You could rotate the tires front to back and see if the vibration moves. I've driven with winter tires w separating cords and it gave a nasty vibration 20mph and up. Couldn't afford new tires so I ended up rotating them to the rears and the vibration was more manageable.
Have your tried some CRC electrical contact cleaner? There shouldn't be very much current going thru the headlight switch. Its just (low current) used to trigger the headlight relay (high current).
I just received a long (2.74) 1st gear from SPC last week. Haven't gotten around to installing it. SPC you can contact them by email, but BGH is old school and you'll need to call them by phone. You can also buy Trans X and Quaife gearboxes thru Burton and Seven Speed carries BGH gearboxes. I think there are more BGH gearboxes on this forum than SPC.
2 days after I bought my 7 I drove thru chicago on a highway/freeway during heavy traffic. GPS said it was the fastest route. It was kinda fun zipping thru traffic trying to get out of chicago before my gps (cellphone taped to steering wheel) batteries died.
Well seems to be typical british business that "next week" ended up turning into 4 weeks. If anyone is interested in purchasing the modified 2.8 laygear, sp components ltd is 'supposed' to have them in stock as of friday. I'll be emailing them to reconfirm it and hopefully get my order shipped soon.
It looks similar to the Miata supercharger that Cosworth used to make. Low psi so no need for intercooling.
Ooops read the description and it says that it has a air to water intercooler.