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computer for 2002 thru 2004 Ford 4cy fuel injected SVT


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We have determined that the computer does not function.  It controls the fuel injection and ignition.  The car will not start.  Turns over but no results.  The computer issue is that anything we can find also has the PATS  , passive anti theft system imbedded which will not work.  Repair shops cannot find a replacement,  It appears to have been manufactured in France.  Looking for a new or used one or alternatively some ideas about how to find one or where a repair shop could be found






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I was thinking the same thing, I don't think Pectel is made in France. When you say nothing what does that imply, injectors firing, plugs. Is it ODB2 or have any diagnostics? 



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If it is a Pectel, for a drop-in direct replacement or repair, I'd contact the mfg first instead of a distributor.

Pectel Technologies, Inc., (949) 586-3609, 25 Spectrum Pointe Dr, Lake Forest, CA 92630

It may be more cost effective to upgrade to a current product with a little modification to the wiring and some software tuning. There are several mfgs out there who could provide what you need.

Some pics of the ecu and engine bay might help narrow it down.

It doesn't sound like you've done enough testing to determine that the ecu has failed.

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Could I suggest that you try one of the Ford Focus blogs/forums (fora?)?  There are many more of these engines, and thus ECUs in the Ford Focus than in all of the LSISs.  Also, I have seen these offered on eBay under Ford Focus SVT, but haven't seen one--or watched that search--in a while.

Good luck.

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Maybe post your question on FocusFanatics.com? They have a subsection on Zetec SVT engines. As I recall, SVT guru, TurboTom(on this forum known as 1turbofocus, I think), says that the stock Ford ECU is the best available option for this engine. 

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contacted Pectel.  They are not in this business now and only deal in wiring harnesses.   Please see posted pix


What exactly is a "stock"ecu.  I am told that if hass the pats system built in which I gues must be the typical case, that it will not work if the vehicle does not have pats

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By the pictures it appears you have a stock Ford ECU.

I typed your numbers in quick and got a google hit for an eBay ECU without looking further into it "YRF0 ecu" "2u7a-12a650-fya"




With that said, I'm not familiar with how the passive anti theft (re PATs) would interfere or whether somebody flashed or programmed the stock ECU. Quick google searches for PATs make it seem like it's a more recent feature/use. Do you have more information on the original built of the vehicle? Has it been working fine for you before? If you swap one ECU with identical one, I'm not sure if PATs would be non the wiser. Plus seems like a system you should bypass regardless.


Pectel has been bought by Cosworth and all the support is through Cosworth website now. But I don't believe this matters in your case.


Also who's the "we" who determined the ECU being dead and how certain is "we" on that before you start going down potentially a wrong path. Do you have spark? Does fuel pump turn on? Your ECU has a US patent but you're saying it was made in France? I see you have the stock Ford fuel kill switch on your car too on the firewall, make sure that it's not activated.


What year is your 7?


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"Stock" means original equipment from the manufacturer (OEM). The computer is not standalone.

That is a stock computer that requires a PATS module and a chip usually located in the ignition key. The chip is matched to the computer. You must have the correct chip/key and module to operate the computer. There is no practical way around that to use the stock computer. Bypass kits typically just relocate the module with a box to put the correct key in proximity.

 I expect the chip/key is buried with the module in the cowl somewhere and is always together so you can use a standard chipless ignition key for controlling the ignition.

It is probably something very minor that may cost nothing to actually "repair". The cost will be to find the problem. Whomever is working on it should know these things.

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no gas and no spark.  consensus is that anything with pats will no work.  what if any work around can you suggest.  my mechanic and service mgr from a caterham dealer seem to be in agreement . sent unit ouy and they sent it back noting this issue/  the key is the non electronic version as well.  they seem to think putting in ignition with pats is not possible.

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What year and model caterham do you have?

If they can't get actual efi schematics from cat, you'd be better off with a shop that works on older efi systems regularly and have the diagnostic equipment. However, I'm sure they are great at caterham specific chassis work.

It sounds like they have done their best. Cut your losses, politely collect your car, and take it to a shop with ASE techs and older ford EFI experience. I suggest a shop like Eric O.'s (South Main Auto, NY): https://www.youtube.com/c/SouthMainAutoRepairAvoca

It's hard to find qualified people with time to figure it out.


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Sure it does.


Also, PATs involves more than key recognition but I understand if you want to go with what sounds likely based on your experience.

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we have cat s3 built in 06 with focus svt engine oem ecu.  it use std cat key w/o chip . under scuttle zip tied is ford pats module with chip taped to it. module is black plastic rectangle with ring on it for install on steering column . cat harness was "married" to ford harness by RMSCI .. salvage engine came with ecu and matching keys

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3 hours ago, glenntwincam said:

we have cat s3 built in 06 with focus svt engine oem ecu.  it use std cat key w/o chip . under scuttle zip tied is ford pats module with chip taped to it. module is black plastic rectangle with ring on it for install on steering column . cat harness was "married" to ford harness by RMSCI .. salvage engine came with ecu and matching keys


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what is the ?scuttle"  and what is RMSCI?  If I found all this stuff the fact would be that the unit does not work as is.  all the replacements have pats what would be the story with the dtuff like the black box?

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2 hours ago, HUTCH said:

what is the ?scuttle"  


Scuttle is the panel that looks like the blue & white striped aluminum one in the photo below:




It covers a LOT of wiring and may be hiding the Ford PATS module.  I previously owned a Caterham of the same year as yours and my car was identical to how @glenntwincam describes it above in an earlier post.





2 hours ago, HUTCH said:

what is RMSCI?  


RMSCI was Rocky Mountain Sports Cars - the original importer of Caterham kits at that time.  It is possible they even assembled this one.  While there is a Caterham dealer by that name now, they are unrelated to RMSCI and would not have the history on your Caterham.







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