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Everything posted by jlumba81

  1. Any before and after pics to compare the height difference?
  2. You might need to remove the seats to get room to remove the tunnel top off. Also need to take off the parking brake grip off, a lot of twisting and pulling.
  3. When I bought the car it was already titled in NJ. When I got it home was just 20 mins in the DMV to get it titled in Alaska, my temp tags and my license plate on order. They did have to call the DMV up in Anchorage how to process it, but they didn't even look at the car. Its nice living in a state with no emissions inspections.
  4. DaveStruve wrapped his self built 7. You could probably PM him for advice.
  5. The front edge of the fender is probably deflecting a bit from the air pressure.
  6. Measuring the pic on the previous page the mounting tabs on the front and rear spindles are the same.
  7. Possible mix up with front and rear control arms or do they all look the same?
  8. Does it clear if you move the tie rod to the top instead of the bottom?
  9. $500 isn't bad. I've purchased a replacement hood for a car before that costed $250 and was charged $250 for shipping and handling. So $500 for a whole car isn't bad.
  10. I was looking underneath a subaru the other day and they had little gurney flaps to divert air around the rear suspension.
  11. Set to record on my Tivo, thanks for the heads up.
  12. Push down, left, then up. Reverse is to the left of 1st.
  13. How about throwing a used chainsaw engine in there? It'll have more rpms.
  14. Would a gearing change help with the top end or was aero an issue?
  15. I use etymotic ear plugs in the standard size. Good enough for 700mi, 14 hr drives. Also used them when I bought the 7, 4000mi New Jersey to Alaska. They did make my ears feel sore after a few days of constant use but I'm sure most ear plugs would do the same.
  16. Did China run out of other sites to attack?
  17. Anyone drive a 3 wheeler in the wet? Seems dangerous when the driving wheel is where oil slicks usually are. I've hit oil slicks in my 7 and those aren't fun.
  18. What's the charging voltage? Also what is the battery voltage with engine off? Good charging voltage should be around 13-14.5 volts and a good battery should be around 12.6 volts.
  19. Its called a Tramontana R.
  20. Also looks like its missing the rubber 'grommets' that keep the water out.
  21. 11Budlite, thanks for the part#. I was able to find it on ebay $15.73 from UK shipped to Alaska.
  22. Looking for a caterham license plate light. My "fix" didn't work and it fell off on one of my drives.
  23. Oh, be careful when tightening the metal ties. I had one twist in my hand and the edges are sharp.
  24. Yeah, its a bit loose. I plan on re-wrapping when the engine comes out again to fix a faulty 5th gear.
  25. Just finished putting in header exhaust wrap on my 7. Didn't have my infrared thermometer with me, but I think I had at least a 20 deg F drop in my footwell. If you buy wrap without the metal ties included, buy them from a hardware store for about 25% of what the automotive ones cost. I made the mistake of buying a pack for $20 at auto store and found them for $6 at a homedepot when I needed more. PS: They really stink when they cook off.
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