyone that ships at the various auctions (Barrett Jackson, etc.) is probably a good choice. tm
  24. Well, ok. This gentleman sells on etsey, but this Westfield sculpture was a commission. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5129/5256088521_c6e073a44b_d.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5166/5256703972_0e7c5c0a58_d.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5048/5256701694_83deba566d_d.jpg Set of Photos:
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