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Everything posted by jlumba81

  1. Also check the drive axles. Mine is the type that has stubs that go into the differential. That differential has the bolt on flange.
  2. Thanks for the heads up. Guess its time to finally get my wipers repaired.
  3. I don't suppose there's another tps you can use that has the correct voltage range?
  4. Don't suppose you'll have a straight shot to the crank bolt if you remove the radiator and use a long extension?
  5. I've done a couple 700 mi in 1 day trips and they aren't too bad. Consider doing a lot of miles the first day then taper down. 2.5 gas cans are a nice size.
  6. Bring earplugs and keep hydrated. Fill up after 150 miles or until you get used to how the gas gauge reads.
  7. Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but a holley hydramat might help you out with the fuel issues.
  8. Heat, rust penetrant, and a manual impact driver. Local parts store might have a cordless impact wrench for rent if that doesn't work.
  9. Great customer service too. I got free replacement brackets shipped to me when I accidentally broke them.
  10. The right fender looks a bit off compared to the left side. Don't suppose you have a bubble level to check directly on the wheel?
  11. Thanks for the videos. Nice driving, did you end up going to the R888 tires?
  12. How's your fuel tank? I actually found pinecones in mine when I changed out my fuel pump in my caterham.
  13. Old webpage lists the price at $10,220. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/news/motus-v4-baby-block-available-crate-engine
  14. Here's the thread link. Post on how he made them is post #26.
  15. The metal ring looks neat and tidy.
  16. How does the intake work? It has air horns on the passenger side and a cone air filter below that.
  17. If you can find the correct bolt size and thread pitch, stage 8 header bolts would prevent them from loosening.
  18. Is the starter on the exhaust side? It may be a good idea to put some insulation on it like this product. You can always push start the car. I was lucky enough to have a couple guys help push start my 7 when I killed the battery a few years ago.
  19. I'm new to RA-1 tires in 205/60r13 and even at 30-40 degree weather gravel flies everywhere. I can't imagine how sticky they will be in 60-70 degree weather. I was looking into getting the Toyo R1R but couldn't pass on 13x6 Panasports that Bruce had on sale. The softer sidewalls make for a more comfortable ride, but I did lose 1/2 inch of ground clearance going from a 205/45r16.
  20. For stuff that doesn't run for more than 2 months I just use the good old red Stabil fuel additive, but there's no ethanol in our fuel here.
  21. Here's a link to the petition against the EPA rule change.
  22. Might be worth getting it wrapped in another color. It would probably sell faster.
  23. Try cleaning off the spark plugs with brake clean and a wire brush, then run a tank or two of fuel injector cleaner. A bottle of combustion chamber cleaner may help too, if there is any carbon build up on the valves and pistons.
  24. Thanks. Strapping it down on to a pallet would probably be the easiest and cheapest way to ship it to Juneau. Appreciate you willing to do this for me. Tire shipping alone from tirerack would have cost me $176.
  25. I don't suppose you could mount some Toyo Proxes RA1 205/60r13 on them and ship them by barge to 99801? Lynden Transport, Alaska Marine Lines or Northland Services?
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