The MG's bushings at the frame can not handle the torsional forces of the Lotus 7's anti-sway bar/upper arm design. You'll need to build a true "a-arm" with a seperate anti-swayback like the Caterhams and clones.
I love to see innovation! You're WAY more advanced than my shop! (condo sized garage) In the rare chance I need quantities of something cut, I email a DXF drawing to the laser cutting shop. One-offs, prototypes and my Lotus parts are all made with a hole- saw, band-saw and hand-files. My plasma cutter sits on a shelf.
Santa didn't bring any of the things I didn't want!
No big tires and mags, Santa delivered stock wheels with hubcaps!
No overpowered V-6 or 8, Santa delivered the original F4-134 Hurricane motor, rebuilt!
No modified suspension, Santa delivered the original ride height!
No bucket seats with harnesses, Santa delivered originals reupholstered with lap belts!
No roll bars or cages, Santa delivered just a windshield for the open air experience!
No aftermarket lights and accessories to clutter a stock 1960 Willys CJ-5!
Thanks Santa!
As for the "Harley based" power plant, I don't know why anyone would choose such a piss-poor engine for anything more than a boat anchor. There are all kinds of inherent design flaws with a 45º v-twin mainly the vibration. That was fine for torque a hundred years ago but when compared to current 60º or even better 90º twins i.e. Ducati, all incarnations of 45º twins are best left below the water's surface.
Man! There's something about the exhaust note of a British motor! Much like an old Lotus 7, that old Comando may not be the best handling, fastest nor the most forgiving machine on the road, but it's the best!
I dont think rebound and damping, adjustable or not matters whether the piston is up or down. My reasoning is IF it's a sealed unit there is no "draining." because it's only oil inside passing through valves. This is different than forks, say on a motorcycle where you can add damping and/or rebound with air pressure. Then the shock IS directional because air is too thin for the valves to dampen.
Upon taking a second look, the shocks do not appear to be upside-down after all. I think the logic to keeping them upright for this suspension is so the lighter half of the shock is moved through the suspension's range of motion, not the heavier half which is properly "fixed" to the frame.
Unless you have a pressurized gas/air type shock,
I don't believe it matters whether a shock is mounted "upside down" or not. I think this particular application was dictated by the springs to clear the steering rack.
Slightly off subject and on a lighter note; I did some some business with Stevie Wonder's body gaurd years ago and he told me of how much Stevie LOVES to drive! They'd get on LA's freeways at 1am and the bodyguard would tell Stevie when and where to steer!
Not THAT small speedwagon! lol We actually might have too many restaurants as well as too many golf courses! I personally work for the best grocery store in town which is locally owned AND known for quality-not-quantity. The "big city" is about three hours away (2 hours Ducati time) if I need a little more culture but theres no way I'd consider moving/trading 320 days of sunshine for nine months of grey skys! I think Portland's metropolitan water district must put antidepressants in the water supply so the entire population doesn't have to be put on suicide-watch!
I am thankful everyday that I moved from Los Angeles to a small town with no graffiti, no helicopters 24/7, no gangs, no traffic, no smog, no real crime, no car alarms, no need for locked doors and no senseless murders.