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Posted (edited)
So Tom did your beach house survive.


We are still without power at home. Just checked into a hotel. 3 days of no heat, hot water, light, tv, internet, reading by flashlight. ARRGH!!!!!


Well, I'm headed down to Ocean city Thursday am. Not good when the local tv stations feature your house and your neighbors on the Hurricane damage clips. http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/video/#!/news/local/Sandy-Aftermath-in-Ocean-City/176494641

Our place shows up nicely at 34 and 55 second marks. That sand covers what used to be a nice green lawn. :willy_nilly::puke::svengo::banghead:

Those Icons just about sum it up.



Edited by yellowss7
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Was your place ground floor or first floor? Damage looked fairly controlled - the immortal phrase 'it could be much worse' springs to mind.


I am staying where I am in London until power returns. Unfortunately that means long days as I work UK and US business hours trying to kick start a business after the storm. Our disaster recovery program was a disaster - the back up work site flooded, our emergency power supply was comandeered, our communication plans and calling trees sucked with bad information/connections and our IT back up facilities only succeeded in getting my back up! :banghead: We are also working out how much we will likely pay on the insurance policies - that will be a 9 figure check at some point.


No idea what damage my place took - still no services in downtown Jersey City. Someone did report that the office building across the street from my place has 4 stories of underground basement/garage full to the brim with water! :eek:


Tom and Croc:


So sorry to hear all of this, you must be sick. Your places seem to have been in just the wrong place. Looking forward to updates in hope that damage is not as bad as feared.


Steve, Box and others without power, hang in there but it has to be a royal PITA.


Hi Tom,


Sorry to hear that your main home is with out power for the time being. The beach house can be repaired or replaced as needed. At least you'll have some great stories and photos of the event to show your feature grand kids and visitors to the beach house long after this is all over and cleaned up.


I got news on my building today - good news - power was restored. Bad news - ground floor was badly damaged in the storm surge (lobby and 6 apartments). A barge loose during the storm punched a hole in the side of the building. Garage is damaged. Swimming pool, gym, maintenance storage rooms, car park office, building office, landscaped surrounds all wiped out. Plant and equipment mostly survived undamaged - it is elevated very high. Damage is mostly insured so not a major concern. No idea what my 8th top floor apartment is like - cannot get the guys to check it out as the ground floor is a major problem for them.


If this is the damage in my building then the ones on either side are hit harder as they had lower level lobbies and apartments.


One shocker that came to light today - 2 large multi-story apartment buildings in Hoboken were structurally damaged from the flooding as water got underneath and lifted the foundations! On a massive 10 story set of concrete and steel buildings! I struggle to believe it :eek:



And the kit car comment is just to bust someones balls, and see who's going to take the bait....


You mean Evan (IE: Real 1) is on here too :rofl:



Bill S.

Posted (edited)

Well, power at home came back on today at 4:26 am, I know because every friggin lite in the house came on and woke us up. Then at 5am, just as I fell back asleep, my phone rings with an incoming text message from, wait for it........CROC!!!!!:toetap05: He's in London and can't friggin tell time!!!:svengo:


Spent yesterday and today at the beach house Shoveling sand. Turns out our side showed a high water mark of about 8-10 inches in our lower level, I cut up and took out the carpeting, two sofas, Tv stand, tv, coffee table and assorted other crap, and put it all in the garage, after shoveling out 12 inches or so of wet sand. That took 3 of us 5 hours to do.


Driveway and walkway to the front door had 12+ inches of wet sand. Luckily found a guy with a bobcat to clean the driveway off. Only took him 3 hours!!!:party: Got the heater and hot waterheater checked out and working. The front yard/ beachfront now has about 2 to 3 feet of sand. I'm thinking of just leaving it there and calling it a beachvolleyball court. :smilielol5: Bad news is that there is now nothing between our house and the ocean, but a 2 foot bulkhead. The dunes are gone, well not really they are in my yard and driveway. But at hightide today the surf is about 30 yards from the bulkhead which is 10 yards or so from the house, and I'm hearing that a NorEaster is forcasted for next week. That can't be good.

All in all, not as bad as some other houses. The two next to ours have condemned signs posted on them, and my Upstairs neighbor, had the decking from the bulkhead go thru his sliding doors and now has over 4 feet of sand inside the house. Bad new there is that as this is a condo unit, we have one flood and insurance policy that covers the house.

I'll post some pics later.


Thx for your concern and support.



Edited by yellowss7

Hang in there guys, sorry to hear of the effects. Flag nobody was hurt.


No power at home or work. The financial impact on having your business closed for a week (or longer). It seems there in not only a gas shortage, but also a shortage of transformers.


I did learn race gas burns great in a generator.




After 4 days of now power, light, TV or interent. Having to read by flashlight, I can now see why the lifespans in the times before the 1900's were so short. It's because they got up worked, went ot bed and did it over and over. They were literally BORED to DEATH.:jester:


Hang in there Karl. Checking into a hotel, with Healt, hot water,Light, Cable TV and the Internet did wonders for my spirit.






I am sorry to hear of your losses but thankfull no one was hurt. Good luck to you all with your insurance coverages. If I were closer I would bring my shovel and alot of beer.

Then at 5am, just as I fell back asleep, my phone rings with an incoming text message from, wait for it........CROC!!!!!:toetap05: He's in London and can't friggin tell time!!!



Oops! :o I forgot the daylight savings change.... sorry! I was concerned for you Tom as much as you would prefer not! :leaving:


power came back for me ~10:30am. The MeOtter will get me home from work in a few hours and then not have enough fuel to make another trip. On to the 7 to get me back into work in the afternoon and on Sunday. Monday will be a different story unless the gas situation shapes up.


Bill, Hope you got lucky. In OC, Nj. there are houses two blocks away that didn't even have sand on their front lawns, 2 inch water mark on their first step. Just depends I guess.


I did what I can, now it's up to stronger and younger backs, and power tools. Still waiting to hear from the insurance adjuster. I imagine they are pretty busy right now.


Croc, Thx,


Box, I'm sure mayor Gloomberg's main priority is to get things going in NYC. If it wasn't for the Marathon, I'm sure you'd be next in line. :puke:



Posted (edited)

Here are a few pictures, First one is the view pre Sandy. The second one shows the current view taken from the yard, the third one shows the sand up to the house. The dunes are now in my yard and neighbors house. Hope they start putting the sand back on the beach soon. Tom

Edited by yellowss7
Posted (edited)

I spoke my brother today who lives in Morristown, NJ. He's finally given up and is headed out of state to stay with family who have electricity. No gas = no portable generator, no heat, no water, no toilets. Huge line at gas station to get enough to leave. Took hours. All stores are out of gas cans, people are stealing them from each other.


Tom: I have seen houses in Fl lose their beaches as yours has. There the government does "beach re-nourishment" and pumps tons of sand back in place so they're good to go, at least til the next hurricane:).

Edited by Kitcat

Glad to hear everyone is ok, property is lost and other items but at least your all alive and well.


Guys coming through a natural disaster this last 2 yeas I know what your going through, it's a long process and full of emotions coming and going like a tide, stay strong brothers if there is one thing the earth quake in NZ did for me it was restore my faith in humanity as I meet a lot of good people through the experiences who helped us out in their own time of need, at times like this we band together and people prove the world hasn't gone to shit like so many nay Sayers say.

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