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Paul Hill

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Everything posted by Paul Hill

  1. Sorry to confuse things Bob but I was referring to Skip's pics of the Gravity F1 cars (?). Or would they be referred to as karts?
  2. That looks like a modern Enduro kart, minus the engine and fuel tank. Why is it that such neat ideas fail to maximize their potential? Or was it like the kart classes, where the racers priced themselves out of business?
  3. Running next weekend?
  4. No track day announced to this point. Please bear in mind that typically track days attract less than 10% of attendees yet demand a much larger % of planning and effort.
  5. Made our hotel reservations Monday. Had a blast in Colorado Springs, lots of interesting things to do. The flatlands of NJ will offer a totally different experience! Should be fun! Thanks for taking this on Glen and Kyle.
  6. Bob If you check your sources I believe the Princeton LOG is the 1st weekend in August. Croc I think the video is up on the LOG 36 website, same with Marriot hotel details.
  7. Randy What's your status re LOG? Or am I blind, missed the car?
  8. You slacker! Why isn't that fixed already? Enough r n r already....
  9. Skip Email sent.
  10. Kitkat: Having spent a few hours with Shane back in April I think I am in the position to suggest he forget about even fly fishing for now....he can't ties his shoes yet, is still using slip-ons! And at least with indoor karts he can't get off the track out into the weeds!
  11. Kitkat: Having spent a few hours with Shane back in April I think I am in the position to suggest he forget about even fly fishing for now....he can't ties his shoes yet, is still using slip-ons! And at least with indoor karts he can't get off the track out into the weeds!
  12. If your kids stay at it they'll leave you behind..... Their past weekend my now 27 and 29 yr old sons ran a 24 hr Chumpcar event at VIR. Finished 10th overall, 1st in class. Dad sat at home following their progress on my IPad through live timing. Seems I created a monster with their 10+ yrs of karts, but at least it's on THEIR nickel now!
  13. Thanks Skip. Anne had clarified that long ago but I do appreciate your confirmation. Counting the days...
  14. Dean...check your pms please.
  15. Skip/Dean.... There is a breakfast/lunch spot 1-1/2 miles from the hotel.... "Over Easy" seems almost reasonable and has decent reviews.
  16. Randy Are you booking times for test drives/tours? (Our Mustang is coming from Avis at the Denver airport)
  17. Thanks for your thoughts Skip. While I am of a similar opinion re tourist traps like the 4 corners, since we will be relatively close to ride the Durango & Silverton train I was overruled so I agreed to the corners if could hit some of the Million Dollar Highway. Dean.... we're flexible as to a get-together, whatever you and/or Skip can arrange. We're also open to other attraction suggestions while we're there. My email hasn't overflowed with offers of a Lotus to drive so I guess we'll live with the Mustang..... Counting the days!
  18. Three weeks til LOG.... Skip: Keeping with the theme of this group vs the majority of LOG attendees, besides the secret handshake, do we have any plans for recognising OUR members? Rosemarie and I are flying into Denver early Wednesday, have some tourist railway tours planned for Wednesday/Thursday so will check in later Thursday. Unless something more fun turns up we have a Mustang convertible rented but if someone had a Seven or Lotus whatever available we could have our arm twisted! Looking forward to seeing more of Colorado, plan to twist our legs around the 4 corners monument, plus other fun touristy things.
  19. Shane Perhaps with your history a gurney might be the most appropriate buggy for you....
  20. Rosemarie and I plan to be there with our motor home. Supporting 2 groups: here and the Meyers Manx crew. We bought a Meyers Tow'd online from Reno at Christmas, damned truck caught fire east of Chicago, toasted ours and 4 other vehicles. Lucky for us the truck had insurance, and Meyers still had the molds, so a new body is now in our shop. We're not so lucky with other bits: trans has holes melted through, motor is seized, melted in places, so both need replacing. So much for buying something turnkey! Just what I needed...ANOTHER project!
  21. Good thought Mike.... But if I block the track at pit-in, set the lawn chairs out under the awning with the brews on the picnic table and shrimp on the Barbi there will soon be a huge jam....
  22. Whatcha think Shane..... My Topkick motor home might not set fast time but if I get it parked just "right" (as in across the track) nobody could get around us!
  23. Hey Shane, what gives? The link to your build gallery doesn't show any post apocalypse pics! Holding out on us??? It's too late for embarrassment.... time to fess up! Oops, wrong thread. Can some knowledgeable type move this please?
  24. Perhaps the best North American success story that fits this thread would be Factory Five, although they too seem to be in trouble with some states trying to register non replica models.
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