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Seattle area Se7en event?

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Following up on comments in another thread, any Seattle-area (or beyond) owners interested in getting together before the weather turns, or perhaps planning a tour for next summer? If so, please pile on and share your interests and location. I'm on the eastside in Duvall.



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I have a Toyota powered Locost that I spent 7+ years constructing. If I qualify to be included I would glad to participate but I don't drive the Inter-states.


This site was created to celebrate and connect owners of cars inspired by the Lotus 7. If someone has a problem with a Locost in the community, they shouldn't be here :)


When I bought my Westfield, I didn't think I would ever want to drive it on the freeway, but after driving over 750 miles of major interstates the first day to get close to home, I decided it wasn't that big of a deal.




Has anyone contacted Jack McCornack in Oregon?

- hope you don't mind but i cross posted to locostusa


This site was created to celebrate and connect owners of cars inspired by the Lotus 7. If someone has a problem with a Locost in the community, they shouldn't be here :)




Somebody has! Please let me know the details (like where and when) when they become available.


And BTW and FYI, I've found owners of kitbuilt and storebought Sevenish cars very friendly to the guys who built theirs from scratch. A good crowd all around.


I'm a crappy organizer, but a terrific thread starter :) In other words, throw out ideas for things to do either now or post Winter.




It's a long drive, even farther than the drive to the eclipse last month, but if it's more than just dinner and a beer I'd be up for it.

It's a long drive, even farther than the drive to the eclipse last month, but if it's more than just dinner and a beer I'd be up for it.


The weather is a big variable for planning something now that's more than a day, but I'd be up for a tour next summer. Lot's of great roads in the PNW.




As a veteran of a few Midwest Locost Gatherings I can offer some insights/suggestions. Those gatherings were 3 day affairs with a good deal of planning well in advance. The planner(s) would scout an area, usually close to something they were familiar with, but not always, but scouted way ahead of time, laying out blat routes, restaurants along the way, and lodging including camp sites.


I'm not from the PNW and still finding out about all what it has to offer. If someone more familiar with the area has any ideas i would be open to help in any way I can.


I'm not all that great at organizing either but there are a couple of experienced folks that I can confer with.


I'm all for this.



I'm a crappy organizer, but a terrific thread starter :) In other words, throw out ideas for things to do either now or post Winter.



I haven't been here long enough to know any good roads or things to do.




We've got lots of nice, usually nearly empty, twisty roads that go up canyons. And, our weather is often more predictable. But, all the people, and sevens, are on the other side of the mountains. But, if the Chelan/Wenatchee area is of interest, I would be happy to put together a route with some great stops.


I did watch Bruce Beachman in a couple of races at Pacific Raceways last weekend dicing with some Porsches. While I am not interested in racing like he does, a track day would be another option that would interest me.


I'm down by Portland and would love to get together with some 7 enthusiasts. I like Alfonse idea as well about a track day. I am an instructor with hooked on driving and as we are done for the season but next season will be here before you know it. We do have track days up that way at the ridge (my favorite track). I might be able to talk to the boss and see what he could do for a group of us? Anyways I would love to go so keep me in the loop.


Sounds like we do have a few people in the general area who are interested, and I know of 2 more who haven't responded who might be up for something. I have heard of some local se7en owners teaming up for track days in the past, but that's not my thing with the Westfield, so I've never paid close attention; however, Bruce Beachman may know.


If people are interested in putting together a tour for next summer, we could widen the net and do something similar to the PNW2007 event Slomove organized; CA>OR>WA>BC>CA. I've done Monterey>Seattle via back roads a couple of times, and this summer did a much shorter loop from Seattle>Mt. St. Helens>North Cascades Highway>Seattle. Or, as benny_toe suggests, we could organize around a basecamp for a few days, taking day trips from there. Someplace like Whistler might be good for such an event. Bottom line, lots of options in this corner of the country.




I'm sure we can come up with at least another 6-10 participants through our client network. We've just placed five new cars into the area this year, and we're not done yet.


To maximize interest, I recommend a tour AND a track day - two to three days in length. Pick a track like Oregon Raceway Park, and you can bookend a tour that takes you through the PNW wine country. This would make it easier for folks from both sides of the mountains to participate, and lure those in Oregon as well. Just a thought. The Ridge works as well, but, the weather over there can be unpredictable and extreme - even during the summer.



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