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Nick OTeen

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Everything posted by Nick OTeen

  1. Take a few minutes and read the article at the following link: http://www.caterhamr500.co.uk/2016/05/carbon-cycle-wing-replacement-with-guide.html You can also browse through these images that might give you more ideas and help provide additional information: https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1907&bih=1052&ei=SUkxW72CPcO8sQWB3ayQBQ&q=caterham+big+head+fasteners&oq=caterham+big+head+fasteners&gs_l=img.3...1033.7298.0.9834.
  2. They do look much better with those huge front bumpers removed. http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=13840&stc=1
  3. Yes, likewise with my 2005 SV which has, what I was told to be, one of the last few of the Arch-produced frames.
  4. http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=13716&stc=1
  5. One way to go would be to follow the lead of the intercooler mounting and ducting as used by the factory on the 620R. http://images.pistonheads.com/nimg/28053/Caterham620R_08-L.jpg http://images.pistonheads.com/nimg/28053/Caterham620R_04-L.jpg
  6. Even if it will, it may not matter. There's more to be found in the unattributed article (that can be found on multiple sites) that you copied and pasted from to create your post. Consider the following: https://blog.caranddriver.com/now-you-can-buy-the-honda-civic-type-rs-ferocious-engine-in-a-crate/
  7. Check out this one from California Car Cover. It's one inch high when retracted and slightly longer than one foot: https://www.calcarcover.com/product/low-profile-billet-aluminum-jack/705 http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=13410&stc=1 Another (lower cost) option would be to do a search on motorcycle scissor jacks on eBay. Most are not as compact as the above but there are some candidates to be considered.
  8. Very cool. I'd like to build something similar to hang on the wall. I have a Caterham SV so I'd like to find plans for that frame to make a wooden model.
  9. Don't worry. I chided Jay a while back for referring to Caterham having copied Lotus. He likes my Caterham and even sat in during one of my visits to the Big Dog Garage.
  10. Rick Benewitz was a longtime friend of mine and I know his 7 (now owned by my friend Jim Hall) quite well. While Rick did some upgrades over the years such as adding a dry sump system and upping the horsepower) it is a very original car. The "26R" in the video is a spectacular car. Jim did a fantastic job on every detail and I'm proud to say I had a hand in some of the final details of finishing the car.
  11. If you are revving the engine higher, how can you simultaneously be at a lower rpm?
  12. My Caterham is powered by a Zetec SVT engine and has an MSD tach adapter attached to the firewall. Is that what is on the firewall of your car? It's only function is to take a signal from the ECU and convert it to one the tach can use.
  13. You are, of course, correct. I didn't word my post very well. I should have said the CSR frame was based on the SV. As you correctly pointed out there are differences due to the needs of the suspension (among other things) but ultimately, as you say, the dimensions are the same.
  14. The CSR is built using the SV frame.
  15. With the taller tire (taller sidewall) you can typically expect to experience some loss in steering response and some loss in overall handling. Additionally, the 4 inch taller tire means you'll raise the car 2 inches from the ground if you don't adjust the ride height to compensate. That would raise the center of gravity which would further effect handling.
  16. What an historic moment, car, and driver. Well done, sir. I'd love to have something like that hanging on one of my walls.
  17. I have seen Pertronix units fail more than once. I've even had a brand new one fail after twenty minutes of running. Have you confirmed that you're getting a spark at the plugs?
  18. When I took my Caterham to the local CHP office I asked if the factory VIN that is stamped into one of the square frame tubes (alongside the engine) could be used rather than assigning a new VIN. After the officer ran the verification he came back out and said the factory VIN would be the one used. I don't recall that the CHP officer I dealt with bothered to look for a number on the transmission. He was only concerned with the VIN and the engine number.
  19. Being more than a bit of a purist I've always held to the notion that the only true 7 is either a Lotus or a Catherham. As such, I dearly love my Caterham. However, that being said, I am a huge fan of the Donkervoort cars and have lusted after them for years. If they were legal here I'd have one. http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=12321&stc=1http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=12322&stc=1http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=12320&stc=1
  20. They do but they only work (at keeping the system operating voltage between 13.5 and 14.5 volts) when the engine is running.
  21. It should definitely be checked again with the engine running. Assuming everything is healthy with the alternator, when the engine is running the alternator does not "help" the battery, it takes over for the battery as it provides the electricity needed and determines the operating voltage. The battery's function is simply to store the energy needed to start the engine.
  22. http://www.usa7s.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=12186&stc=1
  23. I may be mistaken but it looks like the sketch was created by using an app that takes an existing photo and gives it a "sketched" look. I have such an app on my iPhone. There are also Photoshop plug-in filters that will provide similar effects.
  24. I keep toying with the idea of getting a carbon fiber aeroscreen to be able to shift back and forth between it and the windshield. I can't help but wonder if the best option would be get a second aluminum cowl (painted to match the car) and leave the windshield attached to the existing cowl and mount the aeroscreen to the second. Then it would be simply (in the relative sense) a matter of dismounting one cowl/screen assembly and installing the other in its place.
  25. Thanks. Good to know.
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