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Everything posted by jlumba81

  1. Mine is a 6 hr ferry ride and 750 miles of driving 1 way for autox and a dragstrip.
  2. Shake only at high speeds may be caused by something flapping around in the wind.
  3. You could rotate the tires front to back and see if the vibration moves. I've driven with winter tires w separating cords and it gave a nasty vibration 20mph and up. Couldn't afford new tires so I ended up rotating them to the rears and the vibration was more manageable.
  4. Have your tried some CRC electrical contact cleaner? There shouldn't be very much current going thru the headlight switch. Its just (low current) used to trigger the headlight relay (high current).
  5. Also try posting on the California Caterham Club forum too. Welcome to the forum too.
  6. I just received a long (2.74) 1st gear from SPC last week. Haven't gotten around to installing it. SPC you can contact them by email, but BGH is old school and you'll need to call them by phone. You can also buy Trans X and Quaife gearboxes thru Burton and Seven Speed carries BGH gearboxes. I think there are more BGH gearboxes on this forum than SPC.
  7. Driveshaftshop is the only place so far that comes to mind that might be able to help you.
  8. Can you send it out to a driveshaft specialist shop and have them replace the damaged cv joints and boots?
  9. Sounds like a possible key fob group buy?
  10. One of these might work too.
  11. Here's a 1.375in alum clamp. Camera mount? Nylon light mount
  12. Alaskaossie can probably reference you someone from Anchorage. I'll send you his email by pm.
  13. +1 on what twobone said. Also keep an eye on the front wheels of the cars next to you. I've honked on cars about to change lanes on top of me.
  14. 2 days after I bought my 7 I drove thru chicago on a highway/freeway during heavy traffic. GPS said it was the fastest route. It was kinda fun zipping thru traffic trying to get out of chicago before my gps (cellphone taped to steering wheel) batteries died.
  15. So minus the plane tickets, how much did it all cost?
  16. Might be ignition coil getting too warm. There's a few guys who had similar experiences. Hopefully they'll see this soon. This thread might help.
  17. You can use a jar or coffee can to make a template for the curves on the sides. Put it on cardboard/paper then transfer to the hood.
  18. Tape around the area you are cutting so the paint doesn't chip and use an air saw. Use a drill to make a start hole. Could also use a jig saw.
  19. What are the options for a 13" street tire for 7s? Anyone willing to set up a group buy for wheels/tires?
  20. Got a reply back. They have the modified 2.8 lay gears in stock. Changes the 1st gear ratio to 2.74:1
  21. Also check to make sure the spark plugs are gapped propperly.
  22. Well seems to be typical british business that "next week" ended up turning into 4 weeks. If anyone is interested in purchasing the modified 2.8 laygear, sp components ltd is 'supposed' to have them in stock as of friday. I'll be emailing them to reconfirm it and hopefully get my order shipped soon.
  23. Heat, age and vibrations usually kill electrical components. My 7 has a high ,2000 rpm, cold start idle, but goes down after its warmed up.
  24. It looks similar to the Miata supercharger that Cosworth used to make. Low psi so no need for intercooling. Ooops read the description and it says that it has a air to water intercooler.
  25. Is the #1 cylinder on the far end of the fuel rail? It might be not be getting enough fuel and getting lean enough to burn out the spark plug.
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