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Last Thursday I had my first experience with kidney stones... last night I couldn't be more than 10ft from the toilet all night (dropped 5lbs).


Just sitting here zoning out....

Last Thursday I had my first experience with kidney stones... last night I couldn't be more than 10ft from the toilet all night (dropped 5lbs).


Just sitting here zoning out....


Last September I was walking across my shop floor, the next thing I remember is lying across the customer chairs in my front office and one of my employees calling my wife. Enjoyed a trip to the ER and some pain meds, along with two IV bags of saline solution. The next week was a tough one as they could not do anything else for me.


I feel for you.



Bill S.

Posted (edited)

I feel your pain. I had one last fall while towing Birkin to car repair in next state. Was in agony on way there. I thot it was a stomach ache. Never felt anything like it. Dropped the trailer, unloaded Birkin, happy talk with mechanic, back in SUV to Ohio and it got much worse. Wasnt sure I'd make it home, stopped at house, picked up wife who took over driving, on to hospital where no one was in any hurry to deal with pain so bad I was unable to sit down, kept pacing around ER, many hours later, drugs, relief, TG. Doc said :"Oh that's a tiny one, they are usually much bigger".

Edited by Kitcat

Hope you feel better soon! That's gotta hurt. I thought I had a kidney stone once, but it ended up being Shingles.


I feel for you. I've had 5 kidney stone attacks so far, last one was about 10 years ago, shortly after take-off during a very long flight to Seoul... Give me morphine or a gun.


Sorry to hear of your affliction. I know what pain you are in. When they come out, they are the size of a grain of sand, yet they feel like a boulder when they are in transit.

Hang in there , this too shall pass.


Ouch! Make sure you push up your fluid intake, and learn to love cranberry juice to keep them away in the future.

Get better ASAP.



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