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I sent a John at Quantum Mechanics an email & got a very quick response. He can turn around the tranny in 5 days. I'm giving my "expert" until Sunday to fix the shifting function and then (if not fixed) I'll ship John the transmission. It will be close on time but I think I can make it. I'm going to try to pick up a spare tranny also.

Mike, I have a Spa center mirror that originally was mounted low and blocked my view of the right front of my car. I bought a piece of threaded rod and used a coupling nut to extend the height of the mirror so that I could see thru to the right side and it also helped with the vision to the rear as it cleared the diagonal cross bar. I had a spare one that I gave to Jeffs and he said it worked well for him too. I think I still have some of the threaded bar left, I'll cut a piece or two and make up another coupling nut. Assuming you have the same Spa center mirror. I think the thread size and pitch was a M12 with a 1.0 pitch which is a strange size.




I went out to get a piece of M12 X 1.0 threaded rod, bolt, etc............nobody has it. I bought a tap and die from Amazon to make my own extension. Where did you get yours ? I tried every nut and bolt outfit I could find online. You said it was a strange size, and you were right.


Mike, It took me a while to find someplace that carried it. I Had to buy a 3 foot piece. So really, I can cut off a couple pieces, smooth them out and drill the depression you need for the ball on the mirror to swivel in.


If you can find a collar nut that you can retap into the m12 x1.0 pitch then you'll be all set. I used some JB weld to fill in the threads on the collar nut that I bought then used a tap to re thread it. Don't know if I really needed to use the JB weld but it's held up good. I can send you a couple pieces if you want to play with them now. Otherwise I'll have them for you in July.

Found the invoice. Metric & Multistandard Company

120 Old Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, NY, 10532


item # 1006926




Mike, It took me a while to find someplace that carried it. I Had to buy a 3 foot piece. So really, I can cut off a couple pieces, smooth them out and drill the depression you need for the ball on the mirror to swivel in.


If you can find a collar nut that you can retap into the m12 x1.0 pitch then you'll be all set. I used some JB weld to fill in the threads on the collar nut that I bought then used a tap to re thread it. Don't know if I really needed to use the JB weld but it's held up good. I can send you a couple pieces if you want to play with them now. Otherwise I'll have them for you in July.

Found the invoice. Metric & Multistandard Company

120 Old Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, NY, 10532


item # 1006926





Tom, you're a saint, no matter what Kitcat says. I can make the nut from a piece of bar stock since I have the tap coming. The threaded rod would be a big help. I can get it from you in NJ and simply screw it on in just a few minutes. If you could go to the trouble of drilling the centering depression on one end of the threaded rod, I would be most appreciative. I'll gladly pay you for the rod and your trouble as well, and buy you a couple of drinks, or if you prefer, run interference on the track and block out Kitcat for a couple of laps. He isn't the violent type I hope ?


I'll use some loctite to secure the threaded nut to the base and extension rod. Make it the length you used since we have the exact same setup.




No big deal. It's my pleasure. Kitcat's a pussy..... Cat. :smilielol5: And I don't think he can catch me anyway. :seeya: Tom

Offering to run blocker in July . . . . Well, there goes the new paint. :D


I hope there will be a bunch of video shot at the event. With all the chatter leading up, it should be good. :lurk:

Posted (edited)

Just got off the phone with Croc for our monthly meeting about all things that are good in


the world. Sounds like Tom and Croc are putting the final game plan together.


Croc said their first rule will be , anyone that shows up on the 4th weekend with a V8 in


in a 7. Will start from the back of the grid and have to pull a 2ton sled .


I'm not trying to start any shit here, I'm just laying down the FACTS.....

Edited by S1Steve
Croc said their first rule will be , anyone that shows up on the 4th weekend with a V8 in a 7. Will start from the back of the grid and have to pull a 2ton sled.


Da#n it, man! :banghead:

I hope there will be a bunch of video shot at the event. With all the chatter leading up, it should be good. :lurk:


If I were a betting man, I'd say production has already begun; pretty sure the amount of camera equipment hanging off Croc's Cat will rival any Hollywood film set. :ack: I'll be bringing my Replays. :lurk:

Posted (edited)

Video planning has begun. I will be borrowing people's cars to mount videos on and probably borrowing people's footage to weave into a nice video. I am a firm believe in the porn movie approach to video production - lots of angles and cameras in high definition to catch you guys at your best while....errrr....:conehead:performing....


I will need to decide on a video theme. I was thinking about "Lightweights do Lightning" in the style of Debbie does Dallas but then I remember we have Storkers present....:redface:


I do have to talk with someone about a drone for aerial shots this year and this post has just reminded me (thank you Coffee Break!) that I need to talk to the NJMP official track photographer about getting a group photo and getting photos of us all "performing" on track.


Edited to add - Tom and I are meeting with track management today to go over plans and organization. The only thing that is not behaving in the organization are the builders on Garage Mahal - it is unlikely it will be finished by the event other than for possible overnight storage. Oh well....

Edited by Croc
Video planning has begun . . . . I will need to decide on a video theme. I was thinking about "Lightweights do Lightning" in the style of Debbie does Dallas but then I remember we have Storkers present....:redface:


If the Debbie theme falls through, you could always go with 'Croc' Johnson and the Olympians: The 'Lightning' Thieves. :auto: :auto: :auto:


How about "Lighting Strikes Twice," in honor of my multiple lurid slides into the grass:)?


As Mike reported, we met with NJMP management today to iron out the details for our gathering. Happy to say that the meeting went very smoothly. We presented our plan and they were very receptive to our requests and suggestions. We scouted out our paddock location, have a couple location options for our Thursday night arrival BBQ and pretty much worked out registration logistics.


Mike is probably stuck in traffic heading back to NYC so I'll let him chime in once he gets home and has a drink or three to calm his nerves. :cuss:


Less than 7 weeks to go!!!




All I said in the Caterham pricing thread was "Sevens are the most fun you can have with your pants on" and now Mike is talking Debbie does Dallas and a Porn theme for his movie.


Nothing like my 2.5 hour drive up the NJ Turnpike to NYC taking 4.5 hours. :svengo: It could have been much worse - I could have been heading south!


It was a very good meeting. We sorted out a bunch of coordination items, signed off on the days schedule, sorted out locations and timings plus breakfast/lunch details. There will be a private sign up page on Motorsportreg which will be emailed individually to you once it is finalized. It will have all sign up options - track, karting, dinners, visitor numbers, etc., so you can do it all at once and pay with a credit card with one transaction. I have a draft to work on tomorrow. I have a bunch of trophies already engraved for awards. Karting trophies are organized. The swimming pool construction was inspected and it looks good and will be finished in time.


The only missing link is Garage Mahal which has not progressed at all in the last 2 weeks....oh well....where is that drink?


Tom & Mike,


Thank you for your efforts in putting this together. Can't wait. It should be the best one yet.


Ditto, thanks for taking the time and effort to make this happen. Most of us have no idea of the countless hours required to have an event of this magnitude. Out of curiosity, how many years have you done this event?

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