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Everything posted by Silk

  1. I've also used Horseless Carriage several times and was very satisfied with the service. Gary
  2. Also have a Stalker along with two new knees and one new hip. I use the Stalker mostly for autocross, so a lot of in and out. No problem with the hip at all. Was autocrossing about four months post surgery.
  3. Putting aside the enforcement aspects of this (which give rise to a whole lot of practical questions), the proposed regulation seems pretty clear. If you alter the emissions equipment on an EPA-certified motor - even if it's going in a car that will be for track-only use, you're in violation of the Clean Air Act. And since the EPA is characterizing this as a "clarification" of existing law, it is not prospective only and would be applicable to lots of track and autocross cars that aren't licensed for the street. If you have a motor that was built from scratch by Roush or folks of that ilk, you might be ok. All in all, troubling to say the least, but again open to questions of how EPA would enforce the regulation.
  4. Jack, I'm sure Christian will thoroughly enjoy your old Stalker - it's certainly a well built and we'll optioned car. Just curious, what kind of HP does your ecotec make? Beautiful car! Gary
  5. I have one in my left eye - after 6 months or so it wasn't even noticable. Doesn't interfear with racing at all. My opthamologist said the brain accomodates to these things after a while. I can see the floater if I specifically look for it, but otherwise it's like it isn't there.
  6. Yes, very much. Simple and inexpensive to maintain and fun to drive. I subsequently owned several TR6s, but much preferred the looks of the 4s.
  7. I had three 4As, two with IRS, one with live axle. The handling with the IRS was much improved versus the live axle. If you plan to do track days/spirited driving, you might want to take that into consideraiton.
  8. Ha! It seems that whenever tires are delivered, my wife gets home before me. Then she takes perverse pleasure in calling and announcing, “Great news! There are more tires at our garage door. And just in the nick of time, since I know we were running dangerously low.” Sigh.
  9. Bob, The coilover shock site is singular – http://www.coilovershock.com. Gary
  10. Michael, Any details on this? I'd like to make it, schedule permitting. And since the local Cobra group just had its beer & chilidog Holiday breakfast at the Vienna Inn, I'm confident my digestive system is prepared for more of the same. Gary
  11. Jeff, Sorry to see that car go - its been fun competing head-to-head over the years. Will we still see you at some of the local autoxes? Gary
  12. I've used Horseless Carriage several times and been quite pleased with them. Timing on these things always depends on how long it takes the carrier to assemble a full truck.
  13. Vintage nitro dragster warming up. At 2:10 they switch over from alcohol to niro-methane, and then the idle really gets nasty.
  14. Came close a couple of times to acquiring an Elite back in the day. I agree it's one of the best and most timeless designes out there. If money were no object, something like this would be in my garage - http://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/lotus/elite/1292804.html
  15. I've used Horseless Carriage several times and been very pleased with them. http://www.horselesscarriage.com/enclosed-auto-transport/
  16. These are from Team III - they'll do whatever backspace you want. http://www471.pair.com/stalkerv/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=15443&g2_
  17. Damn, Mazda! Sure hate to see that. I was finishing up some winter changes on the car this weekend and was thinking of asking whether we'd see you up in Cumberland this season. Which I hope still happens. Hope the repairs go smoothly. Gary
  18. I agree with Jack. I wear size 10 street shoes, and the footwell is no problem at all. I do like a narrower racing shoe when I autocross, since I do left foot braking and it can get a bit crowded down there. Gary
  19. Yup, seem him around. That frequent inverse relationship between money and skill.
  20. Bummer. I hate those things. But be glad it didn't happen in DC. I got tagged in the 3rd Street tunnel - but the first notification I received was for the amount of the ticket ($60 or something) plus $300 for failure to pay on time. Tried to tell them they never sent me notice the original ticket - - - got the usual DC response - as have lots of other people. Happy I could do my part to help reduce the District's budges shortfall. http://www.emoticonsfree.org/wp-content/uploads/mad0061.gif
  21. No affiliation - http://dallas.craigslist.org/ndf/cto/1996001206.html
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