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  1. Today
  2. All 4 are the same yes sir. On 15 inch x 10 inch wide steel wheels.
  3. Thank you 😁 your running the same size for all 4 tyres? unfortunately not yet couldnt track it 🥲 maybe end of april we have one more track day.
  4. I have my 93 Cat 7 HPC insured with State Farm, $40,000 agreed value for around $350.00 per year.
  5. Wonder why Holly even bothered with the small carbs?
  6. Love it. Still space for the fire bottle pull handle right in the middle. Are you planning to race it?
  7. Looking fantastic. I love the colors and stripes. Have you driven it on track yet??? Tires: I am running toyo r 245x15's Note that is toyo r not rr. R is the newer option.
  8. Have the mounting done of the ADU5. Basic power and ground hooked up. Running wires for oil pressure, coolant temp. Need to get all the sensors installed and wired in. But working on the basic programming/layout of the display. Here is what I have so far.
  9. I can confirm, the valve is indeed necessary. It easily locks the rears in 4 of the 7 more "open" positions on the valve. Ended up on position 3, but that was just on the street. With different tire/brake temps and after they're fully bedded, that may change.
  10. Yesterday
  11. Well that should make things easier, thanks for the solution @JohnCh, any excuse to use more tools is always a good one 😊 @Timberline I like the sound of taking the frame off when it comes time to mounting.. do you happen to know the torque numbers on those bolts? Being that we'll be raising it up intact to at a minimum determine the shims, we'll see what it's looking like to get the bolts in. Great back pocket play to remove the frame if needed.
  12. Actually MV8, I’ve taken a good hard second look at that whole airbox mechanism. I can make a different base plate, slide it down about an inch, basically remake the base plate and then squash the foam element, and I think it will all fit under the existing hood. As I said, I’m pretty good at fiberglass so I can restore the hood basically follow the same steps that you suggested above. Net result is the car will have proper filtration, and the hood will be restored to where it was originally plus it already had a hole due to the old Webber so that will get filled in as well. I’m starting this next week and when I’m done, I promise I will send photos out for everybody’s comments, including yours. Regards, Greg
  13. I suggest covering the filter with a trash bag, tape rigid foam strips that will provide clearance for engine movement to prevent filter damage, hot glue the strips together and to the bonnet, then use oil base clay to build up the edges and smooth the surface for the final surface, then wax and pull a mold overlapping the bonnet by a couple inches. Pull the mold, then wax the inside to release. Add some gel coat (can be brushed, doesn't need to be sprayed) then lay in the glass using carefully measured, minimal mek for max working time. I use veterinary CC syringes for the mek and waxed painter mixing cups for the poly resin. Trim the cured panel to glass it on. This is more work than just building it up on the car but the end result will have little to no filler and be much lighter.
  14. Many alternatives that could work well and no need to be locked into one choice as it is fairly easy to try different carbs: https://www.ebay.com/itm/146433290179?_skw=weber+32&itmmeta=01JQ16QQWBVF15XN6KNCE63B1Y&hash=item22181aafc3:g:O-kAAOSwC1pnyekT&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAA0FkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1c38loM35BjlYbYKhnEt6aUIlfvPCQnb%2FnED34I2mhpnhUwoiNiQNw0Kosf0zAs7Qb%2BsXLd1pgdMx9BrqZZiUU%2BFxJn9Qzoy9a5R%2F2JJYcimY9z9bs7CH80vxuZnvONg42MCxwRIcixn6%2FMmaMcCVrBHtyyMS9JfwjNEDrdlHji94x7Zr5Z9bj0Fcz5O4H3Jw8XHE%2B2qZrc4Shk%2Bf6V3DIze8SiGHNY9WpPjcM531nWHlRP3bGVfbyv4Ccd2qzgX1s%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8z-3qa4ZQ https://www.ebay.com/itm/155696545645?_skw=weber+32&itmmeta=01JQ18CHAAZRT52KCAD1HR15BB&hash=item24403cbf6d:g:mvwAAOSw671kyDCF&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAAwFkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1fYH8N3RxGpWlysDnhqgr77ZsMilvXVteV2TBMCfj4aXz1dYONh43mOkTxAtpwkUMNN4ZPS8uaft9oVpZBoJJ5qaqfavvl9dbNCTj65%2B0Pp8H%2BBe%2B1qX%2FNQAGp%2F9Mrf16s2AgAQwrdFHHMlAFBOoFG2Z8bnqn0ryRqHqOKYiZ1FlD7RaExWxYbQsLR0CBfKKVBMhs8OkPkm%2F1I4d9%2BcVepPWvKyxw7rc1%2FKIGoG9%2B5h2w%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR7qVsqi4ZQ Vacuum secondary: https://www.ebay.com/itm/186687636673?_skw=weber+32&itmmeta=01JQ18CHACNQ2AYYSXNZC2MJW7&hash=item2b777344c1:g:qn8AAOSwuntm5zRp&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAAwFkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1cw5aGULwQ%2F1m8oXlTbUFd2aPN7bw9p1J8n5hb0K46hFuo44L8D1iD1ZDXJqPMciHUhMZwLMFbNf3nwXnqERSsvY%2B%2FUMMqQgbX6Er2qj3laWKBj%2BC836qPlP1uLtnTmHMom7G93w9mfzHCVzNPl1%2F4HkTWBSwe9d2Z1KswL0ocogtb9mUaJlCo2osZM%2BzuzOm6Id6TAGsIFDvrr9%2FTxYd5EVTqHT7cv1Z5Ke3j1OImX%2FA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8KVsqi4ZQ 26/34 vac secondary: https://www.ebay.com/itm/126145348242?_skw=weber+carb&itmmeta=01JQ1A583XHY6RMW5NG7S8GYBZ&hash=item1d5ed94292:g:QcIAAOSw4mNlMY4K&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAAwFkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1fJzn2Wdqb1TpMYeb6%2BWaIGuHkF6C0yubewBcTlLbvyiI26LObK18aIup9ZB5i8cRfXmIV8LQBlbYbmBLCky4YYRi%2FdgCmDb%2BlAo%2FL0ERWuPrgnYQi5yDiCfgwQMM2wp85URaNxnunbQJmlZG7B9C1ob%2FoTCCWGhmpnytIiiqiNct3xY5YZtZAlVs8bV5ysPJLWphREzCc%2FVmqV1bBGlg2Mu08QwA6ZxQpUeWS6mClS2Q%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5qClaq4ZQ 32DMSA: https://www.ebay.com/itm/115920080749?_skw=weber+32&itmmeta=01JQ19KYDN37SHH1ND0JVFCRMJ&hash=item1afd600f6d:g:oxUAAOSwSbllCPXz&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAAwFkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1ffhjTNXuW71q2uOyh5%2Fdtei7M%2FoETAgqsZJPhKFvWaCKQ96s%2BN9WbFxBexRbd9YAoTLHSFdfRgA9KHMxLsjZI8Ox33ivhH%2BObddjXtHueDmLxCl0d9NtNnwS2TmrhEO%2F9qVWPZEHlMPdLNNE%2Ba9QvhvbbKkoL4%2FGpjOlcua%2FptOYzhcNPlJASpUEi7hab939t%2Fm%2FQj2rt%2Bj4Od%2FPdjJDutAsPqk0Oi7xeDq%2FGxBqpY5A%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR5Lnz6m4ZQ 32DGAV missing choke sys: https://www.ebay.com/itm/176912233830?_skw=weber+32&itmmeta=01JQ18CHAD30A1HCA9NT8RTH7E&hash=item2930ca7566:g:sHoAAOSwH0tnz5EA&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAAwFkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1dbGpGpw3VxJEWJXEIRPVWrJ%2BcznfxxCBquwfBvNoVwDZnUF2QRv0yYoR5CcyACJ5MjOvBjr8IZ%2BBdRJvh0%2BhBweJPPrFAdQCF%2Fa9BhnzhHl0scMd9NXQsoNYZE7RUVGrGJaMKJbJUipfy%2BlS%2F3hXPbqyc6jmoVKDb6EOxi3ZH19UP%2B24Tt2QaxHf99ILkqC9YaR5IpF2vl5wOlCun7lIVdq7NL7yLYY86THID7HcMXCA%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR8aVsqi4ZQ Progressive 34/34 solex for early '70s BMW 2.0l: https://www.ebay.com/itm/124245437769?_skw=weber+32&epid=19046019328&itmmeta=01JQ192S14E73X0BT1XQGZCR1Q&hash=item1ced9aed49:g:UpwAAOSwaYVddAbw&itmprp=enc%3AAQAKAAAA0FkggFvd1GGDu0w3yXCmi1ctQl18MNLnUgzwVwz1Xwmr3brZf4lpjlmv6hytCirhkCyreWrho0NSBgXF2Na4quiegYZMlceQeDvOnnB%2FLCzMVHiVn10%2B0cs2Tf4lqu0kj%2BzILRIGbUzl%2BD8V7b454Xw%2BclfmoUpbhNnPMiSAZW62GDVPvjPQjYIqzz2LGJ7XNI5PxYkpF6%2BzP481e7Uu4t92kqypQfH%2BXh5Dca3IdClDOudT7d7cF1AKmBYlZ8EeKf5l4kypimk%2FsP5bfWWOS18%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_CQi6m4ZQ Could also limit total secondary opening on a 32/36. Also, the Holley 2305 is a very good progressive using mostly standard holley parts but very hard to find now. The differences are in the metering block and base plate/linkage opposite the bowl side.
  15. This photo is great, no need to take a different one.
  16. Just remembered though. If you are taking the frame off the diff, consider the washer shimming. I already had my shimming measured and figured out. I still think it’s a good idea to lift the assembly, figure out the shims, lower it, disassemble, then install the frame first. Because you are only messing with internal shims holding the light frame and not the heavy diff.
  17. I had a little bit of drama with the diff, but it was totally on me. The two front bolts go into threaded inserts and I cross threaded one. Then I just kept after it and destroyed the bolt. I was so excited when I caught all the washers successfully. With how stupid I was being, it could have been a lot worse. Knowing that, no matter how wonky the fit is (and mine was really off) get the front bolts in straight first. The aft bolt takes a nut so you can beat the snot out of it and put a big taper on the threads to help with alignment and washer catching. Another option is to take the frame off of the diff and install that to the chassis first. It really made my installation easier. You should take the frame off anyways if you are wanting to paint all the bare surfaces. I did the floor jack method to support the diff. With the weight taken by the jack, it’s easy to position with someone else on the jack.
  18. There are a few ways to do the diff, and although I'm sure it's easier with help, I did mine solo with a floor jack and a simple cradle made from scrap wood to keep it steady. -John
  19. Looking for alternatives to the common 23/36, 38 DGAS. I can buy those new. Would like to find a new old stock 32DFM, or gently used take off, or "it was working when I removed it". Intended to use on a 1600 xflow
  20. It's starting to warm up again which means we're FINALLY able to get back at it!! It's been a productive few days, got our front assemblies completed without a hitch. One of the brake lines needed a little bending to mate up, but nothing serious. So on to horn and headlights! I only had to look for the horn spacer for 35 minutes, only to realize there's no bolt to be found. No biggie! Moved on to the headlights but also stalled out looking for the hardware pack. I triple checked everywhere and no dice. The parts list says 12 z-packs, of which where are, so I guess there's supposed to be 13 including the height pack C 😆 Alright, let's keep moving! Tidied up the engine bay electrical before starting on the plumbing! I got everything laid out, but then decided to hold back because I think it will only make getting the headlight wiring in and torquing the wishbones down a lot more difficult with the hoses in place.. so next up was the handbrake! After reading through some of the immensely through and helpful build blogs, I came to the conclusion that it's probably better to wait until the prop shaft and diff are in. The diff looks to be difficult, so no need to make it any harder restricting space and views. So we put the handbrake cable in and moved onto the prop shaft. Prop shaft was very simple! It took much longer to track down some moly spline paste than it did to install. Is it necessary? Probably not as it's not mentioned in the manual, but I like to be safe and it will only be beneficial. Thanks again helpful build blogs! On the same note, when I topped up the prop shaft grease joints, I was only ever getting spew from one of the junctions, same on both ends. So was I simply not supplying enough? In other scenarios, the train of thought was keep going until you get fresh grease from everywhere, but it didn't seem to be the case here? Caterham seems to have addressed a complication with prop shaft install in the joints being slightly wider than the frame uprights, but my frame had some fancy curves to it, just the right amount for the shaft to smoothly drop in. Kudos! Now on to the differential. It doesn't look like a one man job, it's got some heft! My wife is a bit under the weather, so it wasn't going to happen this weekend. I took the opportunity to follow some other's suggestions to paint the machined connection with some engine enamel. The install will have to wait. Any and all tips and pointers are welcome! We have two jacks, but no engine crane. Seems that people have done both, but the crane does seem nice to keep things steady. I can probably convince our friend with a crane who helped us with the engine install to come help in exchange for a beer or two. Happy to be back in the garage and seeing things take some shape! ✌️
  21. I think the left side car has the 7 covering too much of the cockpit, whereas the right side car didn't take too much from the lines of the car.
  22. Build a silhouette from this the photo is copyrighted.
  23. Last week
  24. This with narrower tires, the clamshells in SENC's, and a narrower grill (S3, not SV) might be interesting. @11Budlite do you mean like this? Second version has the 7 raised a bit.
  25. Week Beginning March 23, 2025 USA7s Classified Ads of Cars for Sale USA7s classified pages - USA7s club members have the benefit of selling their cars by listing them for free on USA7s forum. https://usa7s.net/ips/forum/26-cars-for-sale/ New Ads (Since last summary) Caterham https://carsandbids.com/auctions/3RGQ2bjq/2019-caterham-seven-310r?utm_source=listing_alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=button Locost https://wichita.craigslist.org/cto/d/north-newton-lotus/7836712139.html Locost https://www.facebook.com/share/16Am4mhRdE/ Locost Project https://www.facebook.com/share/19fPnvADHK/ Repeat Ads (Since last summary) Locost Project https://www.ebay.com/itm/116250769642?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Stuoi4ZLQ_a&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=Rug4ktEYR-G&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Replica https://www.ebay.com/itm/146389662633?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=JM7ao4EGQdm&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=Rug4ktEYR-G&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY and here https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/listing/1967-lotus-commerce-twp-mi-2821494 Caterham - two for sale https://rockymountaincaterham.com/inventory/ Caterham https://timemachinesmotorsports.com/2013-caterham-roadsport-sv/ and here https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/listing/2013-caterham-super-7-chaffee-ny-2858183 Birkin https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/listing/1994-birkin-lake-mary-fl-2851119 Caterham https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/listing/2022-caterham-super-7-new-hyde-park-ny-2850896 Caterham https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/listing/2021-caterham-mount-crawford-va-2841278 Caterham https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/caterham/super-7/2767387.html Caterham https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/listing/1957-lotus-irvine-ca-2841798 Caterham https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/listing/2021-caterham-mount-crawford-va-2841278 Caterham Kit https://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/listing/2024-caterham-chaffee-ny-2829914 and here https://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/cto/d/el-verano-lotus-caterham-super/7836675234.html Westfield https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/cto/d/rochester-westfield-supersport-lotus/7831539081.html Lotus 7 S2 https://www.facebook.com/share/1BoXSQfqpQ/ and here https://www.facebook.com/share/18zyiGYiXw/ and here https://www.facebook.com/share/1BUy6ptc91/ Lotus 7 S2 https://www.facebook.com/share/1BKBDXg6DK/ Locost https://www.facebook.com/share/1A9s4WKtwH/ Locost https://www.facebook.com/share/16DgBFpUrx/ RM 8 (seller claims its a Rotus) https://www.facebook.com/share/1AE13Yukiz/ Birkin https://www.facebook.com/share/1ADpEwXfqV/ Locost https://www.facebook.com/share/1AzpQvVHQy/ Lotus 7 S4 https://www.facebook.com/share/1AzpQvVHQy/ Robin Hood https://www.facebook.com/share/161crupzA5/ Replica https://www.facebook.com/share/19ipwc6V8q/ Caterham https://www.facebook.com/share/15xkaAzkz5/ Westfield https://www.facebook.com/share/15RqYgsHoc/ Superformance S1 https://www.facebook.com/share/1BWEnYVYJi/ Caterham https://www.hagerty.com/marketplace/classified/2020-Caterham-420R/8d63d1c6-8ae4-40d9-8f12-5fdd1813267f Canada Ads Caterham https://www.autotrader.ca/a/caterham/super 7/vaughan/ontario/19_12525939_/ Fejer https://www.autotrader.ca/a/lotus/seven/lower five islands/nova scotia/19_12900501_/ and here https://www.facebook.com/share/18tPVJSHim/ Locost https://www.facebook.com/share/155TMXPmSa/ Fejer https://www.facebook.com/share/18XEGoJ8YN/ Locost Project https://www.facebook.com/share/1AUhwG9JLL/ Westfield https://www.facebook.com/share/1DUwm5bNWT/ Locost https://www.facebook.com/share/1AUWaBLqvK/ Caterham https://7cars.ca/cars-for-sale/caterham-s3-360.htm The summary of ads will not be posted next week as I am traveling. Will update in first week of April.
  26. The leaping 7 of se7ens.net is my favourite. A few years back I tried to get a response from the list admin by replying sending to the admin email. The response was from one of the principals, who stated the other founder was no longer among us, and he didn't realize the list is still alive. I didn't have any get any progress on the ownership of the graphic, but it's been so long, I can't imagine there would be any objection of its use for a club this large. All 20 of you. The list also has a shortcut icon whatever it's called in HTML world. And I still can't back into my old account there.
  27. At this time. Even after all the discussion I'm not anywhere closer to figuring out what the plan is for the Zetec to get in more peppy. Supercharger is still the likely option. At this time luckily I'm happy with engine regardless and glad I'm sorting out the tune and will keep messing with it as time allows.
  28. I like that idea, too. There 7 someway mimics the sngle of the windshield.
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