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Paul Hill

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Everything posted by Paul Hill

  1. Croc and all: Seems Andy was successful. I sent a question and got a short answer...sold. Story of my life... "I was THIS close......" So...in an effort to not have it happen twice in a day, do we have a member in the Reno vicinity? I need to verify the existence of a vehicle, though not sure what to do after that! If anyone can help send me contact info please. hillmotorsports at sympatico dot ca Thanks Paul
  2. Sitting here waiting for people to drag their buts out of bed.... Sure doesn't feel much like Christmas here in eastern Ontario, 42° F with hardly a snowbank in sight. Not that I am personally complaining but I feel for those with new skis or snowmobiles. Hope you and yours enjoy your day!
  3. An Elan reincarnation perhaps? Before you laugh and shake your head look what it did for Mazda!!!
  4. OK.... What they said..... and what's with the whirlgig in the background? Oh wait...it's all small scale...a diorama!
  5. Call me a wuss but I have been juggling to fit a Vintage Air Gen ll heat/actually unit into our Caterham. This thread validates my thought process about the heat part but the reality is we drive in more warm weather than cool. Not sure if I can squeeze it all in but that is the plan. I think the condenser and associated fan may be the biggest challenge, especially since some have enough cooling issues already.
  6. Finally...another great excuse for a road trip!
  7. A step in the right direction.... Early Christmas present?
  8. Photos hopped and untrue.... You mean like the augmentation in mightymike's sign?
  9. Dermot Hope I am not being TOO personal here but what "faux pas" were you referring to? I did a quick search but saw nothing... Glad to hear both you and the wallet are mending though, and it does sound like "she who must be obeyed" is at least still speaking to you......
  10. slim: What year was that TVR ad from?
  11. Sorry guys.... At the risk of seeming argumentative I seriously doubt any of our cars weigh-in tail heavy, in spite of how far back the engine may be pushed. More like fast n loose with the English language bordering on misrepresentation or false advertising. These cars are good enough without such misleading hyperbole.
  12. Since when can a motor located in front of the driver be called mid-engined???
  13. You thought P51 was a Ford option code?
  14. Paul Hill

    quick 7

    Would be much more "sporting" if we could combine 2 major events.... Hey....maybe we could offer our services as caddies, supplying our own carts of course! New course records could be measured in time rather than strokes?
  15. Paul Hill

    quick 7

    I hear ya Shane.... My sons ran kart tracks that were better, even the worst were safer than that one. Mind you, there are many that would question the sanity of running 140+ on the backstretch at Daytona in a shifter kart.
  16. Paul Hill

    quick 7

    Are we THAT spoiled? Or do they seem desperate for track time? That's quite a goat path.....
  17. Thanks for starting the Christmas grins early! Had to laugh at myself....I 1st thought she looked too familiar... Then I noticed the date. Merry Christmas to all!
  18. Food for thought.... July is hot in Alabama. Some of us will be attending LOG in Colorado in August. So...fall date?
  19. Awfully quiet here today... Is everyone in recovery from too much turkey and liquid refreshments? Or has Black Friday shopping taken over?
  20. She was obviously not a fan of history.... None of the racers of any significance back in the day would have considered such a sissy solution.... Most unfortunate she is such a modern lass. Maybe some dna off the seat cushion would help id her?
  21. I'd grab it if it had clamshells.... ;-)
  22. Sorry I can't link to the article with my not-so-smart phone. The registration is in limbo til someone gets off their butt...not bikes and not cars (no airbags, fancy bumpers, etc)...so for the time being they cannot be registered there.
  23. Interesting article in the New York Times. According to the article there is a bit of a cockup with lisencing in Texas. Seems their beurocrats have backtracked on calling it a motorcycle, now say it can't be a bike when you sit in a seat instead of straddling a backbone.
  24. Have any build pics posted anywhere? It's always nice to see someone else suffer!
  25. Welders glue??? That's a new one to me.... Have any other description?
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