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Everything posted by manik

  1. manik


    Here is a nice little thread on a Lotus Eleven restoration. Westfield bodywork was used as a guide for the alloy body. http://boardroom.wscc.co.uk/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=3;t=59115 And a nice little alloy-bodied Westfield XI over at Mike Brotherwood's shop: http://www.mikebrotherwood.com/ForSale.html tm
  2. Nigel Ash of Se7en Imagining (in the U.K. naturally) shot this one recently. Pretty good in my book! http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w165/Se7enImaging/2XS_0223.jpg
  3. manik


    John, I can arrange a group buy of XIs - no problem! As far as fitting in the XI, I am 6'2" and fit just fine.
  4. I have to admit I never knew this plane existed before today. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/?p=1914 Wow! http://www.jalopyjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/001.jpg http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=418953&d=1204395202
  5. Yes, the new owners of Westfield have been making a number of strategic investments in both Westfield, and GTM Cars to name a few. It's not a short-term prospect for Potenza. There should be some more interesting press releases in 2008 that is for certain. tm
  6. Pretty interesting analysis on the manufacturing processes at Westfield: http://editions.pagesuite.co.uk//DownloadPdfs.aspx?editionid=46978 tm
  7. The wheels are ATS DTC Superlight wheels. Westfield fits them as standard presently. I have seen this car in person and can say it is a very nice package. tm
  8. I'd like to see if some of you can drive your Sevens like this Ashley Lamont Autotest #1: Ashley Lamont Autotest #2: tm
  9. A scan of that sidebar on the Westfield (bottom bar I suppose) is over on the Flyin Miata web forum: http://www.westfieldmiata.com/viewtopic.php?t=236 http://usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/546292949_RoadAndTrackArticle.jpg
  10. Two Westfields on eBay at the same time! What are the odds? SoCal: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Lotus-Wesfield-7_W0QQitemZ220196971758 NC: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Lotus-Mazda-sport_W0QQitemZ220194044077 tm
  11. Not a C5 transaxle, no. Although that would be very sweet... You *can* fit an Elite transaxle to the back of a Westfield in place of the traditional diff. It's just a little more expensive. http://www.eliteracingtransmissions.com/ tm
  12. Westfield produces the SEiGHT which utilizes the alloy Rover V8. We have a customer who is putting an LS1 into his SEiGHT though, with a Corvette 6-speed gearbox. Should be 'adequate' as the British say in respect to horsepower. http://usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1516928365_ducted_nose2.jpg tm
  13. This competition *is* open to people outside of the U.K. You can sign up for it here: http://www.westfield-sportscars.co.uk/competition Picture is likely resized for your screen. Feel free to read it at full resolution. http://www.manikllc.com/WestfieldCompetitionLeaflet.jpg
  14. Image Wheels in the U.K. make custom wheels all day long. http://www.imagewheels.co.uk/ tm
  15. Yeah, even though I have a bias, I think Francie Clarkson (wife of everyone's favorite Jeremy Clarkson) put it best in her somewhat recent article in the Times - "Like Caterhams, Westfields are descended from the Lotus 7." http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/driving/jeremy_clarkson/article2880479.ece tm
  16. Well, Westfield *is* having a body design contest at the moment... http://www.westfield-sportscars.co.uk/News%20Pages/article46.html tm
  17. Yeah, you will be in need of a "registered importer" who can do the modifications to your car so it will comply with DOT and EPA regs. Highly unlikely the Ford Super Pursuit/XR8 and or a Holden Ute SS-V would be allowed though. There is nothing similar being sold in the U.S.. The Grey-Market BMWs and Mercedes imports are somewhat do-able because the Euro cars are essentially the same as the U.S. counterparts. Sounds like a rather expensive proposition to get a RHD El Camino from Australia though... tm
  18. There are actually *three* Loti in the Ex-driver lineup. The older 'master' has an Eleven. Neat stuff. tm
  19. There are at least two Atom 'clone' manufacturers out there, in addition to the twin tech. One in the U.K., and one here in the U.S. tm
  20. I like the doors. Anyone know how many S1 Superformance made? tm
  21. It might be an amalgam of a few different cars. Very cool though! You can use the online viewer to check it out: http://www.lfs.net/?page=contents&car=lx6 I *can* tell you that a couple of Westfields are in the PC game "World Racing 2". The copy I have is German, nit sure if it was released in the U.S. If you make it to a high enough level, you get to race the Westfield XI... tm
  22. Westfield supplies a Racetech quick-release hub. Very nice item. http://www.raceparts.co.uk/racetech/steering.htm tm
  23. Agreed. Have the seller title the car before he sells it to you. Much easier for *you* to change an existing title, particularly if (we assume) you will not be receiving an MCO. tm
  24. So, Title 39 of the New Jersey Code doesn't specifically suggest that you have to have a windshield: New Jersey Code - Title 39: 3-74 And thus, wipers are not required, as per section 3-46: New Jersey Code - Title 39: 3-46 This is very much UNLIKE New York which stipulates a windshield made of safety glazing be present on all automobiles. And as Al said, your Seven cannot be considered a historic or collector vehicle (unless it *is* more than 25 years old): http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/Inspections/VehiclesExempt.htm tm
  25. Top-down view of a Westfield SEiGHT with a Ford 302 V8. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1724504738_04_engine.jpg
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