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Paul Hill

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Everything posted by Paul Hill

  1. Geez Croc... Guess I never shoulda read this thread! Doubt an extinguisher would have been much good though in my case, hardly effective when the whole truckload is on fire!
  2. Seems everyone slept in this morning.... Am a bit behind in my coffee intake this morning, slowly recovering from an apparent bout of food poisoning yesterday afternoon/evening. Had forgotten how miserable an experience that can be..... Better now than over the July 4 weekend!
  3. Thanks Mike! So does "1st response" count for anything? Doubt we will have a 7 there but are hoping to be there in spectator capacity with our motor home. Looking forward to more details... Paul
  4. Well, seems the calendar is filling quickly.... There's the LOG event in Colorado Springs, have tickets for "The Hawk" at Road America, have crew chief responsibilities at the VARAC event at Mosport in June, a Meyers Manx weekend on the Outer Banks of NC, and 2 of our sons have a bunch of Chump car and Trans Am weekends they would like us to be at. Yup, "our" free time is getting short, but both Rosemarie and I were disappointed at not making last year, even more after watching the video, so we are trying to keep it a priority.
  5. Late June again Mike? I can see our year being busy....
  6. Or a Bren gun mount? Maybe your local law enforcement needs a "little" help....
  7. Croc Were you referring to the brides or emoticons? Somebody is being slighted, just can't decide which group!
  8. And yes, filling the filter is ALWAYS a good idea any time it is replaced.
  9. Best to turn it over til you get oil pressure showing on the gauge before you add fire. Push it, roll it down the drive if you have to, but even on the starter motor it shouldn't take long.
  10. That must be the difference for me as well. I almost always access the site by phone, presently a relatively new Samsung Note 4. Posting pics by phone doesn't seem to be possible either.
  11. Powder brake I like the way you think with your location suggestion. However... I don't see your info either! Paul Morrisburg, Ontario Canada
  12. James: Is there a lock for the crank as well as cam?
  13. Thanks Bob. We spent a weekend in the area last year, sure wish I had known about these then! If we get back to see our buddy this yr I will be sure to keep these events in mind.
  14. Help us out of towers pls... FFX = Fairfax? Have actual addresses for both events? Rosemarie and I have been known to just take off for a few days, she's always up for a road trip...
  15. So it seems I'm not the only old fart Fred McMurray fan... I thought it might have been tougher than that. I was a closet Beverley DeAngelo fan too.... But her Italian sounding name was a close to furrin language as I went at the time so can't help with the Italian Job. Thanks for ruining our Saturday Croc! Of course maybe we should thank you for giving us something to look forward to tomorrow!
  16. Yup... Who's got the foot tapping emoticon? How about a bit of trivia... What TV show had that in the opening intro? (Hint...was quite a while ago)
  17. Saturday morning Croc.... Where's my early morning coffee read???
  18. That was the original plan Skip, a lightweight trailer, possibly enclosed, behind the motor home. But am not sure about having the Seven roadworthy by then. We also have a Meyers Tow'd in need of a refurb, it may be quicker to get back on the road... priorities? I do have a good buddies '62 rhd Series 2 at my disposal as I believe he is driving his Elise.
  19. I see the broker that got pinball's westfield is only looking to double his money....
  20. We'll try to arrange that Skip, though not sure what we will be driving at this point. We may be in our motor home, rent a car locally to get around. August is a long way off when we are barely over the expense of the fat bastard's annual visit. We'll keep in touch...
  21. We're thinking the same Dean. Plan to arrive Monday, see as much as we can.
  22. No scientific data but that sure seems like a lot of vacuum.
  23. From Great Not So White North.... Here's hoping you all have the 2015 you hoping for! Paul
  24. Hmm.... Am realizing I never made my point in my post.... The PCH and 17 Mile Drive were on my bucket list as well as wanting to share both with Rosemarie and Stormy. Check, check, check, and check. We actually crossed a bunch off the list on that trip.... Monterey Carmel Santa Cruz Hearst Castle Pismo Beach Santa Barbara How do you not be amazed on most of that drive? Skip was so right about the wonder of seeing the elephant seals, the vistas along so much of the route. What an awesome 3 days...
  25. Terrible confession time.... We stayed overnight at Monterey last yr and never made it to the track. We flew into SFO and took a leisurely drive down the Pacific Coast Highway to LA. Had our just 16 yr old daughter with us in a rented Mustang convertible. What a blast! Hit a lot of the highlights but am sure we missed as many as we hit. Still can't believe we didn't hit the track. Where's that beating yourself up emoticon when you need him???
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