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I have this Setrab 6" oil cooler.

is it too big to go in front of this radiator?  Radiator has a puller fan on back. 



I'd call that overkill     we don't run one that big on a Formula Ford

As for mounting it there, remember any heat it dissipates is going to go right into the water, so I question if there's any net gain


I put one about that size on a miata I turbocharged (no water jacket) to help extend the oil life to normal change intervals. I don't see the need for a cooler on an NA application. There is also the extra plumbing taking up space, oil pressure drop through the cooler and lines, plus oil drain and fill complications. If you need extra cooling, consider an aluminum radiator. More efficient than the cooper/brass.


All good points.

The necessity is something i contemplate..

As for location,  I haven't seen OCs mouted anywhere else on 7s.


On modern 420/620 the oil cooler cooler is mounted below the water rad. It's very small but the oil is still overcooled in all but the most demanding track situations (ie high ambient temps and nose/tail drafting). 

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mine is having a heat problem . I have the largest radiator I could find to fit the front frame, . I have a V-6 , it gets got fast. I tried different thermostats and even made a water restrictor . A round plate with a 3/16 inch hole where a thermostat would go, Still runs hot.

  My last effort will to buy another radiator like I have now and hole out the upper and lower tanks and TIG weld a 2nd radiator in front of the first Rad. twice the water cooling in the same outer diameter , I have lots of room in front of the now existing radiator 

Posted (edited)

Fwiw: my oil temp was getting to 230+

I added a Setrab cooler: Both water & oil temp are now stable at their set points.

Discussion is here:


Edited by wemtd
Add link. Make more succinct.
9 hours ago, Alex-Ks1 said:

mine is having a heat problem . I have the largest radiator I could find to fit the front frame, . I have a V-6 , it gets got fast. I tried different thermostats and even made a water restrictor . A round plate with a 3/16 inch hole where a thermostat would go, Still runs hot.

  My last effort will to buy another radiator like I have now and hole out the upper and lower tanks and TIG weld a 2nd radiator in front of the first Rad. twice the water cooling in the same outer diameter , I have lots of room in front of the now existing radiator 

Looks like you have the honda two row which should be adequate if optimized. Baffles will help it cool at all speeds. The flexible blue strip baffles (can be made from a cheap floor mat) help but are not necessary if the red baffle is close to touching the inside of the nose. Make a card board pattern. The red baffle can be made from three strips 3-4 inches wide and screwed/rivetted together with a little overlap. A high amp fan (that will fit over the honda core) will help below 45 mph. Good universal fans are not cheap but you could run two cheap fans with one in front and back. Not best practice though but whatever works.


If you want a better radiator, consider the scion racing radiator with no filler and a much larger surface area or a three or four row honda type. The honda upper tank and filler wastes space that could be filled with more core.

Alex KS1 cooling mod.jpg

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If you are over cooling the oil, google Mocal thermo controlled oil by pass. It does an excellent job and will really shorten warm up time.

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What MV8 said... I too was having cooling issues with my Ecoboost Ford Stalker.  I fabbed these up to block air bypassing the radiator and they work better but I still get a heat rise when I hit it hard.  I think my remaining problem is due to my intake air cleaner sitting right next to my turbo on the right side of the engine. My next step is to get a 90 degree elbow and move the air cleaner away from the turbo and put a heat blanket between the intake and the turbo.






1 hour ago, IamScotticus said:

Thanks for the pics everyone!

@Vovchandr Ive seen that radiator on csts before,  is that standard Cat issue?


No idea. That's how it I got it 

4 hours ago, MV8 said:

Looks like you have the honda two row which should be adequate if optimized. Baffles will help it cool at all speeds. The flexible blue strip baffles (can be made from a cheap floor mat) help but are not necessary if the red baffle is close to touching the inside of the nose. Make a card board pattern. The red baffle can be made from three strips 3-4 inches wide and screwed/rivetted together with a little overlap. A high amp fan (that will fit over the honda core) will help below 45 mph. Good universal fans are not cheap but you could run two cheap fans with one in front and back. Not best practice though but whatever works.


If you want a better radiator, consider the scion racing radiator with no filler and a much larger surface area or a three or four row honda type. The honda upper tank and filler wastes space that could be filled with more core.

Alex KS1 cooling mod.jpg

HA. I see its my car, any way I have a 12 inch electric fan on the out side, it runs at 30 amp,  I did call a large radiator place in Wichita, they do a lot of race car and NASCAR stuff, he said he could come out and look at my car, He could make any size radiator and as many rows as it could fit..

   I sent him all the info, with measurements and photos,  his price,, 1500$ to start and 300 $ an hour plus parts and material. I think its time to get rid of it. I will look closely at your baffle set up. 

  I still have the S-10 radiator the engine came out of, its twice as big as this radiator on my 7. 


The 00-06 scion racing rads are no longer available. The traditional/book sized seven nose is just a little too small in width for most radiators. Forklift radiators almost fit. How thick is the core on your radiator? Should be a full two inches if it is the best honda radiator. What is the model number on the 12 inch fan? If you want to test before committing, put cardboard around the radiator in the nose. I wonder if your grill insert is restricting as well. I assume the heater fittings are capped so no coolant is bypassing the radiator. Does it run cooler with the hood/bonnet off?


the rad 2 inches , the fan blows like a whore on navy day .  my fork lift Rad is much larger than  this honda thing by a long shot .the grill is a aluminum mesh , very thin webbing . no heater at all, both pump and heads are blocked off. Even with my tornado shop fan it started running hot just sitting .  . Its simple the radiator is just to small for the engine, it has 10.5 to 1 comp ratio, high lift cam, even my own built headers,  The mox nix fitting of cardboard wont fix

anything. and the electric fan will blow the paint off the hood, its none of what your telling me, . I need a 4 inch thick rad. no one has any for sale this size and im not going to spend 2,000$ on a custom rad. Ill sell it first 


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Well...you seem really confident. Let me know when you are ready for me to come drag it away and end your suffering. No charge!

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