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East Coast Sevens Track Event 2014 - SAVE THE DATE

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Mike - Since one of my three awards resulted in leaving a day early, do I get to collect last years trophies this year? :)



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Jlumba: Do it! You will win the highly coveted: "He Drove the Furthest award," as well as the newly created: "He Took the Longest Ferry Ride Whilst Getting Here" award. There will be lots of other awards to go around including "Most Polished Se7en" award and the highly coveted "First to Break Down" award. Last year we had a guy sweep 3 awards but I know he wont feel bad if he loses those next time. There is the "Not that Bad" award for whoever shows up with the most drinkable wine. Plus whatever other "awards" I can dream up between now and then. For on-track cars, there is the "Most Agricultural" award that Croc and i have been battling over. And the "Most breakdowns award" tho some mite accuse me of setting that one up just to be sure I win at least one.


Can we have a 'The-First-Stalker-Guy-to-Get-Other-Stalker-Guys-to-Participate' award? :hurray: . . :willy_nilly: . . :svengo: . . . . :cheers:



I'd love to take you up on the offer. However, I ended up buying a car after my last ride with you and i'm not sure my better half is ready for me to take up track days....




Posted (edited)
Almost tempted to drive there to attend. Is this gonna be an annual event?


Good grief Jude! Have you recovered from your last trip from Jersey City! :ack:


Thats another 4000 mile slog! wow!

Edited by Croc

Croc would crap if you drove his old sv all the way back East. :jester:


I think all of us would crap if confronted with a 4000 mile drive in a seven! I think he wins the all time drive stakes :iamwithstupid:


That said I would love to see the old girl again. She is a wonderful car - wish I could have afforded to keep her as a road car along with the CSR. I really get a kick out of Jude driving her everywhere in Alaska. :cooldude:


I don't want to come across as negative but...in reviewing these latest posts it has just hit me that we are at our original cap for number of cars in track. We set it low deliberately to ensure a decent driving experience on track although not necessarily clear track race hot lapping experience. Tom and I will huddle together today and talk to NJMP to make sure we are not overcrowding the place with sevens. If we do have to put a cap on driving numbers we will take reserves and from past experience there is a very good chance that they will get a drive as people do drop out once it comes time to put up the money.


I want to get this out now to be fair to people who are contemplating attending. I genuinely never expected we would get over 20 sevens wanting to be on track - call me naive but the positive response on this thread just goes to show the level of enthusiasm by the owners on this forum. :driving:


As a lurker here who has tinkered with 7s owned by others (have a very early Caterham project waiting in the wings) for years my better half and I are hoping to make this gathering as spectators. Would be great to put faces to some of the great people on this list that I have traded info with, picked up parts from, for years.

NJMP is on our bucket list, having been to most of the other great tracks in the eastern half of the US and Canada when our 2 sons were racing shifter karts in the wka National Road Race Series. Older now, and out of our pockets...both are instructors at Calabogie Motorsports Park (amongst other race car oriented occupations)


Hate fat fingers and small "not-so-smart" phones....


....we are enjoying spending more time doing OUR thing. Not to say we did not take great joy helping them succeed, it was a blast. Now we have the youngest...she'll be 16 in April...following in their footsteps so will likely have her in tow, be tough to keep her away from the kart event!

Assuming things work as planned we will have our motorhome.project completed and will camp at the track. It being a major home built project it should fit right in with the 7s crowd...a "project" on a much larger scale?

Will keep an eye on further details here...

Posted (edited)

Paul, if you agree to be a videographer for a session or two, you're in (just kidding) you and your family would be most welcome. DaveD and his wife Bev came to the first two events as spectators, and last year got his S1 out on the track with us. He's coming back again, so I think he's really hooked now. Sounds like you're bringing a ringer to the Karting event. :driving:

Oh, and BTW, new guys have to bring a local beer to the party. :rofl::seeya:



Edited by yellowss7

'New-guys-bringing-local-beer-to-the-party' award ......... Can that one be added? Wait, is that local, as in NJ, or local, as in Arkansas? :D


Sorry guys...having lost a 16 yr old daughter (20 yrs ago but the wounds never go away) to dui I have a hard time contributing to your own potential demise.

Not that we are abolishionists or prohibitionists, we just choose not to contribute.

As for our daughter Stormy being a ringer you can relax as she is a rookie just starting in karting.

Now...if my boys showed up that might be another matter!

Rosemarie, Stormy and I are looking forward to this event.


Sorry for your Loss Paul, Didn't mean to offend.


Alcohol is NOT allowed in the paddock while the track is HOT BTW for the edification of all attendees, whether you are driving or not.




Not a problem here Tom, no offence taken. Similarly, was not my intention to offend anyone else with MY comments.


We all have our own cross to bear, choices to make. And other than shaking my head at a few people getting offended or heavy handed in some posts my time on this site has been enlightening and enjoyable. As has been mentioned by others this site is a wealth of information, well worth my time.

Posted (edited)

Its just wishful thinking on my part. Started a new job and don't have enough vacation time to attend the event. Also need to get off my butt and get the transmission and the 7 back on the road. Maybe next year.


It would be nice to have a parts swap. Maybe also a dealer selling parts. I, for one, would buy fenders, nosecone, wheels and tires. Also a 7 sized trailer to haul it all back with me. Saving all that $ from shipping costs would make trip more wallet friendly.

Edited by jlumba81
Oh, that's a tough one. NJ :puke:or Arkansas beer. Do they make a local beer there? :jester:






Now that you mention it, I don't think so. However, I'm pretty sure there's a local 'home brew' in Arkansas, but I don't think you can buy it in a store. :iamwithstupid:

Sorry guys...having lost a 16 yr old daughter (20 yrs ago but the wounds never go away) to dui I have a hard time contributing to your own potential demise.

Not that we are abolishionists or prohibitionists, we just choose not to contribute.

As for our daughter Stormy being a ringer you can relax as she is a rookie just starting in karting.

Now...if my boys showed up that might be another matter!

Rosemarie, Stormy and I are looking forward to this event.




May I also offer my condolences on the loss of your daughter. I do hope that my lighthearted joking around has not offended; if so, my deepest apologies. Please be assured, my related posts are in jest.


While I can’t relate to your loss, I can relate (to some extent) as to what alcohol can do to a family. Let’s just say that my father had a very hard childhood.


As for me, I’ll have my family along also and my choice of beverages for the duration of the event will consist of copious amounts of water, juice, coffee, tea . . . . . . . and if I want to really get wild and crazy and let my hair grow, Diet Coke! :seeya:

Posted (edited)

Mike had a discussion with senior management at NJMP and they are excited about the large turnout of Sevens at our proposed track and karting event.

They have suggested that we limit the number of cars in the run group to around 20ish to provide for a good driving experience. While some groups have run significant larger numbers on track, they strongly feel that the lower number will be safer and more enjoyable given the varying levels of experience, and power levels. Mike and my past experience at this circuit concur with NJMP management in this respect.

We asked about the potential to move drivers with limited or no track experience, or for those that would be more comfortable learning the track in a no passing group, to be included in the GREEN run group and NJMP management were supportive of this. The Green run group is a NO passing group, following a pace car. It’s an excellent way to learn the track and especially for those of you new to your cars and track driving, to get up to speed a little more gradually, concentrating on the track, your car and not having to worry about looking in your rearview mirrors for other cars looking for a point by to pass. There will be limited numbers available in this group, say 5 or so, with a final decision yet to be made. Based on your driving resume which you will provide at time of registration, the Track will have final say as to who will be allowed to participate in the passing group.


So at this point we have 20 drivers who have expressed their intent to attend. Any additional seven owners that would like to participate on track will be put on the list as a standby and once the actual registration opens, we will advise them if there are any cancellations or openings.

Those of you who have expressed interest in attending as a non-driving guest, are welcome to come and socialize, and participate in the Karting event on Sunday morning. I believe Karting will be open on Friday and Saturday as well if you want to get some practice in ahead of the competition, but I will double check on that once they post their schedule. To assist the Track Management with numbers we will need you to pre-register in advance as well.


Registration for the event will be done through an online website. We will notify those on the list through a PM to you when registration for the event opens and will notify standby driving participants if people on the original list drop out. Cost for Driving guests has not been published yet, but last year was $195 per day, and that includes the Breakfast and Buffet lunch and water, soda, Powerades, throughout the day. Cost for a non-driving guest is also not published yet but was $25 per person per day and includes breakfast, lunch and water, soda or Powerades throughout the day. Please expect some increases over the 2013 rates for our event. Once NJMP publishes its rates, we will communicate them to you.


Our plans for dinners are dependent on the availability of the Club house, so at this point the order may change but our tentative plan is for a dinner at the Club house one night, Each person is responsible for their own cost. We will need a firm head count so that we can provide appropriate notice to the restaurant.

Don Fauerbach, one of the track founders hosts a July 4 private backyard BBQ, for NJMP Club members, and he has extended the invitation to our group. We will also have to provide him with early notice as he will need time to prepare. There will be a cost per head TBD for this event that we will learn of shortly. There is also possibility of a BBQ dinner at the track for another night. Again, a headcount and per head cost will be required.


This is a casual event. Our goal is to meet new 7 owners, checkout each other’s cars, have a lot of laughs, and enjoy our cars safely out on track. The event is what you make it. Track and Paddock safety rules are to be obeyed at all times for our safety. The social aspect of the event in the past has been as much fun as the track time, IMO. Sorry for the long post, but we are blown away by the enthusiasm for the event and Mike and I want to make sure that we provide you with the info you need to enjoy the event. This is a big group now and we actually have to think thru the logistics now instead of our past relaxed practice of just showing up and saying lets go to dinner. So bear with us. Thanks.

Tom and Mike



Edited by yellowss7
Mike had a discussion with senior management at NJMP and they are excited about the large turnout of Sevens at our proposed track and karting event.............Sorry for the long post, but we are blown away by the enthusiasm for the event and Mike and I want to make sure that we provide you with the info you need to enjoy the event. This is a big group now and we actually have to think thru the logistics now instead of our past relaxed practice of just showing up and saying lets go to dinner. So bear with us. Thanks.

Tom and Mike




Tom (and Mike),


Thanks for the great info . . . no 'lengthy' :jester: apology necessary.


xcarguy and others

While I do appreciate the sympathies offered I didn't post with that in mind, was more an explanation of why we are what we are: a family that has done what we can to guide our other kids in spite of the past, hopefully helping them make educated choices in life. We try to have a good time, make the best of whatever comes, and offer what we can to others along the way.

When we were doing the kart road racing ours was the pit with the 5 gal lemonaide jug out along the aisle for anyone going by, where the lunch pot of pasta or chile might serve 20 or more, the coffee was always fresh. My absolute favourite occasion was at Roebling Rd on a Canadian Thanksgiving weekend (6 weeks before the US). Knowing we still wanted to observe the occasion we cooked and sliced a big bird at home plus stuffing, gravy, etc. I think we ended up serving 35+ in the pits Saturday evening, a complete dinner right down to pumpkin pie and real whipped cream! Was a hoot...

People couldn't believe what we put together out of our 20' motorhome 1000 miles from home.

Isn't that what life is all about: good friends, good fellowship=good times and great memories.

It's our hope to continue in the same manner, making friends and sharing good times with them and our family, seeing new places whenever we can.

BTW...I am not easily offended, can take good natured jesting with the best of them. Both Rosemarie and I can give as good as we get. And our encampment will be open to all with a sense of humour, our awning offering shade when needed.

All I have to do is finish building it!

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