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Everything posted by xflow7

  1. I'm after a (LHD) driver's side (or pair) of inertia reel belts for a Classic chassis. Anyone have some in serviceable condition taking up space on a shelf? Dave
  2. Looks like Washington State. Foliage looks right, and there appears to be a Swiftwater Winery East of Seattle past Snoqualmie
  3. For Ital axle parts, Skip Harris (aka MarinaMan) is a great resource: http://marinaman.org/blog/contact-us/ Having said that, it's been a number of years since I've bought anything so I can't say definitively that he's still doing business. Dave
  4. If they'd be of any use for anyone, I have the following available: 1 pair new Bilsteins to suit live axle rear. They came from Autocourse, Inc. years ago but were never fitted. Not sure if they're identical to what Caterham offered at the time, although they have the correct top-end fitting. $200 obo + shipping 1 used set of stock Spax dampers and springs to suit live axle cars (i.e. with single top-link). Used but functional w/ ~10k miles on them when removed in ~2016. $250 obo + shipping - SOLD PM if interested. Dave
  5. There's some nice driving around A2 (lived there from '04-'07). I second the run out Dexter/Chelsea way. You can do a nice little loop out that way and then up through Hell and Pinckney area. Also, don't miss this (near Waterford). I came across it totally randomly one day on my way back from Waterford Hills. It was especially serendipitous as the intersection here is Caterham Dr and Williams Lake Road (my last name is Williams), but unfortunately the street sign didn't have both signs: Dave
  6. I'm late to this. It's been a while, so not sure if he's still operating, but I've always had good luck getting parts for my Ital axle from Skip Harris (aka marinaman). http://marinaman.org/ Dave
  7. That's the way to do it. You're smarter than me. While I'd entertained the lack of protection for road use, it wasn't until I had that accident that it really crystalized for me. I was amazed that the windscreen held up as well as it did, too. I don't think it bore the full brunt of the entire animal, but rather the head/neck. I think the deer basically ran into the side of the car (or tried to jump over and tripped) leaving the chunk out of the wing, and then rolled down along the side of the car. Having said that, the damage was more severe than is obvious. Bent the trailing arm and the chassis tube that picks it up; bent the radiused tube next to the cockpit; broke the trailing arm mount on the axle; reskin of the whole left side of the car.
  8. Looks great! I love Brooklands screens and very nearly bought some to put on my car. I got a reality check, though weeks before pulling the trigger in the form of a deer at 70mph on I-69 in Fishers, IN. Not a shred of doubt in my mind that the windscreen, as dinky as it is, saved my life. Not trying to be a buzzkill. Obviously, anyone driving a Seven is expressly accepting some additional risk compared with driving a Camry. But always keep in mind that the extra exposure that gives the thrill is more than just a sensation. Dave
  9. Hi, Just sent a PM inquiring about front suspension. Dave
  10. Glad to hear it! Got your email. Sounds like a heck of a few weeks!
  11. Hi all, Has anyone heard anything from Beachman recently? I've been trying by email and phone to get in touch for the last 3 weeks to confirm how much I owe for some parts they shipped me in the beginning of May. They were super-responsive to my inquiry/order. But I haven't managed to get any response at all to several emails / phone messages since they sent the shipment. Hoping every thing is okay with them there. Dave
  12. I don't like the look of all that gunk in the threads of the #1 plug. Even if there's all manor of crap in the "tunnel" for the plug the threads themselves should be pretty clean having spent their life engaged in the head. Sure, some gunk may brush into them on the way out, but they look pretty uniformly covered. Did that plug feel right when you loosened it and threaded it out? Dave Edit: sorry, no wisdom on what mileage you should expect, but 10 does sound low for street driving.
  13. My wife and I were up in Salisbury for a wedding over the weekend and passed you guys going the other direction on 44. I waved a big thumbs up from our little Nissan rental car. Looks like a great route and a great breakfast. I was definitely missing my Seven. Dave
  14. Try Skip Harris aka "Marina Man": marinaman@marinaman.org I've gotten various Ital axle parts from him in the past and he's good to deal with. Dave
  15. What about a blocked PCV valve or something like that? Dave
  16. Anyone have a surplus Caterham Tachometer kicking around? This would be of the type fitted to a late '90's Classic (i.e. no warning lights, etc.). Looks like this: http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=11638&stc=1 P/N EET3-1A32-00B Thanks, DAve
  17. Hello Dean, I'm so sorry for your loss. You and yours are in my thoughts. Dave
  18. I've got a xflow in a '99 Classic chassis with the 4-1 side exit. It is tight, but it does work, at least if the primaries, engine location, alternator, etc. are all the standard Caterham-spec parts. As I recall, the main thing is you'll end up playing a game of fiddle-f*** to get the column to simultaneous clear the 4 primaries and the bottom of the alternator housing, while not binding the U-joint at the steering rack. You may find you need to tweak the orientation of the steering rack and/or the bulkhead bearing for the upper steering column. I found it helpful to put the front of the car on jacks so I could easily feel for a bind in the u-joint while rotating the rack bit-by-bit to clear the alt. housing and primaries. Dave
  19. My Caterham Classic with a x/flow and T9 5-spd was ~1150lbs when I weighed it some years ago for NY registration. I don't recall how full the tank was, figure around 1/2. Dave
  20. I suspect it went something like this: ... "But there are no seats." "No, honey, you see you just sit right on the floor here." "But why isn't there a seat?" "That's part of the experience; by sitting right on the floor you get the sensation of oneness with the road...and it lowers the center of grav-" :conehead: "Listen, you put a go**amn seat in that thing right now or I'm not going!" :boxing: :flag:
  21. MichaelD, you have PM. I actually sent two because I forgot my physical address the first time, but the second one doesn't seem to show in my Sent items. So let me know if you didn't get it. Hi Mike, I'm still around, but have been more in lurk mode lately for no particular reason. I do remember meeting the gang in Gettysburg, but would be hard pressed to put names with faces at this stage. I blame the CO and unburned HC's. :willy_nilly:
  22. Thanks, Bob and Michael. Bob, I've sent you an email. Dave
  23. This is seriously ironic. Just yesterday my wife and I took my Caterham to the Annapolis Cars and Coffee where a fellow we were chatting with said we really need to get over to Katie's sometime because he's never seen a Seven there! Unfortunately, I may be traveling on the 20th or I'd be at the Lotus event in a heartbeat. In any case, I hope to run into you other locals at some upcoming event soon. Dave (formerly of Vermont, now installed in MD as of 6 weeks ago)
  24. If cleaning the jets doesn't get you there, I might suggest replacing the dizzy cap. Not quite the same symptoms, but my Supersprint was giving me trouble a couple of years ago with a top-end misfire. I stripped and cleaned the carbs, replaced plugs/leads/coil etc. Finally, I replaced the rotor and dizzy cap even though I couldn't see anything wrong and that seemed to sort it.
  25. Ah, nevermind then. I've always gone direct to blatchat.com, so I assumed that was still where the forums pointed.
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