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Everything posted by HOTTTCAR

  1. Kitcat It was my dads 1960 Ford ranch wagon......a true POS. He didn't have it long. Gale
  2. I am holding my first gymkhana trophy. Loved this car. Gale
  3. I had one of those when i was a kid.. Fun car....It came stock with a built in roll bar. I also had a set of full moons to go with the white walls. truly cool! :smilielol5: Gale http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r280/HOTTTCAR/FAMILYPICS001_zps10024abd.jpg
  4. Apex every thing.
  5. Yesterdays frustration was the inability to hold off a GT2 Porsche on the track. Had him on the turns but he ran me down and over on the straights. Another 100hp would probably have help me. Happy Easter. Tom Tom Be careful....thoughts like that got me into a V8 Storker...... Not that I don' t love it. Gale
  6. Where are all the Birkins? Has Sharon got the only one in the area?
  7. I found that when you first torque new spacers and lugs down to 100 ft lbs., they will loosen up and need to be re torqued after a bit of use. They seem to require a little settling in time. Gale
  8. I agree. I am running 265/18s on the front and 305/19s on the rear ........R888s....amazing traction straight line and twisty until you find a bumpy corner .......you may then require a coroner. Scary.
  9. Me too..... love the design/build/drive process. Now on the third Storker. Each one gets mo bettr. Jeez I love the way these things feel......
  10. A proper badge is being prepared by the the Brunton factory for the Stalker as we speak . ..haven't seen it yet. It may have a stork on it. :-) Gale
  11. Lost a friend that way at Heartland before they got the tires placed in front of the wall .....new Porsche ...front fuel cell. Gale
  12. Brucebe Very informative description ......thanks Croc ...airborne off the track....? this is not usually good if the bump is on a corner. Is this a trade off / compromise for great traction entering the corner? Gale
  13. Hyundai Have you driven one of these lately. I broke my Storker at Ambush this summer....clutch line got into the pressure plate and wore threw eventually .... my falt....pop no clutch...So i went to a rentacar so as not lose the week. i thought i was renting a Honda but it turned out to be a Sonata... Hyundai. This is a great little car...At times the front brakes began to smoke but it never gave up. i was really surprised that this thing was that good and handled like it did. It needs more power... of course......maybe a V8 Gale
  14. I think most guys "love the one your with". Right now i am with a big ass v8 but that doesn't mean i'm ain't lookin. i may run into this skinney little i4 with more Storque. Gale
  15. I had a 3 cylinder 2 stroke Saab when I was in high school. Fun gymkhana car. Front wheel drive, built in roll bar, ebrake to control the rear end. Many were used as rally race cars. This thing blew perfect smoke rings out of the exhaust pipe. Hilarious. One person could easily carry the engine around. But the hp ........not so much. Gale
  16. Yes But she can still hit you.
  17. A real one what. They look real to me. Why don't they make a smiley flipin the bird? :-) HA.........Gale
  18. Shane You now know i have to find one to mount on my hood. Bobble head? or motor driven to hunt right then left. Gale Stewart Missed them before you deleted.......damn Gale
  19. That is exactly what got me into this HP thing. Getting eaten by race prepared Vipers etc. after out cornering them. Weight to power ratio below 3 lbs/ hp. solves the problem. Controlling it at first is a bit challanging but as with flying, sailing, diving and even video games your brain begins to adjust to the challange and the initial violence of it soon begins to be very comfortable and controllable. I will never reach Terrys skill level even if i were to work at it. Age creates a real dead ass. And as Lauda says, with out a sensitive ass you can't be fast. :-) Gale
  20. I am too old and tired to go out to the track and work that hard. I am not a racer..just there for a good time. I like the feel of a fully controllable 4 wheel drift and exiting with so much power that you can hold it on the edge of traction until fully down the straight. Always been that way …..don’t know why……..just a 70 year old teenager but sure like driving sevens. Tom your car sounds like a it would be a great ride. Gale
  21. yep ...got thru Quantum Mechanics in college physics but the dynamics of auto suspension is really really complex. Gale
  22. John The fact that a car with a lot of body roll is less likely to flip over than a car that stays flat in a corner is not intuitive to me. By stiffening up the suspension wouldn’t you get less traction on the outside if the weight was not allowed to shift more to the outside front wheel? I thought that a measured amount of body roll would get you through the corner faster due to the increased traction on the outside front. What am i missing. Gale
  23. Niki Lauda's book The art and Technicalities of Grand Prix Driving is full the set up info you may be looking for. Its an enjoyabe read and easy to understand. He was and still is great at set up. Gale
  24. Forever is right! 3 years! The first Stalker took a month to build ...actual build time with two people working roughly 8 hrs/day 7 days a week.....we were total beginning amateurs. Which means you spend most of your time studying it and trying not to screw it up. The kit is very well done and we had a great time building. When we had a question, We got quick help from Brunton. After build completion and 5000 heart stopping miles you get very accustomed to the torque/HP and how this incredible little car handles. For some of us at this point the need for speed/torque ..HP then kicks in. If you can get 200ft/lb more of very reliable torque with very little weight gain.... why not.......LS7...... So for the second one we wanted to changeup a bit and keep learning new skills. For me the design/build thing is fun but aggressive driving on north Georgia mountain roads with simularly inclined crazys is the best (Ambush). The three year build time is the result of many, many changes, and additions to the original kit plus a lot of traveling. The fiberglass construction was the most time consuming part of the second build. The first Cobra I purchased was a custom factory built turnkey..... Will never do that again. Terrible car. Stuff has been fallin off that thing for years. For me To get it the way i want it, i have to build it. Honestly, things do have to be torqued and locktited.:dupe: Gale
  25. Damn and I thought all great race drivers were aggressive when behind the wheel of a race car. Oh sorry .....TRACK DAY.....got it.......safety first. Gale
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