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2016 East Coast Sevens Event Photo Thread

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Kitcat accepting the First Debris Flag award Rock

Dan accepting the award for the prettiest car

Paul accepting the most improved award

Norman accepting the Mechanical sympathy award for two on track issues

Roman grudgingly accepting the Polisher award, Or something equally ridiculous

Ryan accepting the Golden/white commode for best skid marks with his 360 spin

Scott accepting the award for actually not causing any issues.

Tom C. Accepting the Gas Guzzler award for burning the most fossil fuel and helping keeping the global warming issue a HOT topic. :willy_nilly:

kitcat award 2.jpg

Dan's award 2.jpg

Paul's award.jpg

Norman's award 2.jpg

Roman's award.jpg

Ryan Award.jpg

Scott award 1.jpg

Tom C award.jpg

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Mike & Tom,

Thanks to you both for putting on the event, and for the joyrides. Your cars are fantastic. I hope to drive my own there next year. It was great to see old members and put faces to ones I had not met before. Everyone had a blast. Those who can should put this event on the list for next year.




I had a blast. What a unique experience to be on track with nothing but Sevens.


By now you've read about my front hubs. I couldn't be more thankful to Tom for donating (hahaha) his spares, to Terry (TJ's dad) for driving 3 hours and then rummaging through Tom's garage to find them, and TJ and Ian (whom I think many Sevens owners came to know) for putting it all back together in time for me to do the last session on Saturday. Everyone in the paddock heard the cheer go up when Ian brought the car past our tent.


Sevens owners are a different breed, but certainly the best kind. It was a real pleasure to spend this weekend with you. Sevens - There are no Substitutes™


Tom and Croc: thank you again for a great event. Despite all the mechanical issues, this year was a spectacular success.


Two more photos - one group photo on track and the group photo at Don's on Saturday night.


WSPS-NJMPDC-07022016-0002 (2).jpg


Mike, Tom, Friends

just a few words to echo everyone's sentiment and comments. This weekend was a total blast and such a pleasure seeing everyone again. We've survived massive storms, tornado like weather and hail on Friday (Croc and I were thinking who we would text last), but all worth it for a fabulous weekend. This gathering is quickly becoming an annual ritual, a must do and pilgrimage for any 7 enthusiast. No better place and better group of people to be with. Special thanks to Mike and Tom for an incredible organization and for truly taking care of all of us. Thanks to all for driving tips, overall help and incredible camaraderie.


My only recommendation, we should have an award for "surviving one's trailer" next year. My car and I made it ok despite a tire blow out on the NJT on the way to NJMP and tie belt snapping on my way back.. no clue why.


Thanks everyone. Have a good summer


Looks like you guys had a blast! I wish we had something similar on the west coast.


Tom, so how was the new tune from SBD? Any more issues with your coolant?


Van, I'm happy to report that the issues that I had in the past have seem to be history. Replacing the head gasket with the newest 3 layer version, the timing of the cams and finally the time on the dyno to ensure that I had a good safe tune seems to have paid off. Steve at SBD said that with some more time he could squeeze another 20++ hp out of it, but to be honest, I still can't seem to get my foot all the way down and hold it there with the power I have. :willy_nilly: The car pulls like a freight train and seems stronger than before so I am very happy with the tune. I did have a slightly elevated temperature issue the first time out a couple weeks ago, but I drained the Evans coolant out and replaced it with Distilled Water and Red Line Water Wetter and my water and Oil temps came down significantly, and were 195F and 210-212F consistently for the full 20 minute sessions when running hard. Temps came down even further if I backed off for traffic or coming in at the end of the session. All good.


As for the west coast, It can't be much more than 2400 miles one way out here. TBox56 did 1900 miles. What's an extra day or so. :jester: We might be able to schedule a third day to make the trip worthwhile. We definitely have a good time on and off the track. Tom

Looks like you guys had a blast! I wish we had something similar on the west coast.



Yes, it does sound like it was fun. A west coast event would be fantastic. Thanks for sharing all of the fun!


I always look forward to hearing about and seeing the photos of your 4th of July track event at NJMP. A huge effort by Mike and Tom to coordinate it all. Sorry to miss watching all the fun up close and personal once again. One day, one day.......

Posted (edited)

6-30-2016 Max and NJMP 296.jpg6-30-2016 Max and NJMP 317.jpg6-30-2016 Max and NJMP 275.jpg6-30-2016 Max and NJMP 291.jpg6-30-2016 Max and NJMP 335.jpgAnother top event and once again my favorite car-oriented experience of the year. Much fun was had and much was learned.

Top photo is one of hundreds from Croc's garage.

Then it is Wentmd's Birkin, lurking in the grass, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting Caterhams.

Next is emblematic of the group's spare-no-cost approach to car numbers:). And talk about attention to detail!

Followed by MichaelD, fighting off the effects of squeezing to much fiun into a single weekend.

And finally, Tom in his super fast Cat, next to his passenger, Dave, who drives a Superperformance S1.

The "Birkin Boys" showed us the "Birkin oil pan Diaper", a jury-rigged device scientifically designed to stop a moderate to severe oil drip from keeping them off the track. We (I) also learned that one point by-means just one car can pass out on the track (not 2 cars, even if I am the 2nd one:)). It is possible to combine massive drinking and eating with massive amounts of track driving, you just have to do so in the proper sequence. Croc's garage has to be seen to be believed.

Many of the participants were at the USA7s event at the Tail of the Dragon in '07, including me, MichaelD, Norm Beaver, and Scott Lentz. Many also attended the LOG in Gettysburg a few years later where we cooked up the idea for what has become this annual gathering at NJMP. Those folks again included the above suspects and the critical addition of Tom and Croc. Dave of Birkin diaper fame was there as well (and mite have been at the Tail of the Dragon?). We had so much fun together, after being ostracized by the Lotus guys, that we decided to get together on an annual basis. This led to Croc and Tom suggesting the NJMP venue for what has become an annual gathering and the largest USA gathering of sevens. Next year will be the 7th anniversary. I already cant wait.

I will post some random pictures, including the new, but already coveted, "Debris Flag" award, referenced above. Since I was this year's honored winner (victim?) I have renamed it the "I Rock" award:). It truly illustrates the old adage that what goes around comes around. It now sits proudly in my office next to my Golden skid marks trophy (a gold toilet bowl) from last year.

6-30-2016 Max and NJMP 404.jpg

Edited by Kitcat
Posted (edited)

That was a hoot. Thanks so much Michael and Tom for organizing and orchestrating the annual event. You guys really are first class hosts and you make us all feel so welcome. From visible cloud rotation Friday evening (bet the Doppler radar geeks were frothing over that) to a sparkling Saturday, to a couple of showers Sunday early, then dry for our track outings, capped off by a highly entertaining awards ceremony it was a very memorable occasion. What better place to go round and round?


Can’t thank you two enough for all the hard work preparing and then pampering us throughout the weekend. And Freddy Fender says, “I plan to be back next year stronger than ever so you won’t tread on me." Or as Jimi Hendrix said, "tire tracks all across your fender.........doh......back." Jeff........Tom.......name that tune?


Some random pics follow. Ciao guys and hope to see you all next year.








Edited by fmorser
Posted (edited)

Nailed it! Speaking of Locost.............here's a couple of Locost programs.



Edited by fmorser

A big, big "thank you" to Tom and Mike for organising the event.


I last drove a Caterham on the road exactly two years ago (a tour to France) and I guess my last time on track was shortly before that (at Donington, with Mike as luck would have it :-) ). I'd reconciled myself to not being a 7 owner in the US, but the day on track has got me thinking again as to how I can make it happen. Maybe sometime...... I was expecting my track-time to be limited to the karting so it was a great surprise to get the loan car - many thanks Mike!


Here are my photos from the Saturday.


Dan, here is the link to the Westfield Sports Car Club in the UK. They might come in handy for you in the future....

Drivers briefing was very entertaining. Fred's missing cycle wing was returned to him along with MichaelD's number plate. The story finally came out. Fred lost his cycle wing on the back straight. MichaelD was following and in trying to avoid Fred's wing managed to aim to hit it dead center tearing off his front number plate.


MichaelD should have received the 'WingDing' award for nailing it 'on the numbers'. :jester: Sorry, Suave put me up to that.


A big thanks to Mike and Tom for all of the work they put into organizing this wonderful event. It was great to see all of the east coast people again this year and a couple of new faces as well.


Got back home yesterday evening after a total of 4,139 miles.




Hi friends

Thought I would see some Video from NJMP


Who is holding back =)

or maybe looking in wrong spot .......



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