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coffee break

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Everything posted by coffee break

  1. The Pemberton looks to be scary fast. Skinny tires, and lots of motor for not much weight, but is a good looking project.
  2. I recall others have been down this rabbit hole before, put out a call for MD Inspection bumpers.
  3. I have gone to wearing long pants when out on a blat to prevent scorched calf. This is after adding header wrap and applying thermal barrier material to the firewall and some of the tranny tunnel.
  4. I think they are 185/70-14, it was the only 14's Tire Rack offered.
  5. Compare and Contrast 4 wheels 4 wheels 2 cylinders 2 cylinders V-2 H-2 656cc 602cc 22 HP 28 HP 1 Seat 4 seats 42" mower 4 doors Hydrostatic drive 4 forward gears Reverse Reverse
  6. My guess is the system is pressurized during operation. The cap on the t-stat housing should have a spring to hold the sealing surface down. A new cap rated at 10 to 13 psi is an inexpensive experiment.
  7. FWIW recheck the electrical connections involved in the clutch replacement and ground connections.
  8. The bracing on the dash looks to be S3.
  9. That T-stat sounds suspect. They are a low budget item and you should have a choice of operating temperatures.
  10. A 2000 lbs 7? At least you could get the tires hot.
  11. I've had the cable shield out of place happen and cause excessive revving also. A little bailing wire and tie-wraps so so you can tame that.
  12. The graphics are all wrong on the packaging... I have to use this stuff, my Cat keeps marking its territory.
  13. The Donkervoort D8 GTO should be in a Transformer movie.
  14. In the close-up photo "CATERHAM" can be seen, so it must be all theirs.
  15. It's back! www.atlantabritishcarfayre.com After being canceled for 2020 it is scheduled for Sept. 11, 2021
  16. Another FWIW... I don't recall if this issue has been addressed and that is that possibility of vacuum leaks. You can use carb cleaner to hunt with. A spray on an area like intake gaskets etc. and listen for a change in RPM. Happy hunting.
  17. Just an off the wall thought, any thoughts on lubricating the moving parts, shafts and hiem joints?
  18. If the wheel was wacked enough to require replacement, it would be a good ides to check all the front end. Bent arms and cracked welds come to mind.
  19. Things I would check... - Spark @ plugs - Power to ECU - Ground connections FWIW
  20. I've seen this before, but today I was able to get the photo.
  21. RHD & crossflow, I can relate. Rich carbs, that too, I roll mine outside to start. It marks the wall with soot if I start it inside.
  22. Looks like a rivet of some sort.
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