Croc Posted May 8, 2022 Posted May 8, 2022 Welcome NJMP Drivers Club has generously invited USA7s back to NJMP in Millville, NJ to run the Thunderbolt Circuit. This will be the 12th running of the USA7s' participation in the NJMP Drivers Club HPDE. Dates: Sunday September 18 and Monday September 19, 2022 Please take the time to read all of the following information prior to registering. As in prior years, the NJMP Drivers Club is fully responsible for operating the day. Provided we have more than 10 cars sign up, they have generously allocated HPDE sessions to participants that will be Se7en only. This is desirable as you do not have to be out on track with big heavy cars around you, and your momentum will not be impeded by some big heavy car slowing you down through corners. The NJMP Drivers Club rules and regulations apply for registration, technical inspection, driver qualifications and all aspects of safety in compliance with New Jersey laws. They will offer the registration site and collect all fees for this event. As an incorporated not-for-profit club, USA7s does not make any money out of this event. Please keep in mind that NJMP Drivers Club Member Days are not a racing event but rather a Driver Education Day. You will learn to handle and control your vehicle at high speeds as well as explore the capabilities as a driver and those of your vehicle. At no time will you be pushed or encouraged to go any faster than is comfortable for you. All participants are organized into run groups based on experience, skill, and type of vehicle. Even if you do not wish to drive then there are reasons to join us. Spouses are welcome to join in the fun! It is a great social event to meet your fellow owners and share in the joy of our cars. If you are thinking of buying or building a Se7en then we recommend you join us. You can talk to a number of experienced owners and see a large range of cars in one spot to facilitate your building or buying experience or just get ideas for your car. Photographers have a ready made opportunity for pursuing automative photography and arrangements may be available to join the official NJMP photographer as he takes photos around the track. Schedule The event schedule is as follows: Saturday, September 17, 2022 Afternoon: Arrival at NJMP. Both days are being held on the Thunderbolt circuit. The Thunderbolt circuit is likely being utilized on the Saturday and so the pits may not be accessible until close of track operations around 5pm or so. If you arrive before 5pm then head to the either the Finish Line Pub/Clubhouse or alternatively to the on-NJMP property garages at 367 Corsair Drive (NJMP can provide directions). 5.30-6:00pm Welcome Pool Party at the Clubhouse/Finish Line Pub. Casual wear is appropriate. Sunday, September 18, 2022 7:30am Breakfast at the Clubhouse. Option to get grab and go box to bring back to pits 7:30am Registration and Tech inspection at the Thunderbolt pits area. 8:30am Mandatory Drivers Briefing near the control tower in the pits 9:00am Track is live 1:00pm 1 hour lunch break. Lunch is served at Clubhouse. Option for a grab and go box. 5:00pm Track is closed 6:30pm Dinner – Clubhouse/Finish Line Pub. Lighthearted awards session. Casual wear is appropriate. Monday, September 19, 2022 7:30am Breakfast at the Clubhouse. Option to get grab and go box to bring back to pits 7:30am Registration and Tech inspection 8:30am Mandatory Drivers Briefing near the control tower in the pits 9:00am Track is live 1:00pm 1-hour lunch break. Lunch is served at Clubhouse. Option for a grab and go box. 5:00pm Track is closed Dinner - We expect most will be heading home afterwards but for those still around I am sure something informal can be sorted out. The sessions times are subject to finalization and a schedule for that day will be handed out each daily driver briefing. Tuesday, September 20, 2021 For those hard-core track rats, I can arrange for a test session track day for a small number of you. Maximum cars would be 4-5. Please contact me via the details at the base of this post if you are interested. Registration Online registration for drivers and their guests is via MotorsportReg. Step 1 is to register as a user. Step 2 is to register and pay for the event using the links provided below. NJMP’s cancellation policy is outlined on the registration page. Late registration will incur a late fee. Drivers Club member' have a different HPDE cost to non-members reflecting their club subscriptions paid. Non-driving visitors are required to be registered by NJMP. If you are a driver bringing a guest, then there is space on the registration site to do this. The fee for non-driving visitors covers all refreshments during the day plus breakfast and lunch. If you are attending as a non-driver then we recommend you register on the day when you turn up as the registration site is not designed for guest only attendance. The following links should be used to sign up for each day individually. NJMP is going to modify the registration page to allow you to sign on as a USA7s member - This should happen next week. If they do not then by all means sign up as a Non-Member Guest in the white group, identify your car as a seven, and we will will work to move your registration into the right group later. Sunday Registration Link - September 18, 2022 Drivers Club Member Day Thunderbolt ( Monday Registration Link - September 19, 2022 Drivers Club Member Day Thunderbolt ( Event Requirements Safety: All safety requirements that are mandatory for all participants are specified in New Jersey Law – Chapter 62 here: Please read the section on HPDE as it will specify all safety and tech requirements you are subject to. Driver’s License: All drivers must have a valid Driver’s License and be at least 18 years of age to participate. You will be asked to present your Driver’s License at NJMP. Attire: NJ State Law requires all participants on the track wear long pants and closed toe shoes. No one in shorts will be permitted to enter the racetrack or pit lane. Driver overalls are perfectly acceptable but are not mandatory to those without them. Technical Inspection/Rules & Regulations You will be required to complete a tech inspection prior to the event. During the registration process, a link is provided to the tech inspection form. Please download, print and complete yourself ahead of the event – bring the completed form with your car to the tech inspection. Please read the HPDE section of New Jersey Law Chapter 62 seen here. These regulations are yet to be updated for 2015 helmet requirements: Some essential criteria for being able to participate in an HPDE at NJMP: Helmet required: A Snell M or SA rated full face helmet dated 2015 or newer is required for all drivers and passengers on the track. Open face helmets are not permitted in Se7ens. Rental helmets are available with prior arrangement through the NJMP General Store. Arm restraints: NJMP requires these as mandatory safety equipment in open cars Open top cars: Must have approved rollover protection. No pop up roll-bars or detachable hard tops. Chapter 62 makes no mention of requiring a cage or an FIA/SFI labelled roll bar. Broomstick rule is applicable for roll over protection. Broomstick is from top of roll bar to front chassis tube (at nosecone) as the windscreen is not viewed as structural. Belts: Only 5 or 6 point belts are acceptable. Belt age must be on a label on the belts. No label – no driving. SFI belts must be 2 years or newer. FIA belts must be within 5 years or newer. No 4-point belts allowed. No DOT 3-point belts are accepted in open cars like ours. Numbers: Painters tape or vinyl sticker numbers on both sides of your seven are acceptable. Please don’t pick “7” as everyone does that and you will be asked to change it. Tires: Please anticipate tire wear and do not turn up with marginal tire tread. Consider that the track may be damp in which case slick tires are unsafe. If you are close to wearing out a set of tires, then consider ordering and bringing a new spare set. TK Autosports can mount these on your wheels at the Thunderbolt pits for a small fee. You will have to go through a tech line on the day and complete a tech form. These forms will be available from NJMP on the day of the event. Other Matters Getting to NJMP: The GPS address of NJMP is 8000 Dividing Creek Road, Millville, NJ 08332. If you are coming to Millville on Rt 55 South, then it is strongly recommended that you exit off Rt 55 at Exit 24 as this route option avoids trailers having to make a sharp right turn in downtown Millville. While the signposts on Rt 55 say you should use Exit 27 to access NJMP, we do not recommend this option because of the difficulty you will have making the turn. Participants, including Drivers Club Members and their guests, are responsible for any damage to NJMP property including on track and off track. This includes damage to the Armco and tire wall barriers or for the white powder to soak up oil and coolant spills on track. A layout map of the NJMP property is provided below: Fuel: NJMP houses fuel stations at the Thunderbolt and Lightning pits. The stations are open from 8:30am to 3:30pm. The fuel station at Thunderbolt pits offers 93 & 100 octane (unleaded) and 110 & 112 octane (leaded). The fuel stations are permitted to fill containers in 5-gallon red fuel contains, as per NJ state law. Larger fuel containers of 10 gallons or more (any color) are permitted to be used as long as they are marked appropriately (stickers or writing on the container reading “FUEL”). General Store: NJMP has a convenient General Store open during Drivers Club days. Located at the back of the Thunderbolt pits, it sells refreshments, ice, driving equipment (helmets, boots, driving suits, gloves, etc.), oils, some tools, safety gear and other related items. It also does rental helmets should they be required. Spares: Consider what may or is likely to break on your cars and consider bringing some select spares of known frequent failure items that will keep you mobile during the weekend. Prior events have shown a need for bearings, throttle and clutch cables, TPS, brake pads/fluid, duct tape, silicone tape, Hylomar (for making fuel seals). Millville does have a Napa Parts outlet and Advance Auto but beyond this, specialist parts suppliers do not exist. Pit Set Up Location: We normally set up in the big barn-like garage in the center of the Thunderbolt pits. There are also garages underneath the Pit Suites complex. You are entitled to use of a garage during the daylight hours of the event. You can also choose to set up on the pits outside if you prefer a more outdoor setting. Overnight garage rental is available plus there is some storage space at Garage 367 of Exotic Car Garages on the Thunderbolt pits access road, in prior years we have had as many as 12 sevens in there plus a selection of other automotive money pits. Seating: We strongly encourage you to bring a folding chair or other seating as there is no seating in the pits provided by NJMP. Accommodation: There are a lot of preferred options available. NJMP has pit suites at Thunderbolt and Villa rental options available. Note the check in time is 7pm and the check out time is 3pm. This allows you use of the lodging during your day at NJMP. On-Site Accommodations – New Jersey Motorports Park ( In Millville, there is a Fairfield Inn and Holiday Inn Express. Conventional check in/out hours. In Vineland, about 10 miles away, there is a Hampton Inn or Wingate by Wyndham. Conventional check in/out hours. Camping is available at NJMP by permit along with power hook ups for RVs with a fee. Showers and bathrooms are at the Officers Club at the back of the Thunderbolt pits. Those with RVs also have the option of parking outside my garage and hooking up to my power. Camping and Electric – New Jersey Motorports Park ( Mechanics: TK Autosport has been our trusty mechanic of last resort when our cars have broken/melted/fallen apart. TJ Kenny and his team are a fantastic resource during Drivers Club event days, usually saving the day when it has all gone wrong. They are not free. Their rates are very reasonable given their experience. While they do frequently save the day, they are not miracle workers, so you are encouraged to take your preparation seriously. If you need help preparing your car in advance of the event, then TK Autosports can be reached at (888) 978-5506. They are located at Millville Airport, adjoining the NJMP site. They also have a tire shop located in the Thunderbolt pits. TK Autosports - Home Other attractions in the Millville area: There are other things to do around this part of southern NJ. The NJMP website has some suggested options: Around NJMP – New Jersey Motorports Park Contact: NJMP can be reached at (856) 327-8000. After hours, the main switchboard will not be answered. In this event, you should call the Main Gate security office on (856) 327-7255. Driving Format As we are participating in an NJMP Drivers Club event, we follow their practices for on-track behavior. We will have a series of exclusive Se7ens-only sessions. To accommodate the range of driving experience participating we follow intermediate HPDE group rules. Passing will be by invitation on. That is, a passing car will need to receive a point-by from the car being passed. No point-by, then no passing. It is courteous for drivers to monitor their rear vision mirrors and let cars past promptly. Passing zones are defined at the straights. You will be briefed on these at the Drivers Briefing or please ask and we can walk you through the track map. Passing in the turns is not acceptable. No passing in braking zones. Given sevens have such remarkable cornering and braking skills it is not expected that passing cars will be held up for any length of time if drivers of slower cars monitor mirrors and point-by promptly. These rules are intended for your safety and if followed should prevent car-to-car contact. In the past we have had no traffic issues or people being unreasonably held up on track. I put that down to good drivers participating and our remarkable little cars. Being considerate of other drivers on track goes a long way. If you are new to driving on track, then we encourage you to participate in the “Green Run” group. This is progressive paced laps and includes classroom sessions to help you understand the best techniques for driving on a circuit. It introduces the concepts progressively in a way to maintain the safety of you and your car plus facilitates your learning of core driving skills. A number of NJMP Drivers Club members who will be participating in the event have done substantial time on this track since it was first built in 10+ years ago and we can coach you on specific lines and driving approaches to get the best from your car on this circuit. Driving the Thunderbolt Circuit This circuit is technical in nature. The first half of the circuit is fast, long straights, fast sweepers, where the key is to carry as much speed as possible. The second half of the circuit is tight, technical and quite slow in average speed. This part contains the Jersey Devil section, comprised of the most radical decreasing radius corner (Turn 9) of any racetrack in North America, then a heavily off camber slow left corner (Turn 10) which rewards experimenting with different entry points, apex points and exit lines. For an instructional look at the circuit, below is a 360-degree video. For those who have not used one before then: Click through this video into YouTube itself. Play the video Move the camera around by (a) the arrows top left, or (b) clicking your mouse on the video playing and dragging to look behind, up, sides or down If you move the camera to point down slightly you will see I overlaid a track map on the passenger seat below the speed. You may have to move the view slightly right to read the various captions anyway as the YouTube screen size is narrower than my video edit app. Sorry no sound as this camera does not have an external mic. Time: 0:00 Leaving the pits - where to line up to await going out on circuit 0:23 Pit lane and the turn onto the circuit 0:40 Leaving the pits and the blend line you should follow merging onto track 0:52 For the next two warm up laps I have added text commentary on some of the more tricky corners and what you should not do. 5:35 Some clean laps at a good moderate pace to illustrate the lines. I deliberately tried lots of different lines in the Devil section of the Thunderbolt track to show you what happens - the speed is relatively low. Experimentation will teach you a lot about your car in this corner. Just watch the entry speed on the decreasing radius right hand corner on entry into the Devil - it will catch you out first time. 19:19 I follow Tom so you can see the track lines from a different perspective. 23:50 Returning to the pits and back of pits For those that have never participated in this event then two videos of the event by Glen S, a USA7s member, Lotus Enthusiast and all-round good guy, will help you appreciate it. This is above all a social event. We do it to enjoy our sevens’ unique handling and performance capabilities in a facility that allows safety compared with doing the same on road (which would be illegal too). There will be no racing or timing of events. We want the atmosphere to be relaxed and social, above all, enjoying our cars as they were designed to be used, in a mutually respectful and safe manner. We look forward to meeting you at the 2022 event! Questions: Should you have event related questions, then you can post them via USA7s (either PM or on this event thread) or by email to sevensarefun AT gmail DOT com. tboltmap.pdf
Vovchandr Posted May 8, 2022 Posted May 8, 2022 Unfortunately there is a scheduling conflict this year with a pending hospital stay for an expanding family. These dates are cutting it just too close
wemtd Posted May 9, 2022 Posted May 9, 2022 Vovchandr: Congratulations, you’ll be missed. Croc: count me in
Kitcat Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 Hard to believe its up to 12 years. Where does the time go? This event’s gestation actually occurred the year before when some of us participated in the Lotus Owners Group 30, in Gettysburg. That event brought Croc, Tom (YellowSS), Scott Lentz (RIP), MichaelD, and myself together for the first time. We had so much fun at the event’s track day at Summit Point that Tom, as I recall, came up with the idea of doing it together again, but this time without our friends in the Lotus Owners group. It has proven to be a huge success, in no small part due to the tireless efforts of Croc and Tom, combined with the world class track facility at NJMP. Not clear if I will sign up. As noted elsewhere, my 15 years of se7en ownership may be drawing to an end. I get my refurbished Caterham back from Rocky Mountain Caterham in 2 days. That will be immediately followed by a track day at nearby High Plains Raceway and then the long haul back to Cincy, so plenty of time to decide Stay tuned.
Croc Posted May 10, 2022 Author Posted May 10, 2022 45 minutes ago, Kitcat said: We had so much fun.... We actually hatched the plan on at the pre-dinner drinks on the main event night in October 2010 which was a day or so before the track day at Summit Point from recollection. We were outside the hotel just enjoying a wonderful evening, many drinks and lots of laughter. Tom definitely came up with the idea. I never attended the track day as I had to head off for work but I remember being part of the discussion that night. Mike - bring the Miata and we will get you in as a guest in the regular white group. Despite you not having a se7en we will let you participate in the fun as a "Emeritus" se7en owner.
Kitcat Posted May 10, 2022 Posted May 10, 2022 Deal Croc:)! See you in September, in either the mighty Miata, or the even mightier Caterham. Will this event see the debut of the CatKong? Or, is NJMP too small to contain it:)???
CarlB Posted May 11, 2022 Posted May 11, 2022 Kitcat I have a feeling that outing in Colorado will change your mind about your Cat. I am looking forward to seeing you one way or the other, but hopefully with the Cat.
Kitcat Posted May 12, 2022 Posted May 12, 2022 My Caterham’s mechanical refurbishment was pretty comprehensive (shocks, springs, wheels, tires, alignment, front brakes, steering rack with a slower ratio, etc), so the handling should be much improved. So we shall see. Speaking of seeing, I like the new mirror concept!
CarlB Posted May 12, 2022 Posted May 12, 2022 You need to come see my shiny new paint!! I have a American car with backup lights. 1
Boxologist Posted May 18, 2022 Posted May 18, 2022 On 5/10/2022 at 3:45 PM, Kitcat said: Hard to believe its up to 12 years. Where does the time go? This event’s gestation actually occurred the year before when some of us participated in the Lotus Owners Group 30, in Gettysburg. That event brought Croc, Tom (YellowSS), Scott Lentz (RIP), MichaelD, and myself together for the first time. We had so much fun at the event’s track day at Summit Point that Tom, as I recall, came up with the idea of doing it together again, but this time without our friends in the Lotus Owners group. It has proven to be a huge success, in no small part due to the tireless efforts of Croc and Tom, combined with the world class track facility at NJMP. Not clear if I will sign up. As noted elsewhere, my 15 years of se7en ownership may be drawing to an end. I get my refurbished Caterham back from Rocky Mountain Caterham in 2 days. That will be immediately followed by a track day at nearby High Plains Raceway and then the long haul back to Cincy, so plenty of time to decide Stay tuned. Wooooooooooooowwwwww. To be forgotten so completely UN- -F___ING- -BELEIVABLE I checked in hoping for a Independence Day weekend event, but being away from a holiday may make this easier for me for me to come down, show the face, and catch up on many missed friends, years, events, and stories of the aforementioned.
yellowss7 Posted May 18, 2022 Posted May 18, 2022 Box, how the hell are you? About time you finally make one of these. You were there in Gettysburg with us way back then. Make it happen. You still have the 7?
Croc Posted May 18, 2022 Author Posted May 18, 2022 7 hours ago, Boxologist said: Wooooooooooooowwwwww. To be forgotten so completely UN- -F___ING- -BELEIVABLE I checked in hoping for a Independence Day weekend event, but being away from a holiday may make this easier for me for me to come down, show the face, and catch up on many missed friends, years, events, and stories of the aforementioned. Hey Jon! About time you surface! Hope all is well? Come and say hi for the event. It would be great to see you again.
Kitcat Posted May 18, 2022 Posted May 18, 2022 (edited) Jon: Gone, but not forgotten. I got my only clean run at the LOG 30 auto-x after you jumped in as a passenger and told me when to turn:)! You also came to USA7S at the Tail of the Dragon in ’07 and you hauled an Automobile magazine scribe with you in your Caterham as he was covering the event and did a great write up after the event that commorated the 50 anniversary of the Lotus 7. Edited May 18, 2022 by Kitcat
yellowss7 Posted July 25, 2022 Posted July 25, 2022 It’s about 8 weeks until our Sevens at NJMP event. Hopefully those who plan on coming are ready or at least have all the parts needed to get ready. I’m waiting for a radiator for the Orange car and need to install a new ignition switch on the Yellow car. I know of one other long time participant that might need to find and install a Duratec 2.0l if anyone has a spare on hand. Original interest level was pretty sparse when we first posted. This might be the swan song if the interest is not there as NJMP will not be as kind to give us our own sevens run group for less than 10 cars. Looking forward to seeing you, hopefully we will see CATKONG. 🤞🤪 1
Vovchandr Posted July 25, 2022 Posted July 25, 2022 41 minutes ago, yellowss7 said: It’s about 8 weeks until our Sevens at NJMP event. Hopefully those who plan on coming are ready or at least have all the parts needed to get ready. I’m waiting for a radiator for the Orange car and need to install a new ignition switch on the Yellow car. I know of one other long time participant that might need to find and install a Duratec 2.0l if anyone has a spare on hand. Original interest level was pretty sparse when we first posted. This might be the swan song if the interest is not there as NJMP will not be as kind to give us our own sevens run group for less than 10 cars. Looking forward to seeing you, hopefully we will see CATKONG. 🤞🤪 Not that it's going to make a difference but I feel it's important to clarify that on my end the interest is definitely there to always go, but this year there is a conflict in scheduling as the date is right on par with the due date of a new family member. I certainly hope that next year is in the cards as well for us to join.
Black Hole Posted July 25, 2022 Posted July 25, 2022 I plan to attend. And since I have covid now, I should be pretty well protected in 8 weeks
yellowss7 Posted July 26, 2022 Posted July 26, 2022 Jay, I hope you have a mild case and will bounce back quickly. I will count you as a definite. 👍 By my count you are number 10. So hopefully we don’t lose any one and maybe pick up a few more. Maybe some of the new owners on the east coast will be up for a road trip. Vlad, good luck with the new addition. Make sure to let us know when the big day happens. It just may qualify Page for an award. 😜 1
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