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Everything posted by gjslutz

  1. Turkey hit @ 45MPH This was from a short ride with our grandson. Following a few cars @ 45MPH on a local two lane road, the turkey hen hit the right edge of my home made aero shield. It deflected the bird up and brushed over Jake's head and hit the roll bar. It landed behind him on the rear storage cover. It stayed there for the ride home. The aero shield was made with 3/16th polycarbonate and took the hit very well. Life in the country!
  2. gjslutz


    Oh sh**, I didn't think anyone was watching! No I don't look like the one on the left.
  3. Like a dumb A** I purchased my 2002 / 2004 Birkin In N.Y. and had a friend fly me up as it had spares with it. His A/C was larger than mine! The only problem I had with it on the way home was, I had to cut most of the sides of my running shoes off to fit. After a stop for dinner in Cleveland, OH. I arived at home around 11:30 PM. It was a few hundred miles with no problems. It has been that way on all trips. Many mods later it has been the same. I have added the short steering arms and turned the tach to where 8,000 is in sight, lowered the seat, had a new taller roll bar made, along with a new top to fit it. Added stage 3 cams and head work and many other mods. It has been 100% reliable. As I live in an area of low traffic, it is driven like I rented it. It is push the button and make noise. I have been thinking of an Ohio / Colorado trip this summer. If I do it, it will be W/O top or winshield (Aero Shield only). It will be non freeways if I can. To make my R888's fit I trimed the outside of the fenders and mounting brackets to fit. My car was well sorted as it had about 2,500 miles on it, it was set up for the track prior to purchase.
  4. I never met him, but he sent me his Chili every year until I sold my Cobra, how did he know? It was CSX3300. I was so smart I sold it in 1971 to buy an Pantera.
  5. Just to be on the safe side, my V700's and R888's never see temps below 40'. I have the Falken's for cold and wet weather. They are harder, but much better in the wet. As I have 15" wheels the selection on width and profile is limited with them.
  6. I have an "Burns Stainless" that I repacked with steel wool. It was custom made for the original owner. It is quiet. Straight through design with perferated holes that allow the sound to exit into the media. On WOT I get more noise from the TBI's and they are on the right side.
  7. I doubt if you will need to apply for a Patent on it, even though I have never seen one like it.
  8. gjslutz

    What A Ride

    Who could be so twisted to build this? I think we know one or two people that are brothers : Skip, try this link Gary
  9. With my low frontal area and the little TDI, I get 22 to 25 MPG, due to speed I see 22 more often. With the little wagon I can get what I need but not much more in it and around the car. I feel no side wind, but if I could have lost the flat back end, I would have likely gained about 4 to 5 MPG. I had a F-150 prior, but had no other use. What I save now in fuel I spend on motels. I have had friends tell me they can't keep up with the TDI VW when I start up a entrance ramp or pass cars. They were driving 3.8 mini vans with two people in them, one was a Ford & the other was a Chrysler. My little TDI is still stock.
  10. I have been thinking of selling my Birkin and have an very light all aluminum trailer. It is single axle with surge / disk brakes. There should be photos here. 985 LBS EW / 2990 GVW. It is very stable at "any speed". I have it set at 90 LBS at the hitch with Birkin loaded. Enclosure can be removed in 1 hour to use as an open trailer. I pull the Birkin with an 2010 VW Jetta JSW. @ less than 2300 LBS with car it drives like there is nothing behind it. I need another A/C to teach the grandson to fly, so the Birkin and trailer both will be sold. It started as a new ALUMA Bed Size: 78" x 141" to out side of fenders 102" Tires: 14" You can email me at gjslutz1(at)roadrunner.com Gary
  11. I had two 914-6's and an 914 1.8 I also had a friend that had a 914 2.0 that I drove also. All were very good handling for the time. As these were 1970 time cars that I had in the 70's it would be hard to compare. LB to HP was not a match and 50 years of tire improvement sure didn't favor the 1970's car. I added a turbo to one of the 6's, but due to the very long exhaust runs it was total failure as a project. I tried to keep the heater boxes in place.
  12. My first E Type was the 1964 coupe, 3 Etypes later my last was the 1974 E drop head. They were great looking cars and were great driving. None of mine ever looked this great though, even when new!
  13. I added a small red LED 1" cluster to my Birkin. It has an ECU so I just programed it in to where I have my soft cut off. Even in bright day light it catches my eye. It is mounted just under the glare sheild and is aimed to my eyes. I think it was less than $25. My soft cut off is 200 RPM below the full cut off.
  14. I should be there.
  15. I have the R888's, if you can see the grain in the road wet is fine. If not hang on. I have had them for a few years and love the stick.
  16. I have my tongue weight at 90 LBS and it is great at any speed & conditions. My trailer and Birkin weight is 2,100 LBS. My little TDI VW wagon works well with it.
  17. Light weight brakes and light weight wheels and tires. That along with the bike drive, it should be a screamer.
  18. Loren, Was that on the way there or back? It is all down hill on the way home. Gary
  19. It could be he was afraid of the water more than the landing.
  20. Trailer looks great. Mine weighed in @ 985 LBS after I did the cover. I only have one axle though. I have towed mine at speeds not much less than what the 7 will do, and it is very stable. With the VW TDI wagon I do around 25 to 28 MPG at the speed limit. At the same speed W/O the trailer it is around 40 MPG. I also thought I would do better MPG with the trailer.
  21. "The car really is set up as a driver-only car... so battery and gas tank can occupy where the passenger would normally be. With engine and gas tank so close to the center of the car, this thing should be pretty good at changing direction". You didn't learn?
  22. I did add an enclosure to mine. Total E.W. after brakes were added is 985 LBS. I did build the cage out of 1" sq. tube, I need no inside lights. Gary
  23. This sure would be a great place to start!
  24. A lot like WC rallying is today.
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