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Everything posted by drew...

  1. www.invisiblemask.com - my be a solution to protect signatures
  2. BusaLoco - Rather than a AC clutch consider the 12 V PTO clutch off of a John Deere or Cub Cadet garden tractor, something in the 18-25 HP range. I would think it would handle a higher load then the AC clutch.
  3. Well if everybody at 7-7-7 would come to South Dakota I'd guarantee there'd be 62. Still kicking myself for not being able to make 7-7-7!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Kitcat - Very well stated! :hurray:
  5. Living in the great state of Minnesota, where it's a bright and sunny 52 degrees right now, I installed 12V BMW style covered plugs at the rear of the transmission hump so the driver and passenger can wear heated vests to ward off the chill. I do have a heater and when running with the half doors you can stay warm from mid torso down but the shoulders still get cold - the vests help a lot plus they extend the blat season by about 6 weeks.
  6. Brent, et all- I did get a photo of steve and amy's car below http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/199956007_CIMG0549.JPG
  7. Another great road is 16 between Preston MN and LaCrosse WI. The area around Lanesboro is really nice in both directions. I have ridden/driven this road a number of times in the Caterham and on the bike. Janet and I are in for either of the two later weekends in September! Brent - can you PM me meeting details for Wheels and Wings? We would like to join your group and arrive together if possible. drew...
  8. The worst of it has stayed south and east, although the grass has come back with a vengence after a dry June and July. Up on the north shore of Superior last weekend and it was VERY dry. Gooseberry Falls, one of our heavier used state parks, the waterfalls were just trickling. Just depends on where you are.
  9. Brent - can you give me Wheels and Wings details?
  10. Brent, checking schedules - definitely want to be there for this blat!
  11. My significant other is not ready to drive the se7en, but - wants to find an MGB and replace the leaking mechanicals and "Prince of Darkness" electricals with BMW under-pinnings. So I would have to place her between ....rides frequently "Let's go faster" (although stated as "your such a kid") and "Shares my se7angelism enthusiasm".
  12. In support of Cherik's advice, here is a photo of the engine going into my se7en. One additional tip cover the body panels and frame rails with cardboard and definently use cranked leveler. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/1682719776_P3240008.JPG
  13. Make that one of three - XM through custom ear plugs. Everything is set-up to transfer back and forth from the sport touring bike or the Caterham.
  14. Last winters project was new suspension, new interior, sand and polish and overall clean-up of my brother's 72 MGB. http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/287376881_PICT0008.jpg http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/353835511_PICT0003.jpg http://www.usa7s.com/aspnetforum/upload/753132616_PICT0004.jpg
  15. drew...


    Small airplanes used to use a round plastic vent that was like the bottom 1" of a large tin can (4" dia) that had a 45 degree opening in the side. When you wanted full air flow you pointed the opening forward and pushed the "can" out of the side screen, creating a scoop. Less air - rotate te "can". To draw air out rotate the opening to the rear. To shut it off pull the outside of the "can flush with the body panel. Here is a ultralight website with examples: http://www.ultralightnews.ca/airvents_uslk/index.html
  16. Two suggestions: 1. As Kitcat stated run your auxilary radiator full blast - an old trick we used to use with tow vehicles 2. Can you fabricate a "cold air box" to encapsulate the turbo then, similar to race car brakes' duct air thru the box and exit thru either a side vent or under the car? We used to use the cold air box, more of a forced induction, on an e-production MGB. I would think you could use the same concept todissipate the turbo heat. Another related option would be to seal against a set of hood louvers, similar to how the heater air intake seals against the hood, from the cold air box.
  17. Very nice stable!!!
  18. Because my trailer is short - 12' - I use padded straps thru the spokes of the front wheels and the pull the car tight using a tie down loop welded to the frame on the drivers side rear and a strap looped over a diaganol frame member on the passenger side rear. The car has been towed from MN to Lime Rock Conneticut and back and also from MN to Banff (Calagary BC) with no issues. The rear suspension is compressed while the front is not - with the limited amount of travel designed into the front it has not been an issue.
  19. Al - Passport G-Timer RR2 mounted on the windsheild.
  20. Is the SVT head and the Cosworth/FocusSport Zetec the same thing? With the SVT head, variable cam timing and the varied length induction I acheive a 0-60 in 3.8 seconds with two people in the car.
  21. Al, just for clarification: is the aeroscreen black fiberglass or carbon fiber? I would likely be interested in a carbon fiber aeroscreen. drew...
  22. I did the road to the sun on a motorcycle two years ago - 15 to 20 miles an hour but absolutely beautiful.
  23. SE7EN was taken im Minnesota - went with SE7ENLY
  24. Your all starting to sound like giddy kids going to Disney World for the first time! Wish I could be there with you - Have fun, drive safe and post a ton of photos! :crazy: :hurray: :crazy:
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