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2018 Sevens HPDE at NJMP - July 4-6, 2018

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. . . Dayton Air Force museum . . . Presidential and Experimental Hangar tour . . .


Update. Called the museum. All exhibits are now a part of the museum and located off base under one connected roof. No more limited tours. No more need for id’s. :D


Great story, thx Shane!!! Love the mechanics showing up, so cool. Those guys are hard to impress. When I look back from my lofty perch of age 71, I wonder how my wife and I ever found the time and energy to raise 3 boys! It's all I can do now to read the paper and see if my SS check has arrived:). And you are building cars, raising kids, earning a living, keeping the missus happy,...., I think I need a nap!



. . . And you are building cars, raising kids, earning a living, keeping the missus happy,...., I think I need a nap!


Never really took the time to look at it like that. Suddenly, I’m very tired. :willy_nilly:


This looks like the final participation list. I suspect the awkward dates played into the numbers but still it was disappointing to originally have 30 commitments drop off to 18 on the Friday (once Stevie gets around to signing up) and 15 on Thursday.


Still, the weather looks like its cooperating. The Wednesday fireworks display that are being put on especially for us will be spectacular. The dinners will be great and the laughter will be very much encouraged.


If you are arriving on Wednesday, make sure you read your instructions on where to go initially. It will likely be heavier traffic than normal with all the firework visitors.


Quick reminder:

If arriving before 3pm - Head to Lightning pits. We will head to karting around 3pm at the back of the Lightning pits


If arriving between 3pm and 4.30pm - come and see us at karting or head to the clubhouse for a drink and relax in air conditioned surroundings


If arriving after 4.30pm - head to the clubhouse to join us for a cool drink, possibly a swim, and dinner kicking off around 6pm-6.30pm


If you are still around at 9pm then fireworks will be happening at the Officers Club at the back of the Thunderbolt circuit. Those with villas should be able to enjoy from their balcony/terrace. Those with pit suites just have to step outside into the pit area.


For those driving Thursday at Thunderbolt, keep an eye out for an email from Don Fauerbach with final start times for the day.


And if anyone is there Tuesday, see me at the garage and we can organize a track walk as I don't think any are being used that day plus we can get a group together for dinner.



Looking forward to seeing you all again and meeting new faces! :flag:





1. Tom G - Caterhams

2. Croc - Caterham

3. Norm - It was a Caterham....at one point

4. Tom C - Mr. Birkin

5. Paul - Birkin

6. Mike M - Misguided Missile

7. Blake - Caterham

8. Graham - Locost Honda

9. Fred M - Locost Screamer

10. Scott L - Caterham

11. Jay - Caterham

12. Simon W - Caterham

13. Shane - NASA Launch Vehicle disguised as a Storker

14. Matt C - Westfield S2000 (Friday)

15. Jim A - Caterham (Friday)

16. Chris S - Lotus 7 S2

17. Dan F - Westfield Miata



Committed but have not signed up


18. Steve M - Caterham



Mike W will be back taking photos on Wednesday and Friday. Glen S will be back one day to do another of his videos.


Croc: That is still a pretty stout attendee list. And you are right, Wednesday being the 4th didn't help. At the moment, my plan is to be there Tuesday by noon but that could change to arriving Tues very late. I am trying to avoid the I-95 bottleneck and all the 4th traffic headed to the shore. I-95 is a nightmare in the best of times, but add in holiday traffic....I went 25 miles in 2 hours last year, and felt pretty accomplished. Hauling a trailer in traffic jams is also a challenge.

As to BBall, I know he's working on his seven and hopes to have it done in time to participate. Why he doesn't just retire and free up time for this important stuff is beyond me:). I am bringing some Caterham parts that he bought from me so he's very hopeful he can make it.

I-95 is a nightmare in the best of times, but add in holiday traffic....I went 25 miles in 2 hours last year,


Nope you are coming the wrong route. I-95 should only be in play for a 1-2 miles maximum.


If you come into PA on I-70 then follow I-76 east until Conshohocken PA, just after King of Prussia. Then pick up I-476 south/east and follow until you reach I-95 south. Follow I-95 south a very short way (like 2 miles) until you see Rt 322 east over Commodore Barry Bridge.


Follow Rt 322 east towards Glassboro NJ and then exit onto Rt 55 south.


This will have you 25mins out of Millville at this point.


By doing this you bypass downtown Philadelphia and the usual I-95 mess. Give Tom a call and ask for a better way if in doubt. We have ways to help you get around the traffic.





The villas do not have trailer parking so you can leave your trailer outside my garage for the night. Whoever is here Tuesday will join me/Shane/Robin/family at Andreas for dinner.


Kitcat, Croc is right, Call me and I'll give you other directions that should cut off a lot of miles from even Crocs recommendations. All trailer friendly. Tom


Croc and Tom, appreciate the travel love but.... If I could recover all the minutes/hours I have lost over the years looking for Tom's mythical "shortcut" thu SE PA, I'd be at NJMP now:). I get lost both going and coming. I have tried. And let's face it, if we are honest, the directions are probably stellar and it's my fossilized brain that's to blame. But I have to face reality: I-95 is slow but simple. So the plan, cast now in stone, is I leave here miday, hit I-95 around 11:00-ish, cruise on into Vineland to the Hampton Inn and crash. Sleep in, head to NJMP by noonish Tuesday (Yes, way early).


Another day of travel come and gone. After leaving the St. Louis area and putting the big arch in our rear view mirror, it was on to Indy to catch up with the Bankers. However, no stop in Indy thanks to my totally forgetting the time zone change going east; losing an hour put us behind the 8 ball in trying to get to Dayton before the Air Force museum closed. Jack was very understanding and took a rain check.


We stopped in Richmond, IL for gas. Started filling the tank when a fellow walks up and says to me “I’m from El Dorado as well.” I’m wondering how he knows I’m from podunk nowhere AR. Well, it is plastered on the side of my trailer. When he said he wasn’t actually from their, but had moved there, I said “why would you move there on purpose?” His answer was four grandchildren. Soon, the chitchat turns to “What’s in the trailer?” Turns out, this fella owned the real deal back in the day, did auto cross. Turned out that my wife and his daughter know each other. Small world.


With the tank topped off, it was full bore to Dayton where we arrived at the museum one hour before closing. It was a whirlwind visit, but scratch one life-long desire to see the only XB-70 in existence, as well as a B-36, off the bucket list. With that itch scratched, we put another couple of hours behind us and landed in Cambridge, OH.


Tomorrow’s journey eastward will take us to Gettysburg where civil war re-enactments are commencing from tomorrow through the 4th (will miss Pickett’s Charge on Wednesday...dang). From there, Hershey, PA for some Willy Wonka action at the Hershey candy factory. And, if the day allows, the Martin guitar factory and Valley Forge. Afterward, we’ll be picking our way down to Millville for a late evening arrival. :flag:




It’s been a long weekend and particularly long Sunday, but I registered at 11:55 ET, thus avoiding the late fee.


Still have more stuff to complete than I’d like, but should be leaving noon-ish Tuesday with the plan being to arrive prior to karting on Wednesday.




Atta Boy Steve!!! First drink is on me.



Now I have to pick up my new slicks, load the truck, Trailer and beat you there.


Croc is holding down the fort tomorrow, I'll get there in the early AM on Wednesday See you all soon. Tom


Good work Steve! I see that your famous St Louis arch has been rehabbed for a mere $380M. That would give me extra thrill when passing thru it:).

I am locked and loaded here, doing last minute chores then shoving off mid afternoon. Seems like I have a 100 loose ends to tie up (Find Go Pro, battery charged, charger with me, Go Pro mount, Cat, steering wheel (dont laugh), all the necessary, racing stuff + some spares, race gas, RED gas cans to refill (Illegal in NJ to fill any container other than a red one!) clothes for track, clothes for after track, cooler, beer/wine, ice, map, GPS, I phone, I phone charger, Cat stuff for BBall, etc. What will finally bring this annual adventure to an end for me is not the intense on-track driving but all the little details that have to be right in order to get there with everything I need. Sad:).


Hey Guys, for those of you who haven't left yet, Make sure you bring a bathing suit. I'm thinking that I may be spending the afternoon in the pool rather than in my driving suit. Especially if the battery to my Cool shirt pump runs out. :cooldude: Happy hour may start a little early if this heat doesn't break a little. Those of you who left and are getting in early can hit the local mall and pick up a suit if you need to.




The Colley crew made landfall in New Jersey last night around 9:00pm. The trek from Cambridge, OH carried us eastward with a detour through Gettysburg, PA. It was a good visit, but really too d@#$& hot to enjoy walking and take in the history. I found out the hard way that Gettysburg is not trailer towing friendly, especially when celebrating an anniversary event. The narrow downtown streets left us playing dodgeball with parked cars, oncoming traffic and pedestrians. The only place to park with a trailer / RV was the back lot of the Museum and Visitor Center. I did manage to take up space briefly in what was very limited bus parking in the parking lot across from the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. This provide us with an opportunity to hastily visit the high-water mark of the Confederacy (family on cannon at the Copse of Trees) and the ‘sorta’ spot where it is believed Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address (family on cannon at cemetery). I was (we were) a bit over enthusiastic to think we could do Gettysburg, Hershey and Valley Forge all in one day. :smilielol5: Anyway, we are in Millville, awaiting the fun. Looking forward to seeing some of you today and most tomorrow. Drive safe. :cooldude:





Made it to the track. It IS hot. Bring tons of water, Gatorade, etc. Also suntan lotion and bug spray(lots of flies this year). Both the heat and bugs are offset a bit by the stiff Breeze.

Posted (edited)

Mike, Cold water, Gatorade etc. is provided at the track as part of your registration fee, as well as the buffet breakfast and Lunch on Thursday and Friday. They will keep the fridges stocked thoughout the day.


You are on your own for today and Wednesday though. I'm all loaded up so I'll see you guys early tomorrow morning. Stay cool. Check with Croc and see if the pool Is available today. I'm thinking that I may spend most of tomorrow in the pool anyway. Tom


Edited by yellowss7

Sitting at Heathrow airport trying to fly back, very busy and lots of delays apparently there’s some event going on in the USA today, I assume they must all be going to our sevens event;) Won’t make it in time tonight, but see you all Thursday.


PS what’s this BS about new slicks Mr Gavel, 1000HP and grip, we’ll be eating orange dust...


Simon W



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Posted (edited)

PS what’s this BS about new slicks Mr Gavel, 1000HP and grip, we’ll be eating orange dust...


There will be orange dust alright when you go for a spray into it at the Devil in your usual flamboyant driving style. :jester:




The Colleys and Kitcat are here. Tom and S1Steve rock up this morning. We all joined up at the Old Oar House in Millville for dinner in. Today is a test day for me - 4 automotive money pits to hit the Lightning track with some of the local supporters who I have promised an instructor ride for (plus Shane's son):


1965 Holman Moody Mustang


1992 Ford Escort RS Cosworth (although this is on super gentle low boost cycle as we continue to learn it)

my Caterham CSR


We had hoped to have the 1985 Holden Commodore SS Group A WTCC homologation special out running today but alas its newly built engine started eating the camshaft on the dyno on Monday. Tear down, new bearings and start again.... They are called money pits for a reason!


Temps will top out at 90. The crowd will starting hitting here from around 12 to 3pm. Around 3pm we migrate to karting for a little spirited competition then settle in for a a pool party at the clubhouse until the fireworks come on at 9pm.


Bring swimsuits as pool is available Wednesday through to Saturday. Nothing like a post-track time swim!


Should be a good day!

Edited by Croc

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