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Everything posted by Mondo

  1. After your last upgrading project, I know this is going to be great... Bigger back tires might be necessary with all the HP
  2. Have to go along with everyone else with the respect.... Heck, my skill level barely allows me to be able to replace parts (righty tighty-lefty loosy), would never consider "making" something.
  3. Mondo

    Gobble Gobble

    I may have to re-corner weight the 7 after today;)
  4. Humorous lipsink to the debates... makes fun of all of them
  5. Looks nice, that bar is unusual, going between the seats from dash to rear bulkhead. Wish I chose a carbon dash over my machined metal (the glare is blinding).
  6. Glad things are improving faster than you thought. Well those with total loss of a home could try this design when they reconstruct.. I've seen where the bottom floor is a garage and they just have their cars and minor stuff there. Might take away from the traditional ambiance though. http://www.topsider.com/hurricane-proof-homes.asp
  7. Just checking "New Posts" Roman. I got a ride in Kevin's supercharged Ultralite that Loren helped build. I'm sure there's faster out there but it was the quickest car I've ever been in!
  8. people's imagination/talent never cease to amaze me...
  9. Mondo

    Cause He Can

    That's the only explanation
  10. Jim, You'll probably getting the same results with your lube.. squeaks but not so much rattles. But I have some other rattles too, my hood touches the top front corner of the motor which adds to some vibration rattles. My front hood hinges are riveted to the inside of hood, moving the hinge to the bottom/outside will raise my hood the thickness of the fiberglass (approx. 1/4in) and hopefully solve that. I'm hoping the joints & hood are 80-90 percent of my rattles. You can hear everything with these cars, disc braking, motor noises and with speed the wind takes over. Guess it's not the noises you know, it's the ones you don't.
  11. Jim, that's my biggest complaint too. I usually give riders ear plugs and say it's for the wind noise;) I've sprayed some motorcycle chain wax (dry stuff) on the joints and it's good for about 100-150 miles.
  12. Here's the link http://usa7s.net/vb/showthread.php?t=3624 I looked into this in January but didn't move forward: From: info@bakerprecision.com It looks like the ones on the car are the 2pieces narrow bearings. I can order them in for you with the Teflon. They will give you more travel. The ones on the diff bracket look more like the 3 piece with the beefier head. $17.55 CMX10-8T (right or left) $17.25 CMX10T $14.53 CMXL8T Delivery to me will be late next week. Let me know if you would like me to order them in. Thank you, Darlene Baker Baker Precision Bearing | Serving the Industry Since 1969 2865 Gundry Ave • Signal Hill, CA 90755 USA P: 562 427 2375 F: 562 426 5294 http://www.bakerprecision.com
  13. Sorry, I have the same set up but I don't know how to do that. These guys specialize in Hondas and are one of the best in SoCal and I think for a little $$ he can send you a S2000 tune to download (He has a standard tune for S2000s he starts with on the dyno). Or you can tell them the problem, datalog a drive, send it to them and he can modify it. Bisimoto Engineering 1916 S. Lynx Place Ontario CA 91761 U.S.A. 888-9-BC-MOTO (888-922-6686) 800-556-9896 FAX http://www.bisimoto.com
  14. It's prime-time driving here... 80s
  15. Stock Honda S2000 is a 4.1 diff (on 17in wheels). I have 3.9 and can spin the tires in first... great at freeway speeds. I bought the 3.9 because it's the strongest of suburu's diffs and Loren has gone thru several 4.11s (with forced induction). And I'd like to go that route at some point too. I'm wondering if 1st is pretty useless with that low ratio... 2nd & 3rd would pull harder I guess.
  16. S1's are probably the most civilized of the 7s. Very nice. Good luck with the sale
  17. Well it's 4yr old now... so not quite as immaculate as some of the pics. Still gives the thrill though. You'd think I'd of gotten it all dialed in by now but retirement ended when first kid started college and other committments have gotten in the way. Actually I'm down to fixing the brake bias, new tires & corner weighting... oh, forgot the teflon heim joint changeout too. Then it's just cosmetic/comfort stuff like half-top for shade etc... Supercharger or Turbo is still a dream.
  18. I just picture myself like the end of a hose that's out of control... flinging around in every direction;)
  19. I'm in Bakersfield.. short flight or 4 hr drive. You can take it for a spin (not literally) if you want. Check out my album
  20. I like this one... http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/debate-cold-open/1419927
  21. Not according to the Bible... "...For in six days the LORD made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested..." No way would I ever take up that much real estate with a tattoo. I do actually have one on my right ankle. It says TATTOO HERE inside a rectangle dotted box about 2 inches long (I've been known to have a weird sense of humor).
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