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Everything posted by jlumba81

  1. Its a ford racing block so you should be able to order it from your local ford dealer. Just found it on page 95 on the ford racing catalog. Kent block # M-6010-16K Lotus block # M-6010-16L
  2. I just went with the refundable $100 'I want in'
  3. Ship them USPS priority, I think the small box is only $6.95 and should be big enough for the pads.
  4. Elio has a video out testing their . It sounds pretty sporty for a 50hp .9L 3 cylinder engine.
  5. For smaller parts electrolysis using a battery charger and some scrap steel works well.
  6. They also have a gun holder.
  7. You could just go for a ford starter solenoid, you'll just need to change out your spade connectors to ring connectors. Quick google search got me this website.
  8. With hardened valve seats you should be fine with unleaded pump gas.
  9. I've been wanting to get into machining, thanks for sharing.
  10. Isn't that similar to the stuff they have at home depot to seal windows and doors?
  11. If its caused by a bad ground, can't you just disconnect the battery when its being stored?
  12. 4th is direct drive, so it might be a bad layshaft bearing.
  13. A forklift and a pallet with some 2x4s might be the quickest way.
  14. Loose driveshaft bolts?
  15. Switched to my 7 during lunchtime. Nice sunny day in the high 40s-mid 50s. Heated jacket kept me nice and toasty.
  16. I usually run doors but no door mirrors. I use the 'mirrors for sevens' rear view mirror that clips on the top of the windshield. Got it from mirrorsforsevens.com
  17. Looks like Croc had the same issue. Found a thread about it. "For the next US-based sucker who asks this question, WIX oil filter part number 51335 can be found at Rock Auto in Atlanta GA."
  18. Gasket looks like it fits are the threads the same?
  19. Try feeding a guide wire thru and use that to pull the other wires thru.
  20. Do you need to adjust your rake when using the taller rear tires?
  21. That's the only way the 620R comes. The supercharger will get in the way of the steering shaft on a left hand drive.
  22. Check the brake light switch. If its a caterham you can access it by taking the pedal box cover off. I've had to take mine apart and clean off the contacts.
  23. 14k miles on engine and transmission out of a 2006 viper with 14k miles. No miles done after swap?
  24. Surprised no one made a comment on the show. I for one, didn't like how they showed the vendors as if they were part of caterham. Team dynamics were the ones making the wheels and the frame is out sourced too.
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