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NY/NJ/CT Caterham S3 or S5 owners

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Hi Folks. New to the forum here. I am looking to order a Caterham kit to build, and would like to sit in an S3 and an S5 to compare. Anyone within an hour or 2 from Westchester, NY willing and able to let me sit in his/her Seven (either chassis)? Thanks!


Hi Blake


Welcome to the forum! While I am in NYC sadly my cars are not thanks to a Hudson River flood prone garage. Your best bets for trying a car on for size within an hour of you:

Blackhole - just bought a new (to him) SV in CT

Boxologist - has an SV on Long Island - rarely comes on here and is hard to get a hold of.

JVbtte - has a S3 in northern NJ. Rarely comes on here and is hard to get a hold of.


There are others in CT in MA but I am not as familiar with them.


Your better bet for trying a car out would be weekend of November 12/13 when the Drivers Club group are at NJMP. There would be a few S3s, S5s and a CSR to try on for size assuming the weather behaves and chat with the various owners about options to spec (or not). We could also show you what the cars are like at speed in that setting as a few of us are accredited instructors. But that is more like a 3 hour drive which may be too far for you.




Took me a minute or two to identify with that. But of course I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer.....


It's alright Taber, probably a young guy who doesn't remember using roman numerals. :jester: If he would have said the Sumo Version or Fat Bastard it would have been much Clearer. :seeya: Tom


Hi Blake


As Croc mentioned I got a SV a couple of weeks ago. I am in West Hartford so it is about 90 minutes from Westchester. You are welcome to come check it out. There is also a Birkin nearby that is similar to a S3.


I highly recommend the visit to NJMP. I went for the July 4th event and saw more 7s of every flavor than I have ever seen and it was very helpful to see all the variants and talk to owners. And a ride with Croc will certainly give you an appreciation of the vast capabilities of these cars and his driving (and if you are like me turn you green, and not with envy :redface:)


I am 5'9" and 185 lbs. I fit into the S3 and it is a nice snug fit. I chose the SV partially because it was the car that best matched what I wanted, if it was an S3 I probably still would have bought it. If you are primarily street driving the car the SV is certainly a little easier. If it is a track car it would make less of a difference.


PM me if you are interested.




Thanks for the comments so far, guys. I particularly like the one about the Roman numerals. I figured S3/S5 or SIII/SV. But like Taber, I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed. Next time I'll take Tom's suggestion and just refer to the wide chassis as the Sumo Version or the Fat Bastard, both of which seem endearing.

Good to know you guys enjoy a good chuckle.

I will aim to make it to the NJMotorsports Park event. Again, thank you for the responses.


Blake - I live in Stamford CT! so 25 mins from Westchester, NY. I have a 2013 S3 R400 ..

Happy to have you come around and sit. You may even get lucky, and could go for a short ride together weather permitting.

Would love to have another Caterham neighbor

let me know. Happy to PM for logistics etc.


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