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Paul Hill

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Everything posted by Paul Hill

  1. It's amazing, the anonymity of these forums hides the realities of the individuals. So true confession here....me thinks I fit this bunch at age 62, am almost average. Rosemarie on the other hand is mid 40s (can't be too exact can we? Ladies and age, scales...) And at this point in the winter who cares???
  2. Not all days are gems Shane.... Perhaps the gods are showing their displeasure at your announcement of not joining in at NJMP?
  3. Be careful Shane...seems someone is a little touchy about age references!
  4. Decided to be a professional roadracer did you? Such is there lot...just like being married: a LOT of begging for the slim chance of a little fun on the weekend....
  5. Ah, so the NY ladies are advertising online now.. 'bout time, must have been a rough winter with skimpy outfits in such winter weather!
  6. Coffee is getting cold Croc....
  7. Not personally but mother always had a big stash of 'em in the freezer. And we had one of the old round top small bottle Coke machines, the Cokes came in wooden cases.
  8. No pics but I can recall shooting at each other with 4' bows and arrows with suction cups... as if that was a good idea of safety. This time of year we (primary school grades 1-8) would latch onto a bumper and slide home for lunch dragging our boots on the snow-covered roads. Poor kids today miss out on that with all the road salt used now!
  9. You wouldn't notice Croc, you and Dundee have too much of the outback adventure streak in your blood! Nerves of steel and all that... BTW... SWMBO that is accompanying me to Jersey usually responds to Rosemarie...no garantee though. She's into tea, diet Pepsi and water as opposed to my coffee a day root beer. Just so ya know!
  10. When you're checking Croc's termite home be sure to scroll down... Some very nice English candidates for membership here!
  11. Why not you? Have to blame someone...I was 800 miles away when our car caught fire.
  12. Sadly, that was true even before it was a holiday. And just for the record, it's no different here where we have more than 2 parties to choose from!
  13. Seems we'll be spending Easter weekend in the LA area. Was looking for "must do" things... We are flying into Frisco early Thursday, touring down the coast for a surfing lesson for our almost 17 yr old daughter early Friday. Hopi ng to be in Thousand Oaks area later Friday, then open til Monday morning. The main purpose of the trip is to pick up a new f/g body from Meyers in Valley Centre Tuesday or Wednesday, then haul it over to meet up with some friends in Quartzsite who will haul it back to Canada for us. Will likely have to rent a pickup or small U-haul type truck for a one way rental, unless someone has a bright idea here.... So..looking for fun things. We made a similar trip previously, have seen Hearst Castle, but open to a wide range of touristy or car things. The Peterson was on our list but seems it is closed for reno. Anyone?
  14. Oh...not sure which one but one of the silly Mayors leaned a little too close and got his ear bitten!
  15. Croc... Seems nobody wants to put you out of your misery.... As I recall only 1 of the 6 noted furballs saw his shadow. However... seems the best accuracy of the bunch is less than 40%. Meanwhile the snow is falling, ice rain mixed in for good measure. We're expecting 10-15" by Tuesday.
  16. I have a spare nose, just not sure of lineage. Any obvious identifiers? Where are you located?
  17. Ya Mike/Croc...I bet it gives you goosebumps when those nice tsa folks snap their rubber gloves!
  18. Seems everyone has had better results with uship than I did... I had an ad posted for 6 weeks for open or closed truck from Reno NV to Binghamton NY. If price were no object... 3 offers upwards of $3500...then I guess it was successful. Seemed a bit much to me... Went with a private broker, got an open car transport for $1000. OK til the trailer brakes caught fire just east of Chicago...6 vehicles and the trailer written off....our f/g dune buggy was right over the trailer axles, lower level, so was completely destroyed. The only good news was how quickly the truck's ins carrier was settling, had our check in hand in a week, plus kept the salvage.
  19. Croc/Mike Did they have pneumatic tires when you were that young and knew it all???
  20. Where's that toe tapping impatient emoticon? Seems Croc kidnapped him this morning too.....
  21. Been down that road...the LOG event at Gettysburg the rear u/j decided to give up almost as soon as we dropped it out of the trailer Thursday, took til Saturday to find the right joint. All part of the fun of Lotus ownership!
  22. We have toured Calabogie Motorsports Park similarly: older son Trevor is the operations manager there, younger son Travis is their resident pro instructor. But we still happily accept of any and all offers!
  23. Dam auto-correct... We were at Mont Tremblant.....
  24. Sounds like fun Mike. The last time I let someone take Rosemarie for "little" ride got REALLY expensive.... I was helping a buddy with his Lotus 61 vintage Formula Ford, trying to sort some handling issues on a Friday practice session at Mont Tremblay. He was going to race his Lotus 7 Saturday and Sunday but used Friday for the 61. At days end he suggested Rosemarie could take a little ride with him while he warmed up the 7 to change the oil. Silly me....I forgot the 7 was still licensed, so where I thought they would take a quick tour through the paddock they were gone almost an hour through the surrounding countryside. You couldn't get the grin off her face with a paintbrush...I was told in no uncertain terms that she NEEDED one of those. And the search was on..... Can't imagine what the next "little ride" will cost me....
  25. Rosemarie and I are planning to attend as spectators.
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