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The headers are chromed if that's what you mean.

I took the wings and fenders to a customer of mine to have bedliner material applied to the underside of them to prevent gravel and some damage. I'll get them back on Thursday. I live in a very rural area with a lot of macadam and dirt roads. Better to be safe than sorry.


Unfortunately the car won't start...:( Seems to be a wiring issue. It won't even crank unless i jump the solenoid on the starter. Derek with Caterham sent me a writing diagram but just the engine compartment, hopefully I'll get the chassis one tomorrow.


Hopefully I'll get it sorted soon! Dying to hear it!

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I hope you meant the headers...our did you mean the fenders and wings?


I picked up the wings and fenders yesterday. He sprayed four layers of bed liner material on the under sides. They came out great and I think they will very well protected from stones!








On the starting problem.... Does anyone checking in here have a newish 7 they could check on some wiring for me?


When I checked the relays, 1st... I found that Caterham put the turn signal flasher where the starter solenoid belongs :facepalm at least the blinkers work now!


Secondly, when I checked the voltages on the back side of the starter relay, I discovered that 3 of the 4 wires have 12v being applied to the wires. The odd man out is a double black pair of wires that lead to the starter solenoid. When I apply 12v to that pair of wires the starter engages and spins the motor over.

I find this troubling in that I know that one of those wires should be a ground and not have voltage on it.


The wires are brown, purple/blue(it goes to the ignition relay) and the other is a small black/red wire. Like I said they all have power to them. Not being an electrical engineer even I know that there has to be a ground in order for the relay to engage. Is this the same B/R wire that runs thru the starter button? Does the starter button have 12v applied to it or does it supply the ground when pushed?


Any Thoughts?




Kenny - I found an assy guide for a Ford Sigma that has a wiring diagram at the back. Not sure if it's the same as yours but it might be of help in case Caterham hasn't gotten you the chassis diagram yet. Check it out here: https://www.sevener.fr/articles_redac/Assembly_Guide_Sigma.pdf From this wiring diagram, it looks like the four wires at the starter relay are White/Red, Brown, Brown/Red, and Black/Red.


There's also this one but I didn't see a wiring diagram: https://www.sevener.fr/articles_redac/Caterham-Assembly-Guide_Edition-1.0_Screen.pdf


Good luck, I'm going to be doing something similar 6 months from now!


Not much help I'm afraid... but thanks. This is very similar to the one Derek sent me. At least this one has a starter button on it, the one I have doesn't... lol. The relay block is totally different than mine. I think these diagrams are actually drawings for the manufacture of the wiring harness. Those light printed numbers in between junctions, terminals and connectors etc. are distances in MM's. Close to a diagram but not quite. I've been staring at the one I have for two days and I still can't find where N52 terminates, I see it at the starter, relay but I'll be darned if I can find where it goes.

Thanks again, Bruce!

I'll keep you posted,



Up and running! Apparently or my guess would be, the diode in the relay fizzed when Caterham put it where the flasher was supposed to be. Just by dumb luck and a case of well maybe the damn relay is bad, I put a different relay in, that I had laying around and she started! Life is good!


I managed to salvage some of the weekend and wired up and mounted the repeaters on the cycle wings. Pain in the butt getting the wire thru the wing support. Hint... Feed a very thin wire (I used phone wire) up from the bottom, tie off the repeater wire then pull the works back down thru. Works great!


Next up, gluing the cycle wings on. I purchased some professional grade 2 part metal bonding epoxy from a body shop on my Snapon route. I don't want to take any chances of the wings flying off! They use it instead of welding body panels together. They say it's stronger than welding.


They said to sand the wing uprights down to bare metal so the epoxy bonds to the metal better. I filed the paint completely off where the fender and support will meet. Also left the metal a bit rough for better bonding.


Congrats Kenny, glad it was a defective relay and didn't involve a miswired or defective harness. You've made great progress, keep it up!


Just a thought on attaching the front wings.

I used Bigheads and zip ties to attach my front wings, rock solid and easy to take off if you need to.

Just a thought on attaching the front wings.

I used Bigheads and zip ties to attach my front wings, rock solid and easy to take off if you need to.


Just got my delivery of Bigheads as well, waiting on actual new wings to appear to replace the bolted in ones now.


Were a little hard to source but thats my plan.


What did you end up using for bonding?


Sikaflex 292? or Sikaflex 221 or the 3m stuff?


Folks who track and or auto-X their se7ens sometimes attach the rear fenders with plastic fasteners. Then, when the inevitable offroad meeting with a tire wall, or a cone collision occurs, the fender and body separate amicably, rather than both being ripped up.


I can Concur with Kitcat's statement above. Having hit my share of cones, (3) I've gotten pretty good with fiberglass and Carbon Fiber repair. The nylon bolts break and the rear wing goes flying, but the aluminum skin and rivenuts are not damaged, and after a little patching and sanding, you are good to go.


Highly recommend it for all rear wings and clams. Tom


Bit unfair there Tom, Lucky-7 is probably a much better driver than you and won’t hit cones....or rocks...[emoji14]


If one is only going to hit cones (not tire walls, etc), you can use a cone catcher. After a couple repairs, I decided to let the cones suffer.



(Darn, nevwer had a problem attaching photos before)


Sometimes it's not a cone. Sometimes it's a tire carcass jumping in front of you on a very dark section of freeway at 5:30am.







Yikes! I suspect that woke you up plenty quick!!!


Hope you didn't get hurt.


A former student of mine had one come through the windshield after being tossed into the air by a truck.


I can think of a few forum members who hit deer. Then there was Taber who went bear hunting one day.....[emoji15]


It happened just north of San Francisco on the way back from USA2005. I hit the carcass with the left front, it then shot up along the tub (look closely and you can the rubber marks), hit the polycarbonate wind deflector, then down to the rear wing. Without the deflector, or if that was just made from plexiglass, it would have been a head or shoulder hit at over 70mph. i.e. it wouldn't have ended well...



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