WestTexasS2K Posted March 9, 2015 Posted March 9, 2015 Its amazing you had such serious spinal injury with so little damage to the car. I'm puzzled how that happened and the passenger had no injuries. Anxious to hear the full story. On the other hand hope the surgery goes well and you can get back to full tilt boogey in no time.
JeffersonRaley Posted March 10, 2015 Author Posted March 10, 2015 It is surprising to me too, and I was in it. The impact was incredibly hard. Easily the worst impact I've ever felt in 15+ years of racing and instructing. I think the difference is that this impact was from the bottom of the car hitting the ground, so there were no crumple zones to get damaged absorbing impact. Shane got the worst of it because the suspension collapsed completely on his side. I had at least a few inches of suspension travel to soften the blow, and I am still very sore. So let that be a lesson to us all. When given the choice hit something soft like a port-a-poty rather than something hard like the planet.
xcarguy Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Hello all, There have been some very valid (and very much appreciated) concerns by a few other Stalker owners / forum members regarding some of the front steering components on my car and as to whether or not these components were the cause of the accident at TWS. I want to take a moment and address this ‘topic of concern’ so we can take it off the table and all rest easy; at least, so I can rest easy...........more meds, please. :jester: When I repurchased my car back from Sharkey in 2012, it still had the original steering components installed (as designed and supplied by Brunton) which came on the earlier production cars. A change over to the newer steering components, as found on the later production cars (also Brunton-supplied), was one of the very first mods that I did to the car; and that particular ‘mod’ has performed flawlessly since then and was not, I am happy to report, the cause of the accident. :hurray: For peace of mind, here’s a link that shows the changes I made to my car’s front steering using those later model production-run parts: http://www471.pair.com/stalkerv/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=20051 And.........A big thank you to all who contacted me regarding their concern and for also allowing me to address this issue here first-hand. :cheers: Shane
xcarguy Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Its hard to see how you sustained so much damage while the car has so little. I guess we will have to wait for the details, get well soon. Here's what my Miata looked like after leaving a banked turn at about 70 mph, never touching the ground until it landed on top of a tire wall. I was unhurt but the car required $7k to put it right again. [ATTACH=CONFIG]8465[/ATTACH] Skip, I've heard of being in a world of sh%t..........but WOW!!! :ack:
xcarguy Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Alright, guys, I was going to post a bit more regarding my status, but the meds are kicking in and it's been a long day of consultations, PT, X-rays and such. In short, the ‘powers that be’ have determined that, for now, my condition is such that surgery (at least in the near future) is not going to be necessary for a successful recovery. And THAT's good news!!!!!! :hurray: As for the why-I-got-hurt-and-JR-didn't theories, I think JR nailed it with the suspension acting as a cushion on his side………….either that or his Superman underwear were working overtime. :jester: Until tomorrow . . . . . . . . :lurk:
scannon Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Skip, I've heard of being in a world of sh%t..........but WOW!!! :ack: Fortunately the outhouse had had little use since the last pumping and nothing, liquid or otherwise spilled out. The front suspension took the brunt of the impact on the tire wall otherwise I would have flattened the facility. I did take the top three layers of dirt filled truck tires off. The rear tires were 3' off the ground when things came to a stop.
Croc Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 A 100mph+ sled with no steering, suspension and race shell seats bouncing along the terrain surrounding a track? I bet you got slight air and impacted at one or more points. The only thing that surprises me is why T10 to T12? Should have been lower in the spine given what happened. I suspect seat angle played a large part of why there in the spine. Either that or you never had much backbone to start with? Good to hear that you do not need an operation - my threat to send a nurse was obviously successful! Keep healing well! :seeya:
xcarguy Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 (edited) A 100mph+ sled with no steering, suspension and race shell seats bouncing along the terrain surrounding a track? I bet you got slight air and impacted at one or more points. The only thing that surprises me is why T10 to T12? Should have been lower in the spine given what happened. I suspect seat angle played a large part of why there in the spine. Either that or you never had much backbone to start with? Good to hear that you do not need an operation - my threat to send a nurse was obviously successful! Keep healing well! Careful there, Dundee; you were one land mass away from being born a kiwi instead of a Croc. :toetap05: As for why I'm hurt, everyone here knows that I have a very delicate disposition. :nopity: Did you really have to tell the hospital staff that the nurses's name was Hilda and that she had a mustache?..........they're denying me my sponge bath this morning. :jester: Edited March 10, 2015 by xcarguy
Croc Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Shane - it is great to see your fun side starting to get ahead of your injury. Given you are in hospital do we need to send you food parcels of emergency supplies such as beer, bourbon, salsa, corn chips, etc? :cheers:
Kitcat Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Shane: Laughter is the best medicine? Looks like you are going to test that theory:). So, no GoPro or other video record of the event? If it had been at NJMP, Croc wld have had cameras hanging off your car everwhere!
xcarguy Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 (edited) Shane - it is great to see your fun side starting to get ahead of your injury. Given you are in hospital do we need to send you food parcels of emergency supplies such as beer, bourbon, salsa, corn chips, etc?:cheers: Shane: Laughter is the best medicine? Looks like you are going to test that theory:). So, no GoPro or other video record of the event? If it had been at NJMP, Croc wld have had cameras hanging off your car everwhere! Guys, thanks, You don't know how much of a help it is having this forum. Every day, I look forward to logging on and getting a good daily giggle or two. The humor definitely helps. As for video, the Replay cameras were recording, and video will accompany the details of the accident once posted. Just to reiterate (for all), I’ll release details after conversing with my insurer. This will (obviously) follow my return home from the hospital. In the meantime, please keep the jokes (Skip, you make me laugh) coming and the humor flowing from all. Shane :cheers: Edited March 10, 2015 by xcarguy
scannon Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Shane, I sincerely hope it doesn't hurt you to laugh.
xcarguy Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Shane, I sincerely hope it doesn't hurt you to laugh. Skip, I certainly do get a laugh out of your posts on the Joke thread......................keep'm coming. :cheers:
Paul Hill Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Shane Be sure to give us some notice so we can have popcorn ready for the screening. One of life's little ironies that here we are trying to make the class clown smile! Just in case you missed it I posted a joke for you that someone said suited your teenage life.....
Croc Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 Croc wld have had cameras hanging off your car everwhere! I have enough cameras and angles to turn Shane into a porn star on track. A little close up lens and we could have caught the action in high definition when he went down on turn 9 and effed himself up! :rofl: You need a trade name.... Wayne Kerr? Or maybe Rorty Piston?
subtlez28 Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 I totally understand why you do not want to release details on the crash until you finish dealing with insurance. Now, with the limited details we have, I'm sure we are all speculating. My theory, like the others, based on the low visible damage to the car is that you had a wheels first crash. My dad has a saying (I'm assuming he took this from somewhere) that jumping is just crashing wheels first. I have to speculate, that possibly because of your southern roots, you attempted your best Bo and Luke impression. http://youtu.be/G5XzkhnP5P8 Once you heal up, and if you chose to repair the car, might I suggest a change from red to orange. I'd skip the flag on the roof (easy enough since we don't have roofs on Storkers), but the 01 seems appropriate! Who is good at photo shop? I'll start a build thread on converting to early MOPAR torsion bar and leaf spring suspension.
xcarguy Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 (edited) Shane Be sure to give us some notice so we can have popcorn ready for the screening. One of life's little ironies that here we are trying to make the class clown smile! Just in case you missed it I posted a joke for you that someone said suited your teenage life..... Hey, Paul, I didn't miss your joke. In fact, after I posted my reply regarding our use of humor on the forum (and Skip's tomfoolery), I though of yours........something about males and their use of (or lack of their use of) 'condum' sense. :jester: You keep'm comin' too . . . . . . . . :cheers: Edited March 11, 2015 by xcarguy
xcarguy Posted March 10, 2015 Posted March 10, 2015 . . . . . My theory . . . . . wheels first crash.. . . . I have to speculate, that possibly because of your southern roots, you attempted your best Bo and Luke impression. . . . . . Once you heal up, and if you chose to repair the car, might I suggest a change from red to orange. I'd skip the flag on the roof (easy enough since we don't have roofs on Storkers), but the 01 seems appropriate! Who is good at photo shop? I'll start a build thread on converting to early MOPAR torsion bar and leaf spring suspension. subtle, Yes, lots of speculation right now on what happened, but not a wheels first crash (good guess, though). I promise, when the details are released, it'll all make sense. In the mean time, get the photo shop up and running, and don't forget to add the ram's horn hood ornament. I think I still have my Dixie air horns form the 70's. I'll dust them off and get those babies mounted to the roll bar once I can stand erect without the aid of Croc's nurse, hairy-lipped Hilda. :jester:
Paul Hill Posted March 11, 2015 Posted March 11, 2015 (edited) Seems tonight I fit right in with the tone of this thread... In spite of the fact that we still have snow up to "here" today was sunny, 1st day above freezing since early Dec. The temp actually almost touched 50! So, pushing the seasons as I do, shorts and short sleeve shirt today, starting my tan for our California trip for Easter. After supper Stormy and Rosemarie decided we needed to head out for ice cream. You guys woulda been proud: pulled on my snowmobile boots to drive them. They said my hairy legs made for a poor Daisy Duke! BTW... not all but most of what we drive has a pentastar on the grill, even our GMC Topkick motor home is pushed by a Cummins out of a Ram pickup! Thankfully Croc (or is he officially Dundee now?) and his cams were nowhere to be seen.... Edited March 11, 2015 by Paul Hill spellcheck
xcarguy Posted March 11, 2015 Posted March 11, 2015 (edited) . . . . . ice cream . . . . snowmobile boots . . . . . my hairy legs . . . . . Daisy Duke . . . . . a Ram pickup! Thankfully Croc (or is he officially Dundee now?) and his cams were nowhere to be seen.... Yep, Paul, Croc smells blood.............and I smell a nasty retort. Get ready. :jester: Alright boy and girls, my nurse just came in with meds........tomorrow is a new day. Good night all. :cheers: Edited March 11, 2015 by xcarguy
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